where are you hester????

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where are you hester????

Post by Doreen Peri » May 2nd, 2008, 7:04 am

I need you to read my chart for me!

I'm at a crossroads sitting in limbo, totally confused!


(heh... we've missed you on your forum. Come back come back!)

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Post by westcoast » May 2nd, 2008, 11:00 am


well, if hester is giving readings i certainly need one!!

hester, where are you?!?!



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Post by Perdida » May 6th, 2008, 7:03 am

I'm where Doreen's at.
The path to true love isn't always straight.


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Post by hester_prynne » May 9th, 2008, 3:45 pm

Hey you guys! Sorry I've been reallly busy trying to find a job, and grieving the loss of a very important influence on my life...been rather in the glums...but could get you some chart stuff here soon...I need your birthdates, birthtimes and birth locations, so give me that stuff and i'll see what's currently in your stars...why in fact it would be a pleasure to do so!!!!!
As Always,
H 8)
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Post by Doreen Peri » May 9th, 2008, 4:00 pm

She's here! YAY!

I was born in Washington, DC on July 21.

(you did this for me once before and i loved it!)

Sorry to hear you lost someone dear to you. :( ... I know you've been busy. I know that perfect job is waiting for you soon and you'll find it! Hope your visit with Stella was wonderful! (I know it was). Cheer up, ok? There's not room in this world for two people being depressed. And it's my turn. :P

Thanks if you get to this.... I would appreciate it ... and look! You have people lining up for you! That must feel great! The only time they line up for me is when they're in front of me at a public bathroom.

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Post by hester_prynne » May 9th, 2008, 4:26 pm

Ha Ha! Oh Doreen, you made me laugh so hard with that last line....made me realize how much I need to laugh these day.....keep those jokes coming folks...and stay tune for the stars report, coming to you soon!!!!!
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Post by hester_prynne » May 15th, 2008, 2:33 pm

Working on finding a spot of time to do this, pardon the delay, i'm looking for work and using a friend's computer...so need to be discreet and all...I'll try to get to it later today...
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Post by Perdida » May 16th, 2008, 7:54 am

Hey Hester,

I'd love it if you could... when you find some time, no hurry *smile*

I was born in Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia, on June 13, 1966 at or around 6:00am.

The path to true love isn't always straight.


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Post by jimboloco » May 16th, 2008, 3:16 pm

hester i appreciate this mystical forum
now that my head is more clear
hope to be visiting

we all care about you
stay well and know that you are on a journey

perdiida were you on th lit kicks boards?
an artist?

since we're chiming in,
i was born on may 27, 1947 about 4 AM
in Ft Monroe Virginia
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by Perdida » May 16th, 2008, 7:03 pm

hey Jim, nope not from lit kicks, not artist....a poet.

I derived from piptalk and have/had/will probably continue to have ( things are happening) my poetry forum Algonquin's Table.


you're a Gemini right?

The path to true love isn't always straight.


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Post by jimboloco » May 19th, 2008, 2:06 am

piptalk an algonquin's tabla rasa?
gives me hope afterall



i was in th air for a while
then i hit bottom
now more grounded
but i can see an feel th breeze

ya have a neighbor down there
i'll browse thru th old lit kick files soon an see if i can track her down
she lives a bit north of sydney
teaches art at a county or what ya call counties art center
nice painting of curtains and memories of mom
as i recall

please poetise
it's a small world afterall

so perdida, ya hail from th latin quarter in sydney?
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by hester_prynne » May 23rd, 2008, 2:27 pm

For Doreen:

Jupiter opposition Uranus: A need for newness

Mid March 2008 until end of November 2008: This influence signifies a desire to release yourself from restrictions and obligations that you feel have limited your life unnecessarily. Often it coincides with a sudden break from some limiting circumstance, such as a person, a job or simply a way of life. This need for newness in your life and for something different from the daily routine is a powerful force, and it will be very difficult to continue as you have.

You will feel the breaking away itself as an enormous relief, a lessening of tension. For this reason you must review your life very carefully to find out what needs to be overthrown and what does not. The danger is that you will overthrow worthwhile things along with the useless. Be careful of this, because it could substantially vitiate any advantage you gain from your new freedom.

