Narrowing down the book title - Final Voting Here

S8 anthologies & member's books.

What should be the title of our first book? Please select the title you like best. All were submitted by members.

Infinity Sideways
Ad Infin8um
Infinite Tide
Eight to the Bar - Infiniti Sideways
Total votes: 27

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Narrowing down the book title - Final Voting Here

Post by Doreen Peri » November 23rd, 2006, 5:12 pm

Hi all.

I reviewed the votes on the other 3 poll threads judih set up and selected the top 7 so we can vote again to narrow down the title.

Not sure if this is what judih had in mind..... I think she maybe envisioned narrowing it down farther to 3 (one from each poll) but there were several ties so this is a new poll... the final poll... using all the titles that got 3 or more votes.

Please vote for the one you like the best.

Thank you!

Oh and I'm working on the manuscript this weekend so those who have volunteered to be on the committee to review the submissions should get a copy of it in a week or so.
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Post by judih » November 24th, 2006, 12:42 am

This is a good poll, doreen. That we managed to narrow it down to 7 from 29 good suggestions is, alone, something of a feat.

good morning, people. i voted, did you?

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Post by WIREMAN » November 24th, 2006, 7:49 am

I voted it's off to play...
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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I Voted

Post by learner » November 24th, 2006, 8:12 am

Thanks for asking me to vote.learner
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Post by creativesoul » November 24th, 2006, 10:17 pm

i vote for that
anytime any day

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Post by judih » November 25th, 2006, 2:22 am

have you checked the voting results today?

(as of this post, infinite tide is ahead by one)

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Post by panta rhei » November 25th, 2006, 11:06 am

infinite tide - words turned sideways. eight ways to breathe. word tides - infinite poetry.

infinite poetide.

infinite word tides.
cre8tive word tides.

(the two words written underneath each other, a figure eight forming and connecting the 'o' of word and the 'd' of tides. and, maybe even, the figure eight being created by a loop of the word 'infinite', like a moebius strip).

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Post by alienpoet » November 25th, 2006, 4:36 pm

again,it wouldn't take my vote so i am out of the Loop!
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Post by jimboloco » November 26th, 2006, 6:27 pm

did you sign in? duh?
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Post by Doreen Peri » November 27th, 2006, 12:21 pm

AP - I'm sorry you were unable to vote. I don't understand why. If you were logged in to post, you should have been able to vote.

Thank you all so much for your votes!

Looks like "Infinite Tide" won hands down!

Who wrote that title?

It's a nice title and lends itself to inspiration for a cover design as well as subtitle sections of the book, a forward about the tides of creating art whether it be poetry or visual arts, etc.

I feel inspired!...


To all who have contributed to the book and to the review committee...

I don't know what I was thinking! I planned on getting the master manuscript together during the past few days but all I was able to accomplish was to copy all the submissions on the 8-images event thread and put all the submissions in one place. I didn't have time to work on the manuscript ... busy with family, a trip to the airport in baltimore, a thanksgiving celebration and 15 or so teenagers celebrating my daughter's birthday yesterday. So after my daughter and I clean up the cake and ice cream from the food fight (boy did THEY have fun!) and I get my regular work projects on track, I will be working on the manuscript this week for...

Infinite Tide

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Post by izeveryboyin » November 27th, 2006, 12:46 pm

will I get attacked if I say I hate the title? B/c if so it's awesome. If not... I hate the title. I think either imagin8ons shouldva got it or eight ways to the bar etc... but the people have spoken. You mentioned something about subtitle sections? Do we get to vote on those as well?

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Post by Doreen Peri » November 27th, 2006, 1:00 pm

Hey izzy!

You said it.. the people have spoken. But this doesn't mean we can't combine the title with the runner up... Imagin8tions... there's an idea.

I really like that one, too.


Infinite Tide (title) - poetic & artistic Imagin8tions (subtitle)

or something like that.



Any other suggestions?

I really need to move forward with putting together a manuscript. The sections of the book won't be clear until we go through the process of selecting material.

I do have something in mind for the forward...

Something about being infinitely tied together as artists & writers... something about how artistry in all its forms is infinitely tied together... to play on the word tide with "tied."

I am hoping you all will allow me the leeway to create the sections of the book in a way which will be appealing. To go through a process of voting for section titles will take a lot of time and it really is time to move forward. There is much work to do to get this set up.... so I hope you love me and trust me enough to try to cre8 something imagin8tive which will do everybody's work justice.

What do you think of using "imagin8tions" in the subtitle?

Does the thought of that tide you over? ;)

(sending you a PM, izzy)

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Post by judih » November 27th, 2006, 1:55 pm

i'm not one to admit to my secret ballot, but i do agree with izevery. i love imagin8tions, but then again infinite tide has a lovely swell about it.

both of them are soft sounding with huge scope - both are good.

And the title vote was probably the easiest part about the book. How to select the final pieces will be hard, very difficult indeed.

(If i say 'indeed', will i rise to the status of impartial judge? or will i take on the persona of an egotistic wig-wearing high-falutin feudal lord)

in any case, when the food comes off the walls, and things settle down, and when the manuscript is ready, well, that'll be the time to begin the next phase.

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Post by panta rhei » November 27th, 2006, 1:58 pm

"infinite tide" was one of my suggestions, one of those ideas that spontaneously came to my mind when i thought about the number eight and its connection to oxygen / breath / inhale-exhale on one hand, and infinity on the other.

of course it is nice to see that a few people like it, but it is still just an uncooked idea, and i'd love it if we played around with it, turning it sideways, upside down and inside out, titling it, subtitling it, combining it, changing it, even completely. i played around with it myself in my previosu post, thinking out loud.

i like the idea of playing with the word tide / tied. i also like the title imagin8tions.

i also think that the choice of title should maybe be influenced by the kind of poems / artwork submitted.

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Post by Doreen Peri » November 27th, 2006, 2:34 pm

How about reversing them?

"Imagin8tions - An infinite tide of art and poetry"


Making decisions about what will be published in the book and what won't shouldn't take that long after I put together the master manuscript with all the submissions.

Everybody who submitted will be represented as this is a community project and all the material is very good. That's my opinion.

We *could* actually publish all of it without eliminating anything and be quite proud of the book. It's all great stuff!

That said, I'm glad we've made this a community project where we are working together to create it and where we are listening to each other's opinions because this way the very best material will be included (but of course, we all know these types of decisions are subjective and a matter of taste).

Nothing is set in stone. This project will evolve. It's going to be a really great book! I just know it!

But I do need to think forward and set deadlines for the project because otherwise it will be an infinite work in progress .... meaning it will never be finished. LOL!

So, I'm setting a deadline for myself to have the master manuscript with all submissions compiled within a week.

Any more ideas on the title.... playing with it, turning it around, etc... as panta suggested... are of course, welcome!


Here are a couple of thoughts from my day job...

When I create logo or other design choices for a company, I only give them 3 choices because the more I give, the more they like and they have a difficult time choosing. That's why we're having a hard time choosing the final title. They're all good!

Decisions aren't easy sometimes but there comes a time when they have to be made, or project deadlines slide by and nothing gets completed.


I'm just expressing those two thoughts about what I've learned from my day job (which includes doing projects very similar to this... collaborations with the input of many) because in the end, not everybody's going to be totally happy with every little detail about the project since that's how collaborations always are.... but we WILL be happy with the final product because it will be wonderful.... and we'll feel great that we made decisions together along the way creating it.


I'm rambling. Apologies.

I am infinitely breathing... excited about this project and grateful to all who are participating.

Thank you.

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