Consider This a Challenge

Commentary by Michael Bonanno.

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Consider This a Challenge

Post by Michael » February 18th, 2006, 5:23 am

I dare all of you, bar none, to watch this, note the anomalies and try to explain them away.

On September 11, 2001, immediately after the planes hit the towers, my wife said to me, “Bush did this.”

Although I didn’t agree, I didn’t adamantly argue the point. In fact, I waited for the FDR/JFK type of rousing speech from George W. Bush. I thought that, through this unfortunate catastrophe, Bush would be one of the greatest presidents in the history of the nation.

Bush isn’t as articulate as FDR or JFK were, even when others write his speeches. However, he identified the enemies, bin Laden and Al Qaeda, and promised to bring them to justice.

I expected the world to stand by our side while we set all of our technological and military capabilities in motion to bring the identified enemies, bin Laden and Al Qaeda, to justice – ASAP. I thought that, with our capabilities and help from the rest of the world, capturing these madmen would be easy.

In fact, in my humble opinion, George W. Bush couldn’t escape greatness even if he wanted to. With the opportunity presented him by the attacks, merely accomplishing the logical goal would make him a hero. I was ready to follow him into that greatness because The United States of America was not going to be duped and attacked without swift and complete retaliation.

We are now in Iraq and close to 3,000 American soldiers have died. Countless have been ruined for life, physically and psychologically. Possibly hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been killed. This was not the logical goal that needed to be met. Invading Iraq was so illogical that I must, once again, refer to Richard Clarke’s analogy of FDR attacking Mexico after Pearl Harbor was attacked. That’s how illogical trying to accomplish whatever goal it is that we’re trying to accomplish in Iraq is.

This is but a small, vivid explanation of what I now believe happened on 9/11/01. However, even with much important evidence left out of it, I challenge anyone who takes the time to watch this video to respond with logical explanations for what you see. If you can’t come up with a counter explanation for the anomalies shown in this video, if you even say, “Well, I can explain every one” and proceed to logically explain it, “except this particular one”, then imagine how many more you may not be able to explain if you took the time to read David Ray Griffin’s books or watch “In Plane Site”.

I don’t mean the dare to sound adversarial. It isn’t meant that way. It’s meant as a challenge to put aside the overbearing desire to believe that other nations can give rise, even elect, as Germany did, governments that turn out to be mad and power hungry, while there’s no way that the US could ever elect such a government.

What makes us better than Germany, France under Napoleon, Rome under Romulus Augustus?

Was this country not founded by elites who would only allow white landowners to vote?

Did we not view the selling and buying of human beings as legitimate commerce?

Did we not allow women to vote for the first 130 years of the Republic’s existence?

Did we not work children at the age of ten years old in sweat shops for 16 hours a day, seven days a week?

Was it not power hungry madness that drove us to wipe out civilizations that had called this land home for hundreds, maybe thousands of years?

Were African Americans banned from restaurants, public facilities, even not allowed to vote as recently as 1964?

Do these acts seem like the acts of rational people?

Are we an evil nation because we allowed this? No. We came to our senses, mostly driven by civil disobedience or outright violent dissent, but we came to our senses. Americans recognizing that we, like any other nation, are not perfect and righted those wrongs. Successfully speaking truth to power is what makes me proud to be an American.

What makes us different today? We saw that our government condoned all of this inhumane, irrational activity and we rose up to help one another, American fighting with and for American, to rid our nation and our government of these irrational behaviors.

Why, suddenly, are we a country that can no longer produce megalomaniacs? We have 250 million people here in the US. Many are wealthy, have anything and everything they could ever want, except everything, i.e., total control and power. It’s really no different than what most of us do which is to live above our means. Whatever we can afford, we go into debt to get more than that. When you can afford anything, what’s left? Everything is left and controlling everything is living above one’s means for people who can afford everything.

Please watch this. It repeats what many may have seen already, but it’s produced and presented by people I’d never seen present it before and maybe a new perspective on the same obvious truths may help open our minds even wider.

