Ya GOTTA see this! Chris Bliss ....

On with the show, this is it!
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Doreen Peri
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Ya GOTTA see this! Chris Bliss ....

Post by Doreen Peri » March 17th, 2006, 10:07 pm

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Post by Doreen Peri » March 23rd, 2006, 1:13 am

man o man o man... where's chris bliss's audience?

god i love this.. ya gotta see it and hear it really!

i just watched and listened again.. too frickin cool!

don'tchya just love the beatles!? I do...

it's an amazing performance, it really is..

click the link

i dare ya

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Post by judih » March 23rd, 2006, 7:55 am

i clicked! i admit it. i clicked when you first told us he was cool. i couldn't believe it...i was hoping he'd drop the ball (call it envy, but i always wait for jugglers to drop the fall, set themselves on fire or otherwise slice open their throats).

so, uh, perhaps i better stop talking.

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to know chris bliss is to hate him

Post by pel » August 1st, 2006, 11:09 am

i've known chris bliss for many years and it's never been a pleasure. he's mean-spirited to your face and arrogant but a great juggler.

when i was like, 26 years old and working on my second college degree, he came up to the bar in the club i worked at. he ordered a j & b from me and started whining about what a terrible flight he'd had.

well...being a counselor/temporary shoulder to lean on is part of being a bartender. being a bad flyer myself, i sympathized with him and told him how much i hate flying because i'm not in control, etc. etc. blah, blah, blah.

he thought about it for a minute, set him drink down on the bar, looked thoughtfully into my eyes and said:

"well...sweetheart...you gotta think about it. the pilot doesn't want to crash the plane. he's actually got something to live for. he's not just some bimbo waitress standing behind the bar in some shitty little comedy club in indianapolis taking oxygen away from people who are actually trying to do something with their lives..."

my hand to God. these were C.B.'s actual words to me ten years ago. he has been a complete asshole to me and every other non-juggling "little person" he's seen on the club circuit ever since.

i about blew chunks when I saw him on FOX NEWS one night doing his little dog and pony show. however, it was fitting that he was on FNC. the real question here I know is - what was i doing watching FNC? spying i suppose.

so what was my response you wonder? i said, "you're right, chris. I am 26 years old. i'm sure all options in life are closed to me at this point."

he nodded in agreement and went on drinking his J & B. classy.
if you play with fire, you just might get the horns.

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Post by Doreen Peri » August 20th, 2006, 10:07 pm

jeeeezzzzz..... what a jerk!

Just saw this post right now...

sorry that happened to you, pel...

well, he sure can juggle... I'd never heard of him before until the day i made this post

i'm shaking my head... What an asshole!

Thanks for sharing.

(let's just hope he's grown outa his idiocy & rudeness!... hey, one can only hope, right?)

Thanks so much for coming to be in the Cabaradio show! It was great to finally meet you!

I've almost got the page finished with video clips.. it will go up online as soon as it's finished and I also plan to write a little write-up about the experience.

hope we can see you again sometime... loved your piece and it was great having you here!

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