The Poet's Eye
        commentary by Lightning Rod

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Shadow Boxing
for release on 09-30-04

I'll tear you limb from limb
Yeah, with what? Your flip-flops?

America loves ritual combat. As we slip into the age of empire, like Rome, we have become enamored with things gladiatorial. Witness professional sports (wrestling included) and American Idol and Survivor. And the presidential debates. Lou Dobbs of CNN has the temerity to refer to them as "so-called debates," and "presidential presentations."

The rules for the debates, set out in a 32 page document authored by teams led by veteran Democratic lawyer Vernon Jordan for Kerry and the Bush family's go-to guy, former Secretary of State James Baker, wring any possibility of true debate from these ceremonies.

Even before the Democratic candidate was chosen, this writer predicted that if Bushco even deigned to participate in a series of debates, the format would be so structured as to allow for no actual discourse.

These debates will be no more than dog and pony shows. They amount to no more than tandem stump speeches. The candidates cannot address one another, there are no follow-up questions, no third party candidates present and no audience reaction shots allowed. The details are specific down to who can be in the wings and what the temperature will be in the auditorium. There's even a coin flip clause.

Imagine if boxing were a non-contact sport. Just two guys in shorts out there shadow dancing without ever coming to blows. This is what our presidential debates will be-- two little rich boys who are both afraid of getting a black eye.

The Encyclopedia Britannica describes debate as:
"formal, oral confrontation between two individuals, teams, or groups." There will be no confrontation in Bush-Kerry "debates," because the parties know that one false statement or faux pas or drop of sweat can turn this election around.

When I see debates, I want the spit to fly and I want to see blood on the mat. I don't want them to be gentlemanly affairs, completely arranged and conducted by the dualist's seconds.

In boxing there is at least the pretext of real combat. This fight is more like professional wrestling than it is like boxing. If the outcome is not pre-arranged, at least the choreography is planned. If the fans buy it, that's all that counts. After all, the debates are not so much a contest as they are a show.

The Bush campaign wouldn't even agree to a town hall type format unless they could hand-pick the audience. God forbid that the common man should be able to question those on high. They might ask questions like, "Mr. President, why are we spending a quarter trillion dollars on bad wars while I don't have proper health insurance?" So to avoid this kind of embarrassment, they insisted on being able to pack the audience with shills. When they took the debates away from the League of Women Voters they should have given them to the World Wrestling Federation. It would have been a better show.

The Lincoln-Douglas debates went on for hours. The combatants didn't wear gloves. There were no pre-arranged rules. It was Mano y Mano. In the presidential debates of the past, at least the candidates were allowed to address each other.

The Poet's Eye sees that our presidential debates are a charade, much as our whole electoral process is a charade. Welcome to the world of professional wrestling.

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