Sunday Stream (230) ~ E.L.F.

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (230) ~ E.L.F.

Post by mtmynd » January 10th, 2010, 11:22 am

[Eternal Light Force]
One thing most can agree upon is we all have had that moment that has come to be named 'realization' which is understanding... the moment when questions no longer arise regarding that which we have realized..."I just realized....!"

Realize: (v)
1) To comprehend completely or correctly.
2) To bring into reality; make real.
3) To make realistic.

When something becomes 'real' to us it's essence, it's presence, if you will, no longer is questionable. Why question that which we realize is real?

The Big Bang is still called 'a theory' which is not quite real... there are still questions about the Big Bang even though science is in a constant state of questioning regarding the Big Bang... putting the puzzle pieces together in order to make the Big Bang more than a theory but real... that moment of realization when Big Bang, like Pinocchio, 'grows up and becomes a real live boy.'

But what makes the Big Bang more than the birth of the universe is it is the beginning of illumination. What value would the Big Bang have if it's results weren't seen, i.e. illuminated. It is us, hu'manity, that has postulated the Big Bang without giving any gratitude to what I'll call the Eternal Light Force (ELF). If it wasn't for this explosion of light giving stars and suns and all things in between, scattered like salt across black velvet, we would not be theorizing anything.

It is said by the wise that we all have an inner light within that gives us our consciousness... our ability to Be. This inner light comes to us and that experience is given many names, but it is not the name that is important but the fact.. the reality which comes with Self-Realization, knowing this inner illumination is the Absolute.... our epiphany, that peak experience which fulfills our hu'manness.

Big Bang giving the known universe we associate with and the Big Illumination that gives the universe is true power... the power of light that transforms life and all that gives life to the living... the same light within all life, our Inner Light that illuminates mind, imagination, all thought and all which we have realized or will come to realize.

The Eternal Light Force, long before the Big Bang Theory, will outlast any theory proposed by our hu'man limitations. Our Inner Light will outlive this shell of ours as it has for eternity... that without beginning / without end...
the Mighty ELF, the Gigantic All



10 enero 2009

Poem of the Week:

arms cast wide open
i surrender to you
the sweetness of being
that dwells in pure spirit
beyond the shades of matter

life-giving existence kindling
the flame of knowing
flooding our self with love

we have reached the answer
where questions become vapor
collapsing into the infinite
sea of pure consciousness...
at one, at one
at one with now

a tone
the uni-verse

om atoned
Last edited by mtmynd on January 10th, 2010, 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dave The Dov » January 10th, 2010, 1:02 pm

The smallest can make the biggest sound!!!!

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Post by mtmynd » January 10th, 2010, 1:40 pm

DtD... hey stranger... where you been hiding out?

Got your degree yet or just takin' some time off to loaf?

Update, Mr Madison... update.
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Post by mnaz » January 11th, 2010, 1:54 am

uplifting, Cec. though sometimes it's weird tripping on hurtling stars and unimaginable galaxies contained on flickering points of night light...

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Post by mtmynd » January 11th, 2010, 9:06 am

Light has nothing to hide. Only shadows are unsure.

thanks Mark...
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Non Sum

Post by Non Sum » January 11th, 2010, 10:25 am

Hey MT (Masticating Tongue), :D

Enjoyed, applauded, and enjoyed applauding, your Sunday Stream. I wonder if I might venture an inquisitive inquiry? When you say:

MT: "It is said by the wise that we all have an inner light within that gives us our consciousness... our ability to Be. This inner light comes to us..."

NS: If it is our very "Be"ing that "comes to us," and which "gives us our consciousness," then who is this "us" (without being) who is about to receive these gifts? Are we not our own 'Being'?