Relationships are especially affected by this influence, particularly those that obligate you in some way. A partnership, either marital or business, may be quite difficult to maintain during this time. And to add to the confusion, it is sometimes your partner who wants out. This is an example of an influence experienced in projected form; instead of putting out the energy yourself, you encounter someone who is apparently doing it for you. In this case, do not attempt to hold on to the other person, for that is the surest way to drive him away. Give your partner all the freedom he needs, for you need it, too, although you are not as aware of it.

A related expression of this influence is encountering a person who seeks in some way to liberate you from yourself or from some duty that you have voluntarily taken on. You may find such a person irritating, but he or she is performing a valuable function in your life. Again, the roles may be reversed, and you may set out to change someone else's life. The point is that this is a valuable influence, even though it may be somewhat disruptive. It can prevent your life from becoming so static and stabilized that you cease to be truly alive.

Jupiter square Saturn: Something is wrong

Beginning of April 2008 until beginning of December 2008: During this time you will make many adjustments in your life, separating yourself from persons or circumstances that are doing you no good. You will change many standards of behavior and morality that you realize are inappropriate and generally realign your conception of duty and responsibility more in accordance with reality. In the process you may experience a considerable amount of tension, and for a time you may be confused, not quite knowing whether to go backward or forward, to expand or cut back.

Probably you would be well advised to go off by yourself for a while, because other people's advice will be of little value, unless you select your advisors with great care. The challenge here is to increase and go forward in some areas but to cut back in others. You will not be able to keep everything going, no matter how much you want to. Unfortunately there is no way of telling in advance which areas of your life will be affected.

Under this influence there is often a strong feeling of restlessness and uncertainty. You know clearly that something is wrong, but you are not sure what it is. The best way to deal with this is not to be in a hurry. Usually you will have all the time you need to make a decision based on careful observation of the facts, so don't rush.

In business and professional matters, this is a critical time, but not necessarily a bad one. It simply means that whatever you do now will have a more important effect than usual on the future. It is possible that you will change jobs during this time, because a new offer gives you more opportunities to get ahead than your old job. In that case, take it, because such changes are often beneficial with this influence. In general you should take any opportunity that comes along now to broaden your scope and release yourself from limitations that have held you back. The trick is to do this in a way that is not destructively disruptive.

Jupiter square Neptune: False optimism

Beginning of April 2008 until beginning of December 2008: At this time you will work very hard to actualize your ideals and find a concrete way to put your spiritual views into practice in the real world. But you can expect the real world to put up some resistance to your ideas. Among other things, you will be challenged to demonstrate that your ideals are not just irrelevant, impractical abstractions. You will also have to demonstrate that your views are based on realism rather than some dream world, which is where you may very well be now. At any rate, this time will give you the opportunity to find out.

You will give readily when called upon now, because this influence signifies a great generosity to people who are less fortunate than yourself. But you may not be very discreet in choosing the people on whom you lavish your charity. Some people can be helped, and it would be worthwhile to spend your time on them. But others are not worth wasting time on, although with this influence you may not be able to tell the difference.

On another level, this influence can signify the kind of false optimism that makes you take foolish risks, especially with limited resources. In any financial dealings be very careful that everything is exactly as represented to you by others. Otherwise you could be taken for a ride.

This time is a test of your grasp of reality and your ability to translate ideals into practice. There is no reason to assume that you will not pass the test, but you do have to be careful.

Religious or spiritual delusions are another danger of this influence. You may be tempted to run after false messiahs or teachers whose ability to dazzle with spiritual phrases exceeds their ability to teach you how to cope with your life.

Tell me what you think, make sense in any way?
Love ya
H 8)
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Post by hester_prynne » May 23rd, 2008, 2:42 pm

For Jimboloco..)

Beginning of October 2007 until mid July 2008: This influence represents a time of critical developments. Various factors in the outside world will challenge you strongly, and it may seem difficult to maintain your freedom of action in whatever you are trying to do.

You may feel unusually discouraged at this time, because your vitality is at a low point. It may be best not to struggle too hard against any adversity that comes into your life now. Patience and perseverance will carry you through until your energy level is up again.

Authority figures may prove difficult to deal with. You may find that they are not receptive to your plans or suggestions, that they resist your efforts. It is advisable to work patiently to bring them around to your point of view. Don't withdraw from the confrontation, but don't fight blindly. That would guarantee defeat.

