so much in so little....6/14/08

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so much in so little....6/14/08

Post by YABYUM » June 15th, 2008, 11:18 am

"don't stress out because you make me stress"

the above statement was said to me by my wife because all i do since becoming a husband and soon to be father, is stress out. becoming a one income family is a huge ajustment as well. so much going on since my last update. I finally got moved from the swing shift. I am now working normal day hours thanks to a promotion of sorts. The cabinet company I work for has recently opened a new muti million dollar production facility for "euro cabinets". These cabinets are way more costly than our normal cabinets and require more hands on workers. unlike the assembly line set up for the regular cabinets, Euros require workers who are familiar with every machine and every facet of the cabinets trip down the production line. As of now I am the first actual employee to be moved. The only other people over there are supervisiors and managers. I look at it as a promotion because as the weeks roll on by, there will be more of a push to fill orders, so as they bring more people over, i will be in the perfect position for a leadership spot, and this will bring higher amounts of hourly wages. apparently, euros are the companys future.

Baby news......Denese had her glucose test and no diabetes. yay. Her belly gets bigger by the day. I swear I can hear her growing.

Recently found out that my grandfather has returned to Jersey (from Florida) where he will be made comfortable for his soon to be death. I have never been close to him, but tears got close when grandma told me that he had "multible" tumors on his brain and was givin only two months to live. He's had a great run. 82 is an age we should all hope to reach. I imagine that grandma will follow shortly after. two people who shared 60 plus years together cant possibly adapt without the other. Even though I havent seen them in almost five years, I still feel sad. Death is such a downer.

on a much lighter note.....the nursery is finally taking shape. denese has the painting 90% complete. I was able to get a very expensive from work for super cheap because of a defect that no one who doesnt build them could ever notice. it will fit perfectly under the widow.

This weekend we will be travelling back to astoria for deneses baby shower. i am excited because while she is opening gifts and doing girl things....i will be out on the colombia river fishing with father in law in his brothers boat. good times. Speaking of good times, in a few hours i will be teeing off for the first time. no, not golf with little balls, golf with discs. my freind john has turned me on to disc golf, or frisbee golf. I went out and bought the discs yesterday. I got the beginners kit. Three discs. A driver, a mid range, and a putter disc. I can see me getting very addicted to this sport. any sport where you can play with a beer in hand, is a very good sport indeed. you can see what i am talking about here:
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

And now the Thank you list.......

Cecil we got the painting and both love it. we intended it for the nursery but it ended up in the hallway facing the front door. Thanks also for the cecilism. Your painting is our first purchase of art. we feel very high society. thank you much.

Judih your chapbook is a wonderful read. "radical terror" stands out in my mind. when a poet uses the word "globule" i think its a good thing. god bless your sweet, sweet voice.

Dave the Dov thank you, sir, for the wedding card and also for your chapbook. It was a nice suprise and very heartfelt. Keep the words flowin my man.

Denese thanks, baby, for letting me go to the eugene music festival with jason. thanks for coming to pick me up when i called all drunk and stupid, unable to get my stupid self home. thanks for letting me learn a lesson and not saying "i told you so". indeed a married man should know better, and now he does. I love your whole face.

well, thats it for now. Go Tiger Woods! Go Boston Celtics!

mrs. yabyum
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Post by mrs. yabyum » June 16th, 2008, 12:51 am

stressing out isn't all you do! you also do dishes. and laundry. and vacuum. what the hell. that's my job.

i just want you to handle your concerns healthily rather than worry worry worry. we're probably going to have at least several (lots of? who knows?) tough times in all our years together, and constantly freaking out over money isn't setting a good example for baby. we need to set strong and healthy yet honest and realistic examples.

think about jack today after you showed him how he hurt me, then how he avoided you because he knew you were upset at what he did. even if it had not been his fault, he would have picked up on your upsetness. little kids do that too. if you're upset for any reason, our child will pick up on it and react to it and then we'll feel bad about it later. i don't want anyone (not just baby) to avoid you just because you're doing one of your fatherly duties. i guess i really want to say that i think you can learn to worry without stressing. i will help you, if you let me. we will get through anything and everything together. go team.

daddy, we can FEEL me growing. feels like POW! WHAP! KABANG!!! JUDO CHOP!!!! CIRCLE MOSH!!!!! IN THE BELLY!!!!!!

i'm pretty excited for the baby's room to really be the baby's room. thanks for your motivation and support and heavy lifting. also thanks for fun times at the park today, i can't wait to watch you become disc golf hero superstar. also thanks for ending today well.

i love YOUR whole face. even the hairy parts.

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Post by mtmynd » June 16th, 2008, 12:03 pm

Nice update from the two of you. Good to hear everything is going as it should, except the stress. You know what Cecil says :

<center>avoid stress
not responsibility

[dang, that guy is full of those things ain't he..?]

Glad to hear the pic arrived safely and you're happy folks about it. Sounds like a good location to hang him... ;)

Keep on keeping on..!

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Post by mtmynd » June 22nd, 2008, 6:37 pm

what's the latest?

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Dave The Dov
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Post by Dave The Dov » June 23rd, 2008, 6:22 am

Good to hear you got everything!!!! :D Good luck to you!!!! :D
1950 recession

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