"Man is a being who in his 'dullness' judges himself to be a mind, a
soul, a body, or anything that catches his fancy, but who in his
Being is able to know his Being."
(Tibetan Buddhist teaching)

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Post by mtmynd » January 11th, 2010, 1:38 pm

Welcome, NS. What a Nice Surprise, my friend! I had thought you and your better half had taken to living the life of a primitive with nary an electric bulb to illuminate your way nor a dry log to burn away the cold. Given the extreme cold our country is experiencing this winter (and that of Europe and Asia), I easily imagined that scenario. We have good friends living east of Orlando that are having colder weather than Phar Lepht is which hints at how freakish this winter season is. (currently 40 at 9:50a.m. - tolerable with full sun overhead)

Thank you for such a 'normously satisfying compliment on this Stream #230. Compliments are warmly received and gently wrapped in thanks followed by a humble bow... please accept. :)

And now, down to the business of mysticism, the soul of metaphysics -

NS: If it is our very "Be"ing that "comes to us," and which "gives us our consciousness," then who is this "us" (without being) who is about to receive these gifts? Are we not our own 'Being'?

Firstly, let me say you've come to the right person regarding your question. :lol:

This 'us' is the collective 'we' that may not fully grasp (and therefore not fully believe) the Inner Light that is our Being... that unchanging, eternal 'I' that resides within 'us'... the complex, abstract thinking hu'man.

When I address 'us' I include my Self and myself within the dialog... a confirmation that what 'I' say thru this ego, Cecil, is not unlike anyone else. 'We', all of hu'manity, have the Inner Light within for without this Light we would not Be. (Obviously, most of hu'manity 'is what they is' without having knowledge of their Inner Light, but that should not preclude the notion having the Light within)

"This inner light comes to us and that experience is given many names..." is this Stream's way of explaining that awareness of the Truth of the Inner Light, although always within, is 'revealed' to us as a Self-Realization... an acknowledgment of the Absolute... and a message for all, not to believe but to seek for themselves.

btw: I baked the notoriously successful Non-Sum Whole Wheat Loaf for loafers and other half-baked personalities this weekend and it turned out wonderfully in a wee bit larger baking dish than my original attempt. I used shredded zucchini with chopped pecans, and with the addition of (2) Tbs wheat germ and (2) Tbs ground flax seed the completed bread was/is tasty and filling (very nice with coffee!).

Well, Mountain Man, it's time for this Desert Rat to attend to a few chores that I've reserved until today to get into and call 'finished' before procrastination again takes it's hold and chokes the intent out of me. :lol:

Always a pleasure chatting with you...
Allow not destiny to intrude upon Now

Non Sum

Post by Non Sum » January 12th, 2010, 12:05 pm

Hi MT, Many Thanks for your generous welcome. :)
MT: I had thought you and your better half had taken to living the life of a primitive with nary an electric bulb to illuminate your way nor a dry log to burn away the cold.

NS: My better ¾’s and I have been embracing the “primitive” life-style for quite some time now. No light bulbs; they’ve all been replaced with those squiggly florescent ones. My logs are holding up well, though “dry” has been a problem with the extreme in-door/out-door temperature differences causing surface condensation. So, I run the damp logs through the clothes dryer, which makes for one hell of a lot of banging and crashing. Boy, this primitive living can be deafening at times! :?

MT: Thank you for such a 'normously satisfying compliment on this Stream #230.

NS: No ‘thanks’ are required. As Tiger Woods was wont to say, “I lay them where they play.”

MT: I baked the notoriously successful Non-Sum Whole Wheat Loaf for loafers and other half-baked personalities this weekend and it turned out wonderfully

NS: Excellent! Glad you hadn’t written it off. Zucchini bread is definitely a good one. I have to wait until they appear in the garden before my next tasting—such are the unforgiving demands of ‘primitive’ necessity. You can see why there is no definitive measure for liquids in this recipe, since there is so much variation in moisture content among fruit and veg additions. Using dry milk & water is a real advantage with this problem, since the milk helps to keep it light and fluffy, but excess liquid can make it wet and dense. I also often use wheat germ. Never tried flax seed, but the lovely ¾’s tells me that it must be ground in order to be digested, no?

MT: Firstly, let me say you've come to the right person regarding your question.

NS: You’ve no idea what a relief that is to know. I’m often asking questions, and getting my face slapped by some wrong female personage. :oops:

MT: "This inner light comes to us and that experience is given many names..." is this Stream's way of explaining that awareness of the Truth of the Inner Light, although always within, is 'revealed' to us as a Self-Realization... an acknowledgment of the Absolute... and a message for all, not to believe but to seek for themselves.

