Obama Is Obligated

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Post by tonyc » April 24th, 2009, 5:53 pm

Wonder if a judge would buy that defense when I go to court for (whatever, you name it).
Your honor, I suggest that we just move forward and drop this matter.
I would like my punishment to be to whimper and die quietly.
How far do you think that defense would get?
That's like the one "Your honor, I would like the court to drop this case and save the taxpayers money and time, besides there must be bigger fish to fry"
I say Bush and Chenney need to be locked up, they're a danger to world peace, plants, animals and other living things...not to mention, I hate the rotten bastards.
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Post by Nazz » April 24th, 2009, 6:17 pm

Tony C, funny how you and I seemed to disagree here not long ago on the matter of going after the recent global disgrace known as the late Bush II Administration. I must have been drunk that night or something, because I've advocated for that in the past. I guess it just took so goddamned long to get 'em out of office or something. Pelosi wants to look into it. I dare say that more than 50% of us also want to look into it (Diebold be damned), but postmodern political viscosity is such that it seems the whole matter will be shelved-- labeled a "political football" or some other sort of well-paid hyperactive punditspeak, and just shelved. If I heard correctly yesterday, Obama has decided to basically let the matter drop.

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Post by Barry » April 24th, 2009, 7:25 pm

"They" want revenge against "us." "We" want revenge against "them."
Shame old sit on a diffident day.
I hate the rotten bastards
There's your problem right there, Tonyc.


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Post by tonyc » April 24th, 2009, 8:35 pm

I hate the rotten bastards
There's your problem right there, Tonyc.
Is it? It would seem to me the problem is those that don't, in fact that's scary.
No one is prouder of Bush and Chenney than Bin Laden, they fullfilled all of his wildest dreams.
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Post by Nazz » April 25th, 2009, 4:58 am

Mingo, what was that diatribe all about? Hardly seems directly related to the conversation at that point in time.

Just asking.

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Last edited by Nazz on April 26th, 2009, 5:05 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by the mingo » April 25th, 2009, 6:55 am

Wait a minute, Nazz. What shit?
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Post by Nazz » April 25th, 2009, 7:35 am

Scroll back. Your "revenge" post. That's what I'm asking. I found it really disappointing compared to some of our previous dealings. I'm a little angry over it. I mean, it's the sort of rant that some FOX News drone might make.

"Those that mean to do us harm have long since come to the conclusion that we are a nation of swallowers"

What are you talking about? And is it even related to the topic?

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Last edited by Nazz on April 26th, 2009, 5:49 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Arcadia » April 25th, 2009, 8:28 am

a trial? just send him to the israelites!!!!! :lol: mmm... yeah, I guess it would not work this time... :roll:

and not worry, it´s quite probably we´ll see Bush & family wandering here in some years and maybe we have a straight-right-wing government at that time and all it will be ok, who knows!

now, talking seriously, why not a trial led by "independent justice" (in the case that that exist) and the executive-president Obama free to keep moving as he want doing his things? too naif, maybe?

swallowers? it doesn´t seem so! :wink:

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Post by the mingo » April 25th, 2009, 8:43 am

Oh, that shit. It's my brand of full metal jacket, Nazz. I made myself clear. If you are crushed by it all I can say is that I am one leper that you won't hang with your tears. If you are truly angry then I am glad for it. You should be angry. But not at me.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Post by Nazz » April 25th, 2009, 8:59 am

No Mingo. No, I wouldn't say crushed in general, though I did use that word, but more specifically angry at what you wrote, which is precariously close to the type of stuff dredged up on FOX News daily, and in my dealings with you to this point I've never known you to just regurgitate that sort of stuff. I should be angry, but not at you? Ok fine, but it's your statement I'm angry (and disappointed) with. So maybe that's my problem. Yeah, maybe. But maybe your statement deserved to be attacked as well. Yeah, ok, my initial response was heated. Fine-- now I have to live with it. But I don't take any of the content of my objections back.

Shit, man.

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Last edited by Nazz on April 26th, 2009, 5:21 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by stilltrucking » April 25th, 2009, 10:06 am

shit indeed

it always comes down to that
maybe because we are born between urineandfeces

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Post by Nazz » April 25th, 2009, 4:50 pm

the mingo wrote:Our enemies have no belief in "justice". They believe only in death. We are well positioned to give it to them...
I missed this part in my objections last night.

This is true, of course. Yes, we should wipe out each and every person on the earth who believes solely and single-mindedly in killing us just for the fuck of it, you know.... just because we're "us". Yeah, we got the means don't we?

But isn't this essentially stating the hypothetical obvious? The devil is in the details. Even if one strictly adheres to "an eye for an eye", which I personally don't consider an obvious philosophical "gimme", aren't there limits to the exacting of revenge?

Note: Edited-- for tone, and added questions/thoughts.
Last edited by Nazz on April 26th, 2009, 5:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by hester_prynne » April 25th, 2009, 5:21 pm

The fact that the memo's were even open to we the public was a milestone and folks, this is Obama doing exactly what he said he would do, a more transparent government so we can protest these crimes! Which is what we did! And now, hopefully, Bush and his cronies will be TOAST!. Sure you gotta move on, but if you don't at least make their acts real and visible it will just keep on happening, ie they will just keep doing it because they can get away with it......
I say Bravo Obama
H 8)
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Post by Nazz » April 25th, 2009, 5:58 pm

I'm not entirely sold on Obama just yet. Okay, I like most of what I hear so far, but I want the government's continuing, nebulous "War on Terror" spelled out a little more clearly. I've just about reached my limit on that whole idea of "We must go kill them before they come kill us" thing. We need to stop just parroting that shit, or looking the other way when our politicians parrot that shit without specifics. What are Obama's war-based, more imperial sort of intentions? What is his bigger-picture plan? How will he deal with Israel, etc., etc. Yeah, the honeymoon only lasts for so long. We need to know. Hell we need to demand it at some point. There's a lot of work to do.

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Post by Barry » April 25th, 2009, 11:22 pm

I'm not entirely sold on Obama just yet. Okay, I like most of what I hear so far, but I want the government's continuing, nebulous "War on Terror" spelled out a little more clearly. I've just about reached my limit on that whole idea of "We must go kill them before they come kill us" thing. We need to stop just parroting that shit, or looking the other way when our politicians parrot that shit without specifics. What are Obama's war-based, more imperial sort of intentions? What is his bigger-picture plan? How will he deal with Israel, etc., etc. Yeah, the honeymoon only lasts for so long. We need to know. Hell we need to demand it at some point. There's a lot of work to do.
Hell, you expect Obama, or any good man or woman, to do it all at once, overnight, in one fell swoop for all to see, so all can be appeased, so you can be appeased? Have you ever tried to do anything that way? And were you successful in that endeavor?
One step at a time.
Be patient.


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