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Posted: October 4th, 2006, 9:06 am
by stilltrucking
Have you ever noticed those Black Jews in the IDF?

Israel has many friends in america

James Hagee,
James Dobson,
D. James Kennedy
and Jerry Falwell, et al.

God is a real estate broker
And these are "Biblical Lands"

I got no answers and I wish Israel well. But I think those friends in America going to lead right back to the edge of that cliff at Masada.

THey say that all European Jews (Ashkenazi Jews) can be traced back to four women who lived in Europe thousands of years ago. Have you noticed that they can trace Eve back to Africa but nobody knows where Adam was from? It is because of the mitochondrial dna. It is handed down from mother to daughter in an unbroken chain. It is not handed down to sons. ... kenazi.jsp

Get the Jews out of Palestine Cindy Sheehan and mtmynd say

Yes yes I agree they have no more right to be there then do the Europeans in North America. Lets all leave, and give what is left of this beautiful country back to those we stole it from.

At the height of the attack on Lebanon a picture stuck in my mind. American Jews at an airport. Waiting for a plane to take them to Israel in her need. It was very touching; they were all dressed up in their team’s colors, blue and white with six pointed stars. They looked like they were on their way to the super bowl.

I am thinking about the American Jew who went into a mosque and killed 29 Arabs. Hoo ray for our side.

Meanwhile, after all the death and destruction on both sides


Where is Moshe when we need him?

LR makes jokes about sending the Jews to Wyoming.

Nobody wanted that trash after world war two. How many ships full of wretched survivors of the Nazi's were turned back from countries they were trying to escape to.

I have never read the new testament, I have too many problems with it. I think Saul should have stayed off that road to Damscus for example. I still don't under stand why Jesus cursed the fig treee. I never met a fig tree I did not like. But one bit in Hebrews I ran across and it made me wonder. "TO the jew first, good or bad."

The Jews have sure been a problem in the twentieth century. You would think someone would have come up with a final solution by now.

Not a religon so much as a people. A stiff necked people.

Posted: October 4th, 2006, 9:15 am
by stilltrucking
Isaih Berlin Called the 20th century, the century of the Jew. Not sure if he was talking about Freud, Marx, and Einstein. I can't find the link. I used to feel real proud of being a Jew, an American too. Now I don't feel so proud, I am not ashamed either. I just feel responsible for what is being done in the name of both groups.

They say the 20th century is the bloodiest in history. I sometimes think we ain't seen nothing yet in the 21st.

To paraphrase Dylnan's Talking World War III Blues.

You can be in my nightmare if I can be in yours.

Posted: October 11th, 2006, 2:47 pm
by the flaming ace
as I crash and burn
just dropped supplies into beleagered Dak Seang

OH Israel, hear my call.
I swear the airstrikes into the surrounding territories are counter-productive. as well as cruel. Thazz my point.

Yom Kipper baby. i get yer drift.
I am flaming out over my hometown, homeless indeed.

Posted: November 15th, 2006, 9:29 am
by stilltrucking
Palestinian Rocket Strike Kills One, Severely Injures Another

The death of Fatima Slotzker, 57, marked the first fatality inside Israel from a Palestinian rocket since July 2005. It brought competing claims of responsibility from the radical Hamas and Islamic Jihad movements, both of which called the strike on a residential neighborhood retaliation for Israeli shelling last week that killed 20 Palestinian civilians in the Gaza town of Beit Hanoun ... 00185.html

All those thousands and thousands of rockets launced and the first fatality in over a year. Bad aiming, good luck, or what?

So now Bush is turning into a real internationalist goig to ask for Syrian and Iranian help in Iraq and Palestine. WHat the hell is going on. Must be something I am smoking.

Fatima rest in peace, may you be the victim of this war.

Posted: November 15th, 2006, 9:48 am
by jimboloco
I saw Amy Goodman on Hardball via You Tube
link from Democracy Now
she was on with a right wing christian radio guy from Philly

she says
ya negotiate with your enemies

there's a peace movement inside Israel
how about an eye-witness report on this?

Posted: November 15th, 2006, 12:56 pm
by stilltrucking
ten four
and while we are about it
how about a peace movement within palestine eyewitness report.

I am a camera, wasn't that a movie?

