no more than 60k characters?! lucky you

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Re: no more than 60k characters?! lucky you

Post by SadLuckDame » September 24th, 2010, 6:56 am

Hi to you James
come on in and drop your hat,
let's have words all over the place.
`Do you know, I was so angry, Kitty,' Alice went on...`when I saw all the mischief you had been doing, I was very nearly opening the window, and putting you out into the snow! And you'd have deserved it, you
little mischievous darling!
~Lewis Carroll

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Re: no more than 60k characters?! lucky you

Post by Doreen Peri » September 24th, 2010, 8:24 am

Hey James! Welcome to the Studio! :)

Spray your words around like paint.
Decorate the walls, ceiling, and floor!
Another hue? A neologistic phrase or two?
That'll be cool! Just roll 'em out some more!
Jackson Pollock the place. Straight from the can.
Jam it, dammit! Be the Word Man!

(the link took me back to the forum itself... was that your intention?)

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Re: no more than 60k characters?! lucky you

Post by Steve Plonk » September 24th, 2010, 1:14 pm

Greetings, Neologistic, pleased you have graced this blog.
I look forward to seeing more of your posts.

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Re: no more than 60k characters?! lucky you

Post by stilltrucking » September 26th, 2010, 3:16 pm

Well my nest to last post.

60 charcters, ha
I guess I been sticking to the random text boxes I got 60000 charcters to write the great american hypertrashtext document.

Welcome aboard matey, really happy to see you here. I hope you have even half the fun I have had here. I hope this is not an invidious honor

I am glad you liked my user name so I decided to give the honor of my last post on studio eight for stilltrucking. His time has come, going to kill him off now. For the good of the software. I have tried to kill him off before but he comes coming back up,
I hope my efforts are more permanent this time.

As I understand it you can not add a moderator to your foes list.

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Re: no more than 60k characters?! lucky you

Post by Doreen Peri » September 29th, 2010, 2:28 am

I fear the internet is a Group Intellect threat level 0.

Anyone else with me?!?!?
You're probably right. Buncha idiots we all are. ;) lol

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Re: no more than 60k characters?! lucky you

Post by judih » September 29th, 2010, 4:07 am

an idiot is sometimes in the best position

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Re: no more than 60k characters?! lucky you

Post by Doreen Peri » September 29th, 2010, 12:52 pm

I herd that! ;)

It works like that. Just look at the tea party movement. Or political extremism in general or even nationalism in general. Or football games. Or church rallies. Lately on FB, people profess their religions like they're cheering for a football game. Herds.

OK, back to work for me. Rah rah rah. :)

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Re: no more than 60k characters?! lucky you

Post by Doreen Peri » September 29th, 2010, 12:57 pm


yeah and i even italicized it so people would get it. (not that i thought you wouldn't, of course)

*insert canned laughter*


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Re: no more than 60k characters?! lucky you

Post by stilltrucking » October 14th, 2010, 3:08 pm

Sometimes I get ambitious James
At times like that I feel clever
my sense of humor is mordant

My father crazy mike had a Charles Adams sense of humor
there are many things I see in myself as I have come to have compassion for him.

We all have our threat levels that is why some got to live in Israel and others are homeless diaspora refuse of teeming shores. Courtesy of the good Baron Dehirsch

I see plenty of threat in the internet

I suppose there is a commercial market for that kind of thing.

Then we have an oasis now and then in the digital waste land

Studio Eight, Litkicks, Algonquin, and that other one that Clay is so proud of being thrown out of.

Truckers are such simple people
even the radical chic ones

I wrote a thing called The Problems of Mid-list authors, I have to find it for you. Norman Mallory liked it a lot I think you might too.