This period of your life is directly linked to a time seven years ago, a time of new beginnings for you. This time now is made especially difficult by the fact that many of these projects have been going quite well, and the current difficulties seem totally unexpected.

However, this is a period of trial, which will demonstrate whether or not those new beginnings were valid. Anything invalid is likely to fall by the wayside. You will probably regard it as a failure. But you may not be aware right away that this is happening, especially if you are not paying close attention.

Your ambitions may be thwarted now, but be patient and make sure you are on the right course. If you are, this period will be a trial rather than a defeat. Even if it is a defeat, you can still accomplish a great deal by transferring your energies to more productive areas.

Saturn conjunction Moon: Self-criticism

Beginning of November 2007 until beginning of August 2008: During this time you will need to engage in deep introspection, self-examination and self-criticism. Quite possibly you will feel lonely and depressed. The way in which you handle this influence will have important consequences later for your physical and psychological well-being.

This is a good time for self-searching, so long as you are not judgmental. It doesn't matter whether you are good or bad according to your ideals. The real question is what you are. This influence can help you find out. If you proceed from this point of view, it can be a very constructive time, even though it may be experienced as painful.

During this time you may withdraw from others, have difficulty in relationships - especially with women - experience depression and feel quite inferior to life's demands. The best way to deal with this is not to take it all so seriously. Your perspective is warped, so that small matters seem too important. Do not make final decisions about your emotional life now. Wait until you can see more clearly what you have learned from this time.

If you have recently broken off a relationship it may be best to leave it that way. Do not make a real effort to put it back together until this time is over.

Jupiter trine Ascendant: People at their best

Mid March 2008 until mid November 2008: This influence signifies your willingness to grow in consciousness and experience through your contacts with others and to be more magnanimous and willing to help others. In this you are helped by the fact that your relations with others are very good at this time, and you experience people at their best. This makes you more optimistic, and you rightly believe that whatever you give to others will be returned with interest. A person may enter your life now who really helps you out in various ways, especially by teaching you something about the universe and your role in it. This learning will be on whatever level you are ready for, perhaps simply learning to be more tolerant and open to new ideas or even encountering deep spiritual and religious truths through this relationship. Certainly you are ready for a greater spiritual understanding of the world now. You need to experience more than the superficial banality of life that many people become mired in. Although you are inclined to idealize the world in general and certain persons in particular, in the long run you will find that this is not a delusion but a period of truly expanding knowledge.

Your learning at this time is not limited to spiritual truths, for you are in general more intellectually eager and willing to learn. This is an excellent time to go to school or take a course in a subject that will give you greater insight into the questions that interest you.

On occasion this influence will signify the beginning of a relationship that can bring you great emotional happiness. It could be a new love, although that is much more likely if indicated more specifically by another influence at about this time. Any new love that comes now will be very beneficial to your personal growth, whether or not it lasts.

Uranus square Uranus: On a pivot

End of March 2008 until beginning of March 2009: This influence signifies the changes that take place as you approach old age. There is often a crisis associated with this period, when you suddenly realize that you are getting old. Roughly twenty-one years ago you confronted a crisis of reorientation. At that time you should have turned your attention toward your inner values, those that were important to you alone. If you handled that time properly, this period will not be especially upsetting. Your life as an individual will have enough richness that you will know how to handle the years ahead.

A common problem for people approaching retirement is that they have no idea what to do with their coming leisure time. All they know is their work, and when that ends, their life effectively ends. This is the crisis presented by this influence. You must realize that the richness of your life does not come only from your achievements in the outer world of business and society, but also from what you know and understand about life.

Jupiter sextile Jupiter: In good working order

End of March 2008 until end of November 2008: This is a time of balance and equilibrium in your life, when all your affairs seem to run smoothly and without much effort on your part. It is a time when you can relax and take it easy for a while, knowing that your life is in good working order. This is also a time when growth seems to occur without much effort - growth in consciousness, in your social life or wherever you feel that personal growth is important.