Iran is trying to outlaw high speed connections
to hard to monitor,
they want to stay with good old dial up speeds
new english news service on al jazeera
twelve thousand FBI agents I think abd about 30 of them speak arabic. Yep we safe. Makes me want to pirate a movie just to see them in action. It would be worth twenty years in jail and a 250,000 fine.

sorry j
I'm just all shook up these days
I can't stay on topic
I just heard the news today
The moon is sliping from earth's gravitational embrace at one point five inches a year. In ten billion years it will be gone. And the earth will wobble.

I am nothing if not a wobbler

Trying to think of a government I like.
I want to live in Freedonia I think.
Where is Rufus T. Firefly, when we need him.

I got not much hope for our new senate
But I got high hopes for Pelosi
She is maybe the shrewdist politician we have had since Eisenhower.

My eyewitness report this morning is in the wind.

Live oaks shimmy shake
leafy shadows jitterbug
the wind calls the tune

Peace is in the wind

Posted: November 15th, 2006, 3:27 pm
by jimboloco
michio kaku said that th moon is moving away at 4 cm a year
same size as my wife's excavated ovarian cyst
both benign
an he says it's two billion years until the moon gets far enough away so that the earth flipps on it's axiz

what are we talking about? a peace movement in palestine?
there are numerous palestinian peace workers

listen to democracy now today
mcgovern and kucinich
makes sense to me
a government i could like

Wednesday, November 15th, 2006
Out of Iraq or More Troops? A Debate on Withdrawal with Fmr. Senator George McGovern, Congressman Dennis Kucinich and AEI's Joshua Muravchik

Posted: November 15th, 2006, 9:17 pm
by stilltrucking
a government i could like
I was talking about Israel again I think.

There are some spooky groups in Israel and Palestine calling them selves peace movements. Some shaddy shadow characters running them.

I don't know what a good government I could like anymore,

a government i could like
I like the government we got now, its the people running it who are making me nauseaous. I get got my hopes up, I hope Nancy won't pull that foot ball away like lucy does to charlie brown.

all I know is that I don't hold j responsible for the actions of her government anymore than I do for the actions of my own. I am going to stick to my guns, not to be a sexist but I want another woman near the top or on the top, right now the third most important member of government is or will be a woman in january of 07. It is a time for mz liberty to lay down her torch and pick up a gavel, an oval office, I am tired of first ladies, I want a first man.

I think I may have given up on governments, I don't expect much, I seem to get so much, so far, I never know, I live on the margins of the economy. The stock market is up, chirstmas shopping is strong, consumer confidence is high, and everything is peachy.

I been on a rampage with this weed for a week a miracle I got any work done.

Gone jim
I was just trying to amuse j with the ku
nothing to do with you
The problem of Israel and the nations has more to do with what happened after world war two then what happened during the war. The immediate aftermath of the war the holocaust continued, and when it stopped no one wanted their jews back, not that many european jews wanted to go back, but they fucking well weren't welcome back. I am speaking more of eastern jews, but the western democracies took a pretty hands off not in my back yard attitude, maybe I am wrong, but you know I have read some about it and that is the impression I have. Ul Sl had quotas for jews, fortunate few who got to come here. But my family was extra fortunate at least some of them, they came before the first world war..
what are we talking about?
That's a good question.

Ah wives,
Brother in laws
Yeah we was in a real medical twirl for a couple of months
He was in denial, you know he had his problems
She in a tizzy two three doctors appointments and test for weeks,
No compassion yet from the bear
The scarder she got the more time she spent here
I was sleeping on the floor for a couple of weeks
praying I would be able to stand up in the morning
what price can you put on a sister?
what can you say about them
wives sisters, mothers friends aunts nieces, women
So I got to cut the bear some slack
She put a hurtin on him
And he is still trying to pay her back
But the idiot loves her
Strange marriage, this the second marriage to each other, her first divorce cost me thirty grand, I can't afford another one.

Happy to hear everything was be kind benign

Posted: November 15th, 2006, 11:54 pm
by judih
this eyewitness is a little too bombarded lately with qassams to be calmly looking at the Peace movement, which is indeed flourishing amongst those who are living a little further away from present fire.

Those locations change all the time. Sometimes it's a moshav (farming community) just across the highway from us, and sometimes, it's happening in places closer to Jerusalem. The peace movement will never die, but right now, people, i'm not able to concentrate on presenting the works and deeds of the movement.

Posted: November 16th, 2006, 6:13 pm
by stilltrucking
You got nothing to prove to me judih
You don't need to present any evidence
You are a peace movement with your poetry.

Posted: November 16th, 2006, 11:29 pm
by judih
thanks sweetheart
but i've yet to see a poem talk sense into an age-old conflict
damn, i wish it could.