NS: So, if I read you correctly, it is the “realization” of the true nature of our “Being” that “comes to us,” rather than our Being itself coming to us. This makes far better sense to my earlier senseless mis-takeing, thanks.
”A monk asked, “Who is Buddha?”
Joshu retorted instantly, “Who are you?”

There are so many “seekers,” and those “on the Path” (myself once among them), who act as if ‘realization’ is something ‘out there’ in time or place, and yet to be found. The searching is understandable, but the searching beyond themselves is unforgivable. It’s a bit like the man searching for his lost keys beneath a streetlamp. When asked where he likely dropped them he indicates over by his car. When asked why he isn’t looking there for the keys, he explains that the light is much better for searching under the lamp.

”Dogen censures the disciples who, ‘devoid of understanding, await a great experience and thereby neglect the present moment.’”

A conversational pleasure for me as well, MT (Mojave Tsunami), to come and visit with you there in your desert abode, whilst my banana bread aromatically bakes in the background. Can you smell it too? Adieu,
NS (Nasty Stinker)

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Post by mtmynd » January 12th, 2010, 1:35 pm

Howdy, N(octurnal) S(iesta)... hope your loaf doesn't... and you enjoy as I have been enjoying mine. SooZen has discovered the taste sensation from toasting this bread... delicious, I must say. I also must say the recipe provides an ample amount of bread that will last a goodly amount of time... refrigerate to keep the freshness.

Those squiggly ones, the CFL's as I last heard them referred to, have been duly screwed (!) into most of our lamps thusly saving ourselves running out at inconvenient times to replace a burned out, common place light bulb that is (evidently) no longer a proper means of lighting.

(on our last trip to the local mega-mart i was taken by a CFL competitor... something about LED bulbs which are longer lived and even easier on the wattage used per lumen than the CFL. Competition never ceases to amaze when the product is a necessary adjunct to today's lifestyling, eh?)

Re: flax seed. I purchase the stuff pre-ground, altho the most frugal amongst us would certainly benefit by grinding said seed themselves saving them the passed-on cost of having the grinding done by another machine other than one's own personal grinder. Google will be most informative for finding out sources and prices.

I've never given any serious consideration to drying logs in a clothes dryer. After hearing the amount of noise such a process produces, I can rule out that idea if it foolishly pops into my mind as a quick alternative to having some dry wood to burn. Perhaps drying one's kindling...? :)

"Tiger Woods was wont to say, 'I lay them where they play'.”

He sure did... several times if the media is correct! :lol:

NS: So, if I read you correctly, it is the “realization” of the true nature of our “Being” that “comes to us,” rather than our Being itself coming to us.

Sorry to have misled you, N(ot) S(kiddish). The doubt has been erased and the coast is clear for a pleasant journey.

N(eedless)S(eeking): The searching is understandable, but the searching beyond themselves is unforgivable.

I agree. But so many are misled who are on a path that somehow lures with the idea that all answers pertaining to the Absolute reside just on the other side of another mountain... over there on the horizon. It's difficult, ifr not impossible, to convince those already convinced of something outside of them has the answers they seek. That ties in nicely with Dogen's "‘devoid of understanding, await a great experience and thereby neglect the present moment.’”"

Well, bon ami, I've kept you from your banana bread (the word 'banana' reminds me of when our #2, Nathan, was much younger he always called the fruit 'nana', to which we would say ba-nana... over and over until one day when the fruit was offered, he said 'bah-nana" mimicking our with a strong accent on the 'bah' which to this day still gives Nathan's simple parents a smile). Please give my best to your 3/4's and kindly offer her a slice of the freshly baked bread.

Today is an extraordinary day for both SooZen and me... it is our 37th anniversary today, where after shacking up with each other for some 2 1/2 years, the knot was tied, tightly. We both almost forgot until she was reminded of today's date by paying a bill and the lights came on... a CFL that took a little while to fully illuminate us.

Have a nagila or whatever suits you on a chilly day like this. Steer clear of any frozen nickles and keep the night coals glowing...
Allow not destiny to intrude upon Now

Non Sum

Post by Non Sum » January 13th, 2010, 5:05 pm

My very best 37th anniversary wishes to both SooZen and you too, MT (Missile Toes). It’s a pity that such long relationships are not as common as they once were. The surface thrill & thrall of the early infatuation period is misconceived as the end and be all of mating’s magic. We four know from experience the infatuation duration is no more than paltry prelude to the actual romance. 8)

MT: I also must say the recipe provides an ample amount of bread that will last a goodly amount of time... refrigerate to keep the freshness.