But this is not really a time when you should just enjoy yourself. You should do that, to be sure, but you should also be examining your life to see what needs to be done. It is important to think this way now because the equilibrium that is characteristic of this period enables you to look about yourself with reasonable calm and detachment. It is much harder to achieve a perspective when you are in the middle of some major and possibly chaotic change.

This is a good time to achieve perspective in all possible senses of the word. It is a good time for education, either formal or informal, for getting in touch with yourself through self-awareness studies, or for seeing the larger world through travel.

Business transactions or negotiations are also favored now. Legal affairs also usually run quite smoothly.

Uranus trine Jupiter: Good fortune

Beginning of April 2008 until beginning of March 2009: This influence brings about unexpected breaks and good fortune, as well as a feeling of being free and able to take on any new experience that life has to offer. You feel more daring than usual and willing to experiment with life.

Everyone's life is hedged about with certain restrictions - your social obligations, your family responsibilities, your finances - that sometimes seem to unduly limit your freedom and prevent you from growing. You cannot really afford to throw over these limitations completely, but you would like a break from them once in a while, and this influence provides that break. It may happen through a sudden windfall, a sudden opportunity for personal advancement or the sudden lifting of an onerous burden. But it may also happen in more subtle ways.

For example, you become increasingly interested in new areas of thought that open up new vistas of understanding. In this way you escape from the killing routines of your life, not by a sudden overthrow, but by a gradual change in your understanding. This period can bring about new involvement with spiritual teachings, astrology or other revolutionary techniques of mind expansion. You will revolt against narrow ways of thinking and be on the lookout for new approaches to the truth. Yet it will not be enough to understand these truths yourself; you will want to teach others what you have learned. You may become involved in groups or organizations that teach new ideas or are involved in the occult. Under this influence you are extremely conscious of the larger social order, and you always have it in mind, whatever you are doing.

You are also inclined to be less materialistic than usual. It is not that you don't value material resources, but you don't fear that you will have any shortage of them. "Cast thy bread upon the waters" is your motto while this influence is in effect.

Overall, this time represents an enormous opportunity to broaden yourself and encounter tremendous new experiences that will make your life much more interesting and rewarding.

Short Report - Forecast May 2008 to October 2008for Jimboloco (male)
born on 27 May 1947 local time 4:00 am
in Fort Monroe, VA (US) U.T. 09:00
76w18, 37n00 sid. time 20:11:06

Planetary positionsplanet sign degree motion
Ascendant Taurus
Sun Gemini 5°14'22 in house 1 direct
Moon Virgo 7°35'34 in house 5 direct
Mercury Gemini 18°33'28 in house 2 direct
Venus Taurus 8°47'44 in house 12 direct
Mars Taurus 4°39'23 in house 12 direct
Jupiter Scorpio 21°04'04 in house 7 retrograde
Saturn Leo 4°23'48 in house 4 direct
Uranus Gemini 20°53'45 in house 2 direct
Neptune Libra 8°10'18 in house 6 retrograde
Pluto Leo 11°13'49 in house 4 direct
True Node Gemini 2°32'45 in house 1 direct

Happy Birthday coming up for us both Jim.....fellow twin o mine....
H 8)
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Post by hester_prynne » May 23rd, 2008, 3:07 pm

For Perdida

Your sun sign is Gemini. This is the sign in which the Sun is in your birth chart. Your Ascendant is also in Gemini, and your Moon is in Aries.

Saturn square Ascendant: Appropriate relationships

Beginning of November 2007 until beginning of August 2008: This influence signifies a time of severe testing in your relationships with others. The demands of your work or the demands of your personal life will force you to reevaluate which relationships in your life are worth keeping and which are not. If you do not face this challenge consciously, the pressure of events will force you to do so, because people who have been with you for a long time will leave against your wishes.

There is often a strong tendency to build a wall between you and others without even realizing it. The only way you will know is that suddenly you will feel alone and out of touch with everybody. You may feel that you have no support from others, even loved ones whom you have counted on in the past for love and support. This may represent a temporary state of affairs or a passing mood. Or it may represent a serious breakdown in your relationships because of misplaced priorities in the past or because of associating with people who were wrong for you in terms of your personal goals and needs.

In the case of misplaced priorities, perhaps you have paid more attention to getting ahead in life than to giving and receiving love. Or perhaps in the past, fear of your own inadequacies or fear that you are unlovable has made you withdraw from others. Now the consequences of these problems are emerging, causing you to feel alone.

