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Posted: May 13th, 2009, 11:23 am
by mtmynd
i heard the barking of kittens
and the gentle meow of pups
the roots of trees in full bloom
while the leaves hid themselves
under the mulch of centuries

the waters no longer ran
but walked step by step
leaving reflective puddles
in their wake as i slept thru
the moon setting over the
pyrenees covered in elephants

i heard the tinkle of token breaths
singing of days no longer to bee
buzzing like hermaphroditic clowns
whose faces were painted with sands
from the ancient deserts of the southwest

((mustard on my sandwich, please))

Posted: May 13th, 2009, 9:06 pm
by hester_prynne
Incredibly rich stuff here Cec. The last verse, too good to even try to describe.
ENjoyed ENjoyed!
H 8)
(I know this is a jam but I couldn't resist....forgive me)

Posted: May 13th, 2009, 10:20 pm
by judih
jam police out to harass one non-jamher
till they get confused
earth spins off the charts
gotta hold on for dear life
sirens go ultra
inner ear dances ancient cult steps
all's awry
(hester slips through the net)
(once again)
life laughs
(once again)

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 10:23 am
by Jacob
Jam you say? Am I too late?
To flam jabber jib jabby and eat some cake?
Perhaps it is to late to fill my plate?
Then a short rhyme I will fake...

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 10:33 am
by judih
step on in
no fake required
be what you are
come when you can

Posted: May 14th, 2009, 12:56 pm
by Arcadia
new schedule for today
net wandering until 2.30 pm
then, I´ll go-go
(mustard seeds is the same?)
somehow between
fussili with cream
& Venado Tuerto´s cheese
bought last tuesday
in San Martín square´s fair
(wow!! .. and weather again for coffee!!!)

Posted: May 15th, 2009, 7:00 am
by judih
between thoughts of jam
watched black friday youtubes
bags of dark raisins
photo redefined sunsets
i parade ideas through my mind
infinite written in shorthand
encrypted ephiphanies
condensed to a scrawl

Posted: May 16th, 2009, 12:58 am
by still.trucking
the birth of mirth
for the earth
it could use a good laugh
even if it is gallows humor
space ship earth six billion souls on board
chasing after a better life, liberty and the pursuit of property
I been wondering if coming down from the trees was our first mistake
But I have heard leaving the oceans was a bad move too.

Have you ever felt the continuity of all life flowing in your veins

Posted: May 16th, 2009, 2:28 am
by hester_prynne
The girth
of the earth
is an underground
where we all
bow down
to Mr. YoYo man
the first,
shoutin from
shingled rooftops,
in a clarinety
not very good
coulda been worse.

Posted: May 16th, 2009, 8:52 am
by still.trucking
I can always make it worse
I can't hear the verse

Yo yo ma
fiddling on the roof

no fear little babies
no fear

it is going to be okay
one way or the other

nature will strike a balance
and daddy is going to buy u lots of new toys

Posted: May 16th, 2009, 10:50 am
by judih
daddy don't buy no toys no more
daddy knows don't need no toys no more
a kid needs a daddy fo love, fo sure
love don't need much
nice to have a roof overhead
a little food, some hot water
nice to have clean clothes
all's good, lucky to have it
lucky to have some daddy love
rememberin the love
is real lucky

Posted: May 16th, 2009, 2:11 pm
by still.trucking
daddy in the sky with diamonds
mama in the graveyard with the kids

life in the McHoly land
open season on women and children

Hard to believe
with all those credit cards

you would think we would be happier
there will be an answer

Posted: May 16th, 2009, 2:16 pm
by judih
time to reclaim
back to the mantra
breathe, sing, plant
get it together

Posted: May 16th, 2009, 2:20 pm
by still.trucking
I must be a sugar daddy today
I should refrain posting
my blood sugar brings on these black moods
I can't see the light
In Israel you have home made rockets falling on your head
hear in the McHoly land we got men with shotguns killing their families
every day.
every day

I am looking for the mirth in the earth
it could all change
so quick
can not loose hope
faith in fathers
faith in mothers
but most of all
all I got
is faith in the children
oh please
teach your children
their father's hell
did slowly go by

oh well

Posted: May 16th, 2009, 3:14 pm
by still.trucking
It is a freak show
Because I know
It is a beautiful small
blue green planet
there is an unseen hand
in the market place
I have heard
that regulates

so there is
I believe
the hand of nature
it is man's conceit
to believe he has a mightier hand
the balance of nature will be restored

I would dearly love to be a poet
I know carriage returns do not make a poem
so line these words up in short walls
of cinder block words in hope
I could convey
my optimism
my hope
that all is well
with us or without us
life will go on.

I can't see the dead zones in the ocean from here
the Texas sized trash pile in the pacific ocean
the mountain top removal in West Virginia
I can't see the poisons in my drinking water
To my weary eyes looking out my window
It is still a beautiful earth.
My roses are blooming
the squirrels are squirreling black birds bathing

and now a sweet spring rainfall is falling
and my tomato plants are growing

so fuck you starving babies in Darfur
screw you third world children poisoned on toxic dumps
I got mine

I wish I was a catholic or a hindu
instead of a heretic
I would have better metaphors