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Posted: April 6th, 2011, 10:25 am
by Doreen Peri
Leak under kitchen sink. Pipe broke. Water and sludge and mold all under the kitchen cabinets. Contractors are here.... entire kitchen has been demolished. They're finding water under the laminate floor into my family room....

Who knows how much the homeowners insurance will cover. Bad timing. Unemployed. Barely can buy groceries. Lost 20 pounds.

No wonder I've been feeling sick and tired for so long. Mold. And lots of it. It stinks in here now that they've pulled everything up.

Could be worse. I could be in Japan. Counting my blessings.

But boy, what a mess!!!!!!

This is my Dear Diary entry for the day.

I may write a poem. Use "demolition" as a metaphor for self destruction than reinventing myself.

Re: Demolition

Posted: April 6th, 2011, 11:09 am
by Doreen Peri
It stinks like a sewage dump in here. The workmen are coughing. I'm coughing. I'm about to throw up. God this sucks.

Re: Demolition

Posted: April 6th, 2011, 12:46 pm
by zero_hero

I was just thinking of the Dear Diary thread on the GO board just a minute ago I was thinking about making a post to it.

Funkiest smell I ever smelled was that cellar Crazy Mike used to lock me up in when I was being punished. I knew what the smell was coming from because I had seen the dead rats rotting in the back alley behind the house in Fell's Point.

Oh well, I had a happy childhood, at least that is the way it seems to me now.

SOrry to hear about your rotten stinking kitchen, I wish I could lose another twenty pounds, but worried about you, you are thin enough.

Another funky smell is the inside of a refrigerated truck trailer that has been hauling fresh killed chickens if they spoil. Hard to get the smell out but I have heard that a pound of fresh ground coffee spread around will h elp

Beau tiful day here in SOuth Tex windows open and breeze, reading the introduction to Tropic of Cancer by Karl Shapiro

He liked henry miller a lot. I think I am going to try reading him again.

I got an idea for a short story, call it THe Naked L unch with Crazy Mike..

Re: Demolition

Posted: April 6th, 2011, 2:31 pm
by Doreen Peri
Thanks, Jack. I always love to read your posts. I was thinking of adding to the Dear Diary thread today myself but decided to post here instead while I was here apologizing to Mingo on my dream interpretation thread.

My life has gone haywire. I'd post photos of the demolition but the stench of standing water and dregs from my garbage disposal was too much for me to take them. The contractor took photos, though. Maybe he'll share them with me. He had to document everything for the insurance company.

The insurance adjuster's coming in the morning. I sure hope they pay for this mess because I'm broke, haven't worked for months, and can barely afford to get out of bed, which I rarely do any more. Sad, I know. Not to be complaining, just reporting. Depression sucks.... no job sucks.... and now all this bullshit.

I suppose, though, I actually might start feeling more energetic and much healthier once they get this fixed because the mold problem is extensive and I was attributing my constant fatigue to depression. It could be that it's been caused by living in a mold infested environment for so long.

I try to put things in perspective and think of the victims of the tsunami in Japan and know that things could be a lot worse. But honestly, some days I consider hari kari. It's a good thing the kitchen is torn up because I don't know where the knives are. ;) They're stacked somewhere in my dining room.

Oh lord and that's another thing... they're not yet sure whether the water leak has gone into the dining room. If that's the case, my dining room and living room floors would all have to be replaced. Ahhh well. I have coffee and valium and an asthma inhaler. I can get through this. I just need to keep the windows open day and night. Hmmm.... which gives me a thought... nah, never mind. It's only 2 stories. If I jumped out of Alicia's bedroom window the worst that could happen is I'd break a leg or get paralyzed for the rest of my life.

LOL... I have an odd sense of humor, huh? :mrgreen:


Im glad you're enjoying a beautiful day there! .... and I like Henry Miller. :) ... Speaking of Texas, check out the announcements forum about planning an 8-year anniversary party in multiple locations next summer, July 2012. SooZ has some Texas suggestions. :)

Re: Demolition

Posted: April 6th, 2011, 2:35 pm
by Doreen Peri
PS... I have my own personal dumpster outside! Wheeeeeeeeee! :)

Re: Demolition

Posted: April 7th, 2011, 3:34 pm
by Steve Plonk
Doreen, sorry to see that you've had a bad kitchen pipe break and leakage in part of your house...Hope that your homeowner's insurance covers it. We've had a rainy two weeks here, in Tennessee. I hope rain hasn't made things worse up in Northern Virginia. Our prayers are with you and yours. :cry:

Re: Demolition

Posted: April 7th, 2011, 4:19 pm
by Doreen Peri
Thnx, Steve. Insurance adjuster came and much of it should be taken care of from their payment. Not all of it, though. Ahhh well... it will be nice when it's complete and will make it easier to sell my house I'm sure.

Stay dry down there in Tennessee! Hope you're having some nice warm spring days now!

Re: Demolition

Posted: April 7th, 2011, 8:37 pm
by Doreen Peri
This is actually sorta cool. It's like camping. :D

Re: Demolition

Posted: April 7th, 2011, 9:01 pm
by Diana Moon Glampers
Pollyanna Cowgirl 8)

Re: Demolition

Posted: April 11th, 2011, 12:20 am
by creativesoul
the cheese is old and moldy from "encino man "comes to mind, and maybe you ll find something cool after all the place is new again- insurance adjuster brings mr mayhem and nationwide or that gecco again=polyester pants- no thats wal mart-
anyway i live here now= and the mold in the tropics is to be expected big time- vinegar- bleach-simple green...
so i just ha to get right in here with the mold- i eat spiralina and i love papayas.
sometimes i am grateful i drank too many mai tais and threw up thru my nose, i havent had to drink since...that really smells...