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Posted: February 12th, 2009, 2:40 pm
by Lightning Rod

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for release 02-13-09
Dallas, Texas
by Lightning Rod

It's a sorry world. Everybody seems to be sorry for something. Michael Phelps is sorry for having his picture taken while bonging it. Obama is sorry that he screwed up with respect to the Daschel appointment. A-Rod is sorry that he enhanced his performance when he was playing for the Rangers. The CEOs are sorry for stealing so much money. The peanut butter guys are chanting their mea culpas. We witness a veritable orgy of apologies.

The excuses are myriad, 'I was young and foolish', 'I was doing what everybody else was doing,' 'the intelligence was bad,' and of course the universal excuse, 'I'm only human.'

Apologies mean nothing without a sincere resolve to change. You can say, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I"m sorry" over and over again. It's free. But until you change the behavior that causes you to be sorry, you will just continue to be sorry.

Sorry has several meanings. It can be a game played in life or on a board. It can be an expression of regret or apology. It can also mean 'inspiring sorrow, pity, scorn, or ridicule,' as in, 'he was a sorry sob.'

I'm sorry that life isn't perfect and that we are not all Jesus Christ paragons of virtue. I'm sorry that there are car wrecks and wars, diseases and other needless death. I'm sorry that we don't live forever and love each other with no limit. I'm sorry that friction collides with momentum and that gravity fights with spin. But it does no good for me to be sorry for these things because I can't make any meaningful resolve to change them.

I'm sorry that Michael Phelps got caught smoking pot. I'm sorry that it should be an issue in the first place. I'm sorry that the peanut butter was bad. I'm sorry that athletes feel the need to pump themselves up with hormones just to compete. I'm sorry that human nature inclines us toward greed and power lust and selfishness.

None of this sorriness makes a bit of difference without a sincere resolve to change. When it degenerates into excuses and justifications, it's just sorry.

The Poet's Eye drips a tear of sorrow. Let's don't apologize, let's don't be sorry. Let's Change.

You tell me mistakes
are part of being young
but that don't right
the wrong that's been done
---Brenda Lee

Posted: February 12th, 2009, 7:47 pm
by jimboloco
I am at work after a hectic first half, a goofoff second half.
I am sorry that Phelps is sorry fior smoking pot.
I am sorry that I didn't want my crazy Marine acquaintance coming down after his Marine reunion last year.
What else am I sorry for?
Personally? I am sorry I took a performance enhancing drug when my wife was drunk last year,
What else?
I am sorry that L Rod don't have a national syndicated column.
Quote, "Why do0 I have to pee so much?"
I am sorry that I saw an old lady pull a Janet Jackson today.
What else?
I don't really know. Maybe that I am not yet completely grown up at 61 1/2! :P


Posted: February 12th, 2009, 8:03 pm
by roxybeast
I'm sorry that I even read this piece of crap!
Ooops, ... and sorry for typing that out loud. :),

Love ya,

I am sorry

Posted: February 13th, 2009, 3:21 am
by Kreddible Trout
I am sorry that I don't come round as often as I used to. I sincerely mean to try to make an honest attempt to remedy this but I'm not making any promises.
I do have to make a point to stop by more often for some L-Rod words of wisdom.

i'm such a busy little bee. no I'm a fish.

Posted: February 13th, 2009, 10:44 am
by mtmynd
"Let's don't apologize, let's don't be sorry. Let's Change."

That's the ticket. Well said, eLRod.

Posted: February 13th, 2009, 8:17 pm
by stilltrucking
I'm sorry that life isn't perfect and that we are not all Jesus Christ paragons of virtue. I'm sorry that there are car wrecks and wars, diseases and other needless death. I'm sorry that we don't live forever and love each other with no limit. I'm sorry that friction collides with momentum and that gravity fights with spin. But it does no good for me to be sorry for these things because I can't make any meaningful resolve to change them.
That is what appeals to me about Hinduism.

Everything is perfect as it is.

I been thinking about becoming a Catholic.

A priest even.

Good eye clay
One of your best
But I think I say that about all of them.

Posted: February 15th, 2009, 7:59 am
by Dave The Dov
I'm sorry that the rest of the world hasn't read this wonderful piece you wrote!!!! :D

Posted: February 17th, 2009, 8:05 pm
by tonyc
I've never understood that term "I'm sorry"...I don't offer or accept aplogies, they're completely worthless.
If you're so dam sorry, why did you do it?
I guess "I'm sorry" means I feel guilty for getting caught or please overlook my fuckups, or something like that.
Nope, I've never understood that term or's a weird concept.
Guess I'm weird..

Posted: February 18th, 2009, 12:47 pm
by mtmynd
i'm sorry you feel that way, tonyc.