”A hungry man is not a free man.” (Adlai Stevenson)

NS: Yes, I too refrigerate the bread for its 4 day (average lifespan) countdown to extinction. The original ‘Zen Tsajara’ recipe called for only 2 cups of flour (= 1 loaf pan), but I got tired of making it every other day, and so finagled it to 2 loafs loafing instead. I’m sure you can chop it back down to whatever size best suits you’all. I find the berry breads enjoy a light microwave warming (c.20sec) as they approach their refrigerated dotage; much as I myself do.

MT: Those squiggly ones, the CFL's as I last heard them referred to, have been duly screwed (!) into most of our lamps

NS: Your green consciousness is greenly enviable. I’m sure you’re right about them being called “CFL’s,” but the term can’t hold a candle to “squiggly ones,” imo. I looked at the “LED’s” at WallyWorld today, and found two models offered at: $24.64 and $40something each. No one above age 25 is going to live long enough to enjoy the payback in electric savings, unless they list these ‘bulbs?’ in their personal will. So, if you buy any, please keep me in mind. :wink:

MT: I've never given any serious consideration to drying logs in a clothes dryer.

NS: Nor have I, but I’ve given a lot of unserious consideration to most everything. Fortunately, I don’t even own a clothes dryer, excepting my 60 foot solar model. We had an electric dryer when I bought this place, but I swapped it for a standup freezer. We never used the dryer, and the ice cream kept far better in the freezer than it ever had when left in the dryer.

MT: Perhaps drying one's kindling...?

NS: I’ll give it a try. I just hope I have enough clothespins to hang all the kindling.

MT: Sorry to have misled you,

NS: No apology needed. You would never do such a thing, nor could you. It’s bragging on the obvious perhaps, but my life proves that I am perfectly capable of misleading myself in every conceivable situation without any assistance.

MT: so many are misled who are on a path that somehow lures with the idea that all answers pertaining to the Absolute reside just on the other side of another mountain... over there on the horizon. It's difficult, ifr not impossible, to convince those already convinced of something outside of them has the answers they seek.

NS: Yes indeed. Though, the outward orientated conviction is understandable enough, since that is where they have always appropriately sought for their answers and goal’s fruition. What works successfully tends to get repeated, and rightly so. Practical wisdom only becomes impractical in this special instance of ‘Self-seeking.’

The only thing not outside of our Self must be the Self itself. What is required in this unique instance is to turn around and turn from what is outside in order to re-orientate away from the perceptual, and even the conceptual, if we are ever to discover the one who seeks to discover: the one who seeks to discover. It’s the old Zen conundrum of: ‘look at the ground upon which you stand.’ As soon as you step back a pace to see it, it is no longer the ground upon which you (now) stand.

Your mention of “mountain” put me in mind of the contemplative author, Thomas Merton (Writer of ‘The Seven Story Mountain,’ and no mean mystic in his latter writings)

”We become contemplatives when God dis-covers Himself in us.” p39

“Before I can become who I am meant to be, I must recognize that I am shadowed by an illusory person, a false self. My false self exists, but at the level of illusion; it has no ultimate reality. It is the self I imagine I am, not the self that I am at my center. I construct the nothingness of the false self into what appears to be real. The great tragedy of human life is to go through it living as a self that I am not. This is what it means to experience the effects of Original Sin. Sin is a habitual state in which my acts tend to keep alive the illusion that is opposed to God's reality in me.”
(‘Thomas Merton's Dark Path, The inner experience of a contemplative.’ By William H. Shannon. p40-1)

NS (Nectar’s Sucker)

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Post by Artguy » January 15th, 2010, 9:47 am

Wacked with a sandal
Now I am not I...............

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Post by Arcadia » January 28th, 2010, 4:47 pm

:lol: enjoying the humorous zen-batesonian dialogues...

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Post by mtmynd » January 28th, 2010, 7:38 pm

Hola, amiga. Has your time away been to your liking..? :)
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Post by Arcadia » January 29th, 2010, 9:26 am

Yes! :D

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