Guatemalan alien

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Guatemalan alien

Post by jimboloco » June 21st, 2006, 9:17 am

it was after the Rainbow Gathering outside of Salem
had been walking the Oregon beaches in sunny October
climbed up the vines clinging cliffs
up to wild blackberries
and back down again
finally ran out of beaches
clouds and cool currents set in
heading south, got a meal at th back of a deli
lovely sandwiches tossed in faith for passers by
walked to the border northern California,
wearied, sitting on my pack at the state line highway 101
"no hitchhiking" said the sign
sitting like a deadeat with my thumb out
along comes this Mestizo,
a stranger on the road,
his head in a bandage,
dried blood on his brow,
he says, out of th blue,
"we have to walk,"
man just like that,
me and my dog and this Guatemalan
walking down 101,
scattered cars passing by,
into deep redwood forests,
into the dusk,
slept at th side of th road,
nothing but dogbisquits and water
and tylenols for my alien buddy,
he was beaten on th docks of Portland,
going to Eureka hospital where they had treated indigents and aliens
back in th day,
we walked the entire second day,
loaded down with packs and stubborn satori,
walked by bu·col·ic farms
eating wild blackberries
back into th deep redwood groves
until at last we came upon a small town
deep in th woods
walked on thru to th other side,
found a lovely bridge along a stream,
stashed our packs
bought baloney and bread,
someone gave us each a can of beer,
we felt civilised and slept in peace neath th bridge.
in th morn a fisherman gave us green marijuana leaves,
bitter and unsmokeable, yet
the gesture was nice
an we rode in style
back of his pickup
ah th breeze cool and sweet,
to Crescent City,
walked th entire town
found Rainbow dudes camped on a beach,
made a fire,
cooked veggies scrounged from a supermarket dumpster,
rolled cigarrettes and dreamed of unknown destinies,
escape from th maddening petty bourgeoisie
and memories of wars and imperialist schemes,
then split in th morn, the others going first, thumbs out,
we waitied our turn, highway bum etiquette,
thumbed into Eureka late afternoon, walked to th mission,
th man says to me, do you believe,
ibelieve, i said, jesus ain't th only begatten son of gawd,
if you please,
showered and fed, and bunked,
my dawg barked th whole night, tied to a tree.
th man told me my welcome was up,
th Guatemalan alien got to stay,
so, we walked into town,
stopped at a corner store for a soda,
two bums and a dawg,
young well dressed woman aksed me to buy her some beers,
i said politely, no,
when we came back out there she was standing with these
two well dressed short haired dandy thugs wearing those official shades,
pigs all three,
inhumanity revealed, little smiles on their faces,
th eureka gestapo,
humbolt hum drumz,
we walked away ,
up to this gleaming white hospital on th hill,
shook hands th cool way,
said goodbye,
me an my Guatemalan alien traveler
but not in memory
an here it is
to shine on
to warm th hearts
for greater humanity.
Last edited by jimboloco on January 20th, 2009, 10:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by stilltrucking » June 21st, 2006, 5:21 pm

it does jim it warms me
it is very beautiful writing

thank you

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Post by jimboloco » June 21st, 2006, 8:45 pm

did you ever give a ride in your truck to a straggler with cat from northern Arizona to Mojave, California? mercy i was wired.
that was earlier, about '76, or so. the Guatemalan alien snippet happened in October of 1980. Amazing, I done been here in Tampa Bay since March of '88, finally, over 18 years here now, as you know, all visionaries need a home, peace.
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
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Post by stilltrucking » June 22nd, 2006, 4:49 am

I can't remember either jimbo. I picked up a lot of people, gave a lot of my money away, shoes, sweaters, flash lights, and food. Maybe the most unusual were the disciples of Jesus Christ All Mighty. Or something like that. Hard core Jesus freaks out of California. All they travelled with was the clothes on their back and an army blanket. When spider woman was on her hejira she told me they had been very kind to her.