This guy won't stop posting
now matter how hard I try.
Trying to cut back at least
sorry for the digression about "the last post" it happens when I search my own posts and see a page that juxtaposes random posts into something that actually seems to follow a thread through the train of random thoughts.

so then I forget to put a . between still and trucking and I fuck it up

and it don't seem to matter anymore

I like your riff on the search bots picking up on it. I used to do 'meta tagging' on my various vanity pages just to see what would happen. But that was back in the last century, we have come so far since then :?

what is it now the new code, 5?
I read it is spook spooky

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Re: no more than 60k characters?! lucky you

Post by still.trucking » October 14th, 2010, 3:29 pm

The Problems of mid list authors

I was east bound on I-70 when the SUV in front of me flipped over and rolled a couple of times. Stuff came flying out of it. A computer flew out of the back and went sliding down the road. After the cops and ambulance arrived, (too late to for the driver he was killed instantly) I walked down the shoulder to see what happened to the computer. I like to tinker with them so I was curious if any thing had survived. I found the hard drive sitting on the fog line. I picked it up and carried it around with me until I got home a couple of weeks later. I plugged it in to a computer I had and booted it up. It was if I had the guy’s life fossilized in silicon. All his e-mail was there. I started reading it. He was pretty successful writer. There were letters to his New York literary agent, he was not happy with her; they were not on the same page. Something about a movie deal. He was getting a quater million dollars but he thought he deserved more. There was a letter to his wife. He was upset because she had taken a menial job in a plant nursery because she enjoyed the work. There were letters to his brother complaining about the work he was doing on his summer home. Lots of woe, the guy was miserable, pissed at everyone. He had the mid-list author blues I was still an aspiring writer back then. And I was stunned how the man’s talent had brought him so much misery. He had money, he had a wife, and he had work. But it just wasn’t enough. Then I found out the man who was killed was not the author it was his brother who was moving his stuff for him. So now he did not have a brother. I wonder what else he might have lost. After about ten minutes the hard drive began to smoke and it gave up the ghost and died. I still keep it around.
One of the bosses at litkicks was writing about the problems of mid list authors and I posted this. It was deleted and so was I. Still don't know why. Hurt like hell when they deleted me. But I figure it was just my karma. I still got plenty left to loose.

Not sure what that has got to do with 60 characters, I been feeling lucky cause I always got 60000 to a text box.
I miss Mallory, but you a heavy hitter I am glad you can take up the slack
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Re: no more than 60k characters?! lucky you

Post by still.trucking » October 14th, 2010, 3:46 pm

Probably on some hip little newspaper in the village

my goodness I certainly could not accept any consolation prize for running over your hard drive. I must have been stoned. Sorry about that.

And even though I have been black listed I have never been a member of any communist labor union except for the international motherhood of bruthafuckkahs.
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Re: no more than 60k characters?! lucky you

Post by still.trucking » October 14th, 2010, 4:19 pm

thanks Neo

Nothing to do with this but everytime I post something about the modern state of Israel I regret it.

What can I say j, I am still a racist. Jimboloco was right about me. I know it does not matter, if I was Irish i would have a longing for the irish sea.

I dreamed I was in Israel some highway, one of those Starke Traum kind of dreams, so vivid, so real, a year from now I will probably wonder if it was a dream or weather I was there.

I would not say the dream was a nightmare, it was too much like consciousness for that feeling, but there was a sense of threat. Danger but not terror, a sense of mindfulness, watching my step. I had a dream I was in Amerika last night, that was a nightmare, so surreal and decadent. No wait that was no dream, that was today. Your right wing religious zealots make ours look like pussycats.

I am just happy you found a home.

sorry neo
just say high jack :oops: :wink:
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Re: no more than 60k characters?! lucky you

Post by Doreen Peri » November 22nd, 2010, 7:37 pm

Lucky us!

Weird.. I just deleted a bot who posted on this forum and now it says "no posts" are on the forum so I'm making a post to see what it says.

We need a bot stopper! Sighhh........

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Re: no more than 60k characters?! lucky you

Post by Doreen Peri » November 22nd, 2010, 7:38 pm

Whew! typing that comment fixed it... now it says the right number of posts on the forum.

These bots get smarter and smarter, huh?

I'm such a ditz sometimes.

Thank you for all your help, James. Hope to see you again soon.

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Re: no more than 60k characters?! lucky you

Post by stilltrucking » November 23rd, 2010, 2:10 am

Me too.

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