In the second case, the problem is that in terms of your direction in life, the people you associate with are a distraction or are actually opposed to your interests. In this case, no matter how much you love them, walls will form between you and them, and you will have to begin a new life without them.

With this influence several significant relationships will inevitably end. But if you have a clear idea of where you are going, this will not be a great disadvantage. Whatever remorse you feel will be quickly displaced by a new sense of freedom, because you are no longer wasting energy in trying to maintain inappropriate relationships.

Jupiter trine Venus: Pleasantly lazy

Mid February 2008 until mid October 2008: You feel very light-hearted and sociable now and want to spend as much time as possible with others. This is a good time for taking a vacation, attending social gatherings, or participating in other forms of amusement and fun. It is not conducive to any kind of serious effort, because you are inclined to feel pleasantly lazy and unenterprising. There is also a very strong self- indulgent streak to this influence. Be very careful not to eat or drink too much.

Fortunately you have the ability to make others feel good if they are unhappy or depressed, and as a result, people enjoy being around you at this time. You may have the chance to do favors for others that will eventually be returned. And since you feel generous and giving, you will not mind doing them.

In some instances this influence has a way of drawing money or other material resources to you. But don't sit around planning how to spend a sudden windfall from heaven, as many people do with this influence. It is a possibility, but only one among many and not the most likely.

Actually it is more likely that you will spend money on objects that you consider beautiful. Others may not appreciate your taste at this time, however, because it tends toward the flashy or gaudy. Be careful that you don't get stuck with something that will offend your own taste in a soberer moment.

You have a great desire for beauty, however, and if your taste is sound you will surround yourself with objects that you can enjoy for years and that will also gain in value.

Jupiter trine Uranus: Split-second action

End of February 2008 until end of October 2008: This influence gives you a strong need to express yourself by doing something that is different from your normal routine. You need to experience a new kind of freedom in your life and to discover dimensions of living that you have not known before. This may take the form of a search for inner truth on the metaphysical or philosophical level, or it may take the more external form of a new activity in your life.

You are much more receptive to new ideas during this time, and you should be a bit careful about getting into something solely because it is a novelty. However, for the most part this desire for the new is constructive and will probably be quite good for you. This is an influence that prevents you in a positive way from getting into a rut.

Sometimes this influence can denote a sudden opportunity or a piece of good luck that seems to come completely out of the blue and take you by surprise. Often it is a sudden change or an event that gives you a new chance in some way. It could be a sudden windfall or promotion or even a sudden chance encounter that works out to your benefit. If such an event occurs, take advantage of it. This is one of the few times when you shouldn't stop to ponder carefully before acting. Such a decision often requires split- second action.

This is also one of the few influences that can be very lucky in gambling. But remember that it will have this effect only if you are reasonably fortunate in such matters anyway. If you are usually unlucky at gambling, this influence will probably not affect you positively.

This influence also enables you to grasp new ideas quickly. You can learn subjects faster now than at other times, and you see very quickly the patterns in anything. On occasion this influence can signify a fortunate discovery or invention.

Jupiter trine Pluto: Reform and remake

End of February 2008 until beginning of November 2008: Under this influence you will move to make positive changes in your personal and your social world. But the most important question you can ask is, "In whose name do I want to change things?" You should realize that under this influence it is quite easy to exert power and make changes. The energies seem to flow in the direction you want, presenting you with opportunities for taking control in some way. However, you should be motivated by something more than your own personal ambition, even though that will be favored along with any ambition in your life now. But if this power is selfish and personally oriented, you will have trouble later on, and the results will not be lasting. You have to strike a balance and adopt a philosophy of "enlightened self-interest." You must recognize that you benefit most when you can couple your own interests with those of the people you live and work with. In some way you must embody collective interests truly, not merely in your rationalizations.

You have a strong desire to reform and remake at this time, and you should be striving to improve conditions all around you, to renew and to serve as a vehicle for regeneration in your world. If you attain personal power in any way at all, use it to clear up and clean out. You may have the chance to lead or influence others, so use that influence to help everyone concerned to grow with you.