I can tell you the ending without spoiling the documentary. We are too willing today to surrender our personal rights to protect our lives and the lives of our loved ones. But we were placed in this position by slight of hand and the manipulation of our rage. It’s not a position in which we need to be to be safe.

Please watch the video and explain away the obvious impossibilities.

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Post by microbe » April 3rd, 2006, 4:43 am

Thanks for posting that video Michael. It is another on an increasingly long list of videos I have been watching since the anomolies were first brought to my attention. Like most people I bought the official version of events and for years didn't question anything, and considered the people who did were wierdos. Now I feel like an idiot for accepting the fairy tale that is the official version. An enquiry is urgently needed, but only when tens of millions of Americans begin to realise how they have been duped and how their citizens were murdered that day, will we begin to get some movement. I hope you are spreading the word - I certainly will be trying to.

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Post by mtmynd » April 3rd, 2006, 12:26 pm

Michael, I'm sorry I missed this great essay you wrote some time back but thanks to 'stilltruckin' I did, indeed, read it and watched the link to the video.

An amazing and disturbing video but one I think all people should watch.

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Post by Doreen Peri » April 3rd, 2006, 12:53 pm

I can't get the video to play. :(

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Post by mtmynd » April 3rd, 2006, 1:03 pm

Dor'... are you on cable? Or perhaps you haven't given it more time to download..? Try, try, try again, my dear... it really is worth it.

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Post by mousey1 » April 3rd, 2006, 1:04 pm

I'm watching it now Doreen, but it takes forever and loads in dribs and drabs. I hit play watch a minute or two of it and then it stops and I have to wait as it loads a bit more then I hit play again and so on and so forth. A tedious process but I am patiently is very interesting and certainly makes you think...think what you really don't want to think...
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Post by mtmynd » April 3rd, 2006, 1:11 pm

I didn't touch the 'play' button at all... after reading the home page stuff the video started by itself... if that's any help. I hope so.

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Post by Doreen Peri » April 3rd, 2006, 1:15 pm

I tried it in 2 different browsers - Explorer and Firefox.

Maybe I didn't wait long enough.

Yes I'm on cable.

I'll try again and leave the window open and see if it downloads.

Thanks, you two!

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Post by mtmynd » April 3rd, 2006, 1:17 pm

Dor'... the main page should be "lone lantern society" and where the movie begins is down right side.... which remains black (above control panel) until it buffers up.

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Post by Doreen Peri » April 3rd, 2006, 1:59 pm

Well, I hit the link then went to the store for a half an hour and the movie still never loaded. Sighh..... oh well!

Maybe I'll try a 3rd browser later on.

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Post by microbe » April 3rd, 2006, 3:01 pm

There are a lot of sites saying similar things Doreen. Here are a few

Lots of vids and audio giving a great deal to ponder about what REALLY happened on 9/11/2001.

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Post by mtmynd » April 3rd, 2006, 3:06 pm

Dor'... i use Firefox also w/ cable.... so do try again.

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Post by stilltrucking » April 3rd, 2006, 5:15 pm

Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Follow the money. On September 10, 2001 someone sold a lot of airline stock short. Now that seems to be an easy thing to trace. I think? Remember the Tylenol murders in Chicago during the eighties? Somebody tampered with the bottles and put cyanide capsules in with the medicine. They never convicted anyone of murder but they did get one guy on wire fraud. They were pretty sure it was him but the only thing they could nail him on was stock manipulation of Johnson and Johnson shares. I would like to hear more about those stock sales on 9/10

Lone Lantern is a very interesting site if you are into bible prophecy too..


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Post by microbe » April 3rd, 2006, 7:26 pm

Doreen please visit the following

and download the video -"A closer look" = 911.wmv

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Post by stilltrucking » April 3rd, 2006, 7:50 pm

And don't forget to check the links out too. the front page for this site is here. There are many useful linksthere also

Daryl Bradford Smith Calls for the Destruction of Israel ... ar2006_mp3

I like this one a lot too from the same site. Did you know the moon landings were a hoax?

Huge Questions dot com is the same guy
Eric Hufschmid.

It seems like a lot of 911 sites up on the web but they seem to inter connect. The same people with different domain names.

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