I got five cigarettes left, I am suppose to go see the pulmonary specialist again next month. Kind of embarrassing. I still owe him twelve bucks. I needed the money for cigarettes. Vonnegut is right. If I don't have it I am going to sue the tobacco companies for a defective product. Don't they have to live up to those warnings?
I would like to be tobacco free this summer. If I do nothing else. I am like the dog in the bible that returns to his own vomit. bleeeeeeeehhhhhhhh

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Post by the flaming ace » June 23rd, 2006, 3:42 pm

goin down in flames
o got into a camp with a child of christ or something
the same ones, man
he stayed awhile at our camp
was a vegetarian bum had white robe with rope belt
smoked the herb tho
he said that jesus smoked the herb
hung out with winebibblers
until he got depressed an lonely waiting fer his brothers to show up
he used a lot of olive oil
he got a curious set of acne all over his buttocks
e even started weeping
then his brothers showed up
and repaired him an they all left smiling out on th road
[b][color=darkgreen]one more for th road[/color][/b] :mrgreen:

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Post by stilltrucking » June 23rd, 2006, 6:05 pm

was a vegetarian bum had white robe with rope belt
Maybe but I don't think so. These guys wore clothes and an army blanket as a robe. They all had their army blankets. Their leader is a or was a ex house painter from LA called Jesus Christ All Mighty Lightning or something.

Another hitch hiker Witchita KS
She came out of the darkness and startled me. "Can I please have a Ride to Topeka mister." She had the most unusual beautiful hair I have ever seen. I was cut short in sort of page boy, but it was so black and thick it looked like a helmet. I learned later she was an Indian from South America. Little baby adopted by missionaries brought back to the USA. I only heard her side of the story but it reminded me of people who get a puppy then when they get bored with it just dump it. When we got to Topeka she asked for a ride to the next town, and the next. When I got to Omaha I just could not see hiding her in the truck while I went into the packing house for my load of meat. I was not attracted to her all though she was a very sweet person. I gave her my best white sweater, almost all my money, a flash light cause it was dark, and some clean socks. She got out at truck stop in Nebraska.

Another hitch hiker McKinney Texas

A woman standing by the side of the road barefoot in the Texas summer sun. She had a little girl with her, maybe three years old. THey were both barefoot. SHe had run away from her abusive husband in Oklahoma, now she was on her way back to him. I gave her a pair of my sneakers that almost fit her, some socks and almost all my money.

Another hitch hiker Mile Marker Zero In Texas

She came out of the darkness and startled me. I must have a fucking halo these people seemed to be able to find me.

She looked about 14 said she was 18 and she looked very scared. She asked for a ride to san antone. I was going to Laredo. Going to drop off at the fort and run old 90 along the border. I told her that Laredo was no place for her to be. I tell you Ace , she was pretty I had to examine my motives for giving her that ride. I was annoyed, she had not a clue. I I thought to myself you have no idea what you are asking me for, this is my livilihood and you are asking me to lay it on the line for you.. You drive for a company and get caught with a hitch hiker you just lost your ride. But she looked so scared I said I would take her as far as Fort Stockton a small town with a truck stop. I thouht she would be safer there. Safer then El Paso or Laredo. When we got to the fort I gave her five bucks for coffee and went to fuel my truck. About five minutes later she comes running over to me and says, "We got to go they called the cops." I had no idea what she meant by that but I said, "who the hell do you think I am, Rodney King." She faded back into the darkness from whence she came and I hung around and waited for the cops.

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Post by stilltrucking » June 23rd, 2006, 6:34 pm

That last one was very pretty, I had to do some soul searching about my motivation for giving her that ride. She just looked scared, really scared. Desperate.

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Post by stilltrucking » June 24th, 2006, 6:01 am

Maybe it was the same guys. All I remember is those army blankets. What I put that woman through. Spiderwoman spoke of their kindness. That is all that mattered to me. She also had found a friend in Jesus.
And I have been grateful to Him ever since. She also loved her statue of a little fat happy Buddha. I remember him too.