On the mundane level, this influence can coincide with professional success, political power or tremendous gains in personal wealth or resources. On a more humble level, it can give you the chance to straighten out situations in your life that have been sources of trouble for you.

Uranus conjunction MC: Revolt

End of March 2008 until end of February 2009: With this influence you can look for sudden changes in the way you define your individuality before the world. This will be reflected in your profession, your social position and your reputation in the eyes of others. These changes can allow you to break free and encounter life with new freedom and readiness for fresh experience. But they can also be profoundly upsetting, depending on your orientation toward your public life. If your public and professional life is a source of achievement and satisfaction, it is unlikely to be damaged by this influence, only broadened and made more challenging. But if there is tension in your public life and you feel that you have had to surrender your individuality for your achievements, this influence may be more upsetting.

If you are working in an area that is generally good for your overall development, this time may present sudden opportunities for advancement, especially if you work in a field such as science, technology, astrology or the occult. You will have the opportunity to do new kinds of work, to work with new techniques, and to have new experiences. There may be a sudden promotion to a position with new responsibilities. Whatever happens will make it possible for you to stay alive and feel fulfilled in your profession.

Even if you experience the negative side of this influence, its purpose is the same. However, you are probably resisting the effects of this influence through fear that you will lose security or from a misguided sense of responsibility, a feeling that you should stick with something even if it is totally unrewarding and stultifying. Events may force you to change your line of work altogether or to change your position in the kind of work you do.

Possibly you are aware that your work is not very rewarding, in which case you will suddenly begin to feel that it is oppressive and will want to break free of it. This influence can signify a revolt against authority figures of all sorts, but especially employers.

Uranus square Sun: Some obstacle

Beginning of April 2008 until beginning of March 2009: During this time sudden, unexpected events will test your ability to withstand change and to stay on the path you have chosen. Each of us sets forth certain objectives that we must accomplish in order to successfully maintain our sense of being a unique and strong individual. This influence seems to ask the question, "Do you really believe in what you are doing? Can you perform your tasks in the face of upsets and challenges from the outside world and even from psychological forces within yourself?" How well you withstand this challenge will determine how well your life will go during the next several years.

On one hand you may suddenly realize that because of circumstances that have developed over the last several years you can no longer do what you want without making a lot of changes. It may be necessary to struggle and break free from circumstances that you encounter in your work or with authorities, such as employers or government agencies. There may even be limiting circumstances in your personal life, such as a bad love relationship or parental domination. At any rate some obstacle is preventing you from doing what you have to do, and you want to rebel against it.

On the other hand, you may be doing perfectly well in all of these matters. Your job may be perfectly satisfactory, and your personal life may be fulfilling, a real expression of who you are. But something comes along, some unexpected incident that forces you to reevaluate what you are doing. For example, at work someone may throw you a "curve ball," such as an employer suddenly questioning your effectiveness in work or a similar disruption. You may have to reevaluate your relationships to the various groups you belong to.

If you are doing what you should in terms of your life and experience, these disruptive events will only be a test that you will withstand successfully. But if you find the energies of this period destructive beyond your control, you should consider what changes must be made either to minimize these effects or to turn them into positive ones.

Planetary positionsplanet sign degree motion
Sun Gemini 21°22'53 in house 1 direct
Ascendant Gemini
Moon Aries 9°17'59 in house 10 direct
Mercury Cancer 9°25'24 in house 1 direct
Venus Taurus 13°59'49 in house 11 direct
Mars Gemini 10°31'45 in house 1 direct
Jupiter Cancer 7°58'48 in house 1 direct
Saturn Pisces 29°00'16 in house 10 direct
Uranus Virgo 15°39'47 in house 3 direct
Neptune Scorpio 20°00'05 in house 6 retrograde
Pluto Virgo 15°52'36 in house 3 direct
True Node Taurus 25°04'18 in house 12 direct

Happy birthday coming up for you too! Fellow Gemini. And with your ascendant also in gemini, you are quite a clever crowd in yourself!
Hope this gives you some insights,
H 8)
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Post by hester_prynne » May 23rd, 2008, 3:09 pm

Westie...I need your birthdate, time and place in order to look up your stars.....you can pm them to me if you wish some privacy, which some often do!
H 8)
"I am a victim of society, and, an entertainer"........DW

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