There she was in her forties, just took off and hitched across the country to a new life. Far from me.

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Post by jimboloco » July 4th, 2006, 12:36 am

mercy real nice hitchhikerz tales

once i picked up this scary wretch in arizona
he was from tunesia
had a huge black hairy mole on his face
was going to philly
he kept muttering
"i'm gonna do it!"
i dropped him off at a truck stop in east elpaso
flat ass split

saw him again a month later
hitchhiking down in north florida
heading up east

kept a going
once when i was a cabbie in detroit
gota call at 2 am
a luscious loverly black girl
maybe 16
snow night collld
she said sh'e do anything fer a lift back home
i aks where she lived
way over south west side
i'm the northcentral side
i wants ta take her back to my pad an
i took her to th bus stop at woodward an 6 mile road
gave her three bucks worth of change
sh tol me i look like th guy on taxi
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
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Post by jimboloco » January 20th, 2009, 10:37 am

with jesus an buddha at th wailing wall
o·bama is president
we can return toward that natural instinct
to having regard for travellers and wayfarers
and bums and vagabonds
and the indigent
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
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Post by stilltrucking » January 25th, 2009, 10:33 am

I met a college kid back in the eighties, physical appearance similar.

It is good thing in a latent racists life when he meets a black man smarter than I was.

He was a cool dude, a natural leader. Then a couple of years ago I had a dream about a black jesus. Or maybe it was Osiris? He looked like that guy. Obama does too.

Nothing to do with obama except for stereotypes

I am enjoying these first hundred days. The honeymoon.

And trying not to let my morbid thoughts of Lincoln's murder kill my joy.

Did you know Lincoln was Jewish? He was shot in the temple.

I been thinking more of FDR than Lincoln.

Saw a picture of Obama in his office on his first day as President. Magnificant desk he was sitting at. Intricate carvings, I wondered if it was the so called "Lincoln" desk.

"Daddy was a veteran, a southern democrat.
They oughta get a rich man to vote like that."

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Post by mudshark » June 13th, 2009, 5:02 am

this is real. wowie.
What stories!
Iamma ready for my day.ahhhhh!

and thank you, riders.

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Post by mudshark » June 13th, 2009, 5:04 am

and the opening one, jimbo, is a pice of art!
what rythm, what lines. it is music. fucking hell, man.
you sure can punch.

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Post by stilltrucking » October 4th, 2009, 2:59 pm

you are a poet jimboloco and an artist and a friend.

thank you

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Post by SadLuckDame » October 4th, 2009, 10:48 pm

It might of been the burgundy
or letter in her hand
that brought it on
but she was packing up a suitcase
hitchhiking to highway one.

Oh baby! Don't ya know...

Cowboys are crazy,
rednecks eat squirrels
deadheads got no extra room
after they pack up their long
haired mutts.

No body's gonna take ya there
the gas prices are sky high
chili dogs aren't two for a dollar
and fifteen bucks won't get ya far.

Where ya been hidin', toking, smoking...

I'm not kidding.
This ain't nothing like ya read.
You may look young yet, darlin'
dabbin' on a little red,
colored cheek bones
still they'll tell ya you're old enough
to be working it for free...

No doll, the road ain't easy.

Dumb gal stuck out her thumb
popped a boot on her case
first trucker to pull over
says, "How much for that diamond,
Babyface or do ya just wanna
give it to me?"

Honey, they're seventeen seventeen...
Oh baby! Don't ya know...

Thanks for the trip jimboloco.
`Do you know, I was so angry, Kitty,' Alice went on...`when I saw all the mischief you had been doing, I was very nearly opening the window, and putting you out into the snow! And you'd have deserved it, you
little mischievous darling!
~Lewis Carroll

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