so, when do you wake up? go to work? go to sleep?

Go ahead. Talk about it.
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so, when do you wake up? go to work? go to sleep?

Post by judih » September 13th, 2004, 1:29 pm

alright, it had to come up sooner or later, since we all surf through timezones that have no business interrupting our communication.

i live in Greenwich mean time + 2 hours, which means when it's 12:00 a.m here, it's 5:00 p.m. NY time.

okay, within that bizarre reality, let it be known that since my partner wakes up at 4:30 a.m. to go to work and sees fit to say goodbye to me at 5:00 a.m., that's when i wake up.

It's precious silent time - an hour and a half before i have to awaken kids.

so, when my eyes and hands get it together, you might see me online reading - seldom writing until my first hit of water and then coffee activates my system.

i'm out of the house at around 7:30 a.m. and may get back home at any time from 3 p.m to 8:00 p.m depending on the day.

If i'm lucky - i get net access from school between classes or after teaching.

i toss the net to the kids when i get home and fall into bed around 10:00 and mess around until it's time to curl up into blissful dreams.

there - too much information or not enough - so be it.


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Post by panta rhei » September 13th, 2004, 2:29 pm

wait... i am greenwich mean time +2, but you say you're too, j, yet you're an hour ahead of me.... have you switched to winter time already?

anyway - we're still having daylight saving time here, so, i am gmt +2, which means 6 hours ahead of new york time.

i am not a morning person, so i try to ascend from the depths of sleep at around 7 a.m. my time... and a while later, i actually make it out of bed.

after lots of cold water, i prepare breakfast... husband leaves at around 7:30, when my eyes are barely open yet (and my mind neither), daughter leaves at 8.

i usually turn on the puter at around 9 a.m. (3 a.m. new york time) and try to get some work done... this is when i have a chance to peek into my favourites forums.

between 12 and 2 p.m. i am seldomly online - it's lunch time, and both b and z are home and hungry, and then we all have to check and coordinate dates and schedules and tasks.

i am on and off the internet during the afternoon and evening when i'm home (home= work place), depending on what needs to be done on that very day.... i usually turn off the puter some time between 8 and 11 p.m. ( = 2 and 5 p.m. new york time).

hm.... i am afraid that doesn't help too much - i could always be there, or else, not....

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Post by Zlatko Waterman » September 13th, 2004, 3:59 pm

I'm in LA, three hours behind NY and Boston time.

I rise at 5:00 a.m., get my wife off to work, make her breakfast and coffee, gather together briefcase, books, papers, tests, etc. ( she teaches a 7:00 Algebra class at one of the colleges nearby) and do "computer stuff" for a couple of hours-- correspondence, finding photos to use as reference for my comic strip, etc..

Feed the three cats.

Then I'm at the easel for about four hours. Nap at noon, one, or even two.

Up again for afternoon painting session. If I'm trying to produce something "for the market" I stay at it for a while.

Mary calls at four, ready to commute the hour home.

I take responsibility for dinner. She's the full-time gainful employee these days. I'm retired after 31 years of teaching.

Dinner; 4-mile walk after. Reading and bed about 9:30.

Since we have no children, I have no one to tuck in.

Sometimes, particularly in the summer, I read aloud.

We have not possessed cable tv service for 24 years, and watch no tv.

I listen to the local Pacifica Foundation station, KPFK, affectionately known to the Bushco legions around here as "Commie Radio."

I have, over the years, read aloud some odd mixtures of things: the complete novels of P.D. James, Jane Eyre, the complete stores and novellas of H.P. Lovecraft, The English Patient, Great Expectations, and many others. I can see that I'll end up reading the whole Aubrey-Maturin set of adventures by Patrick O'Brian in the near future.

Start all over again.

But none of this is carved in marble-- or even birch.


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I'm an...

Post by Artguy » September 13th, 2004, 7:22 pm sleep happens when it happens...otherwise I am up at 6am to be off to that all but necesary day job...........

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Post by knip » September 13th, 2004, 7:39 pm

i'm in toronto...EST...up every day at 7 am...check the news, shower...breakfast, then in class at 8:30...some days end at noon, some at 3 pm...we only go to 5 pm on thursdays...spend all my afternoons and evenings working on my research project

play squash every day 5-6 pm...nice relaxing supper with my winger til 7pm....then read/research every night til about 11 pm, stopping for a half hour phone call with wifey/kiddies

friday at noon school ends, i hop in a car and drive home to ottawa, getting there at 5 pm...then i jump back in the car 4 pm sunday and make the 5 hour trek back down here for another week

i'll be in this grind until june 2005

hey...i'm going to iqaliut next monday...iqaliut is the capital of our newest territory, nunavut...i'm pumped....i think it was 1 degree C there yesterday (33 fahrenheit

this is where nunavut/iqaliut is:

<img src=>

if that doesn't work, check out

gonna be good...gonna eat me some caribou and other delectables

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Post by Lightning Rod » September 13th, 2004, 8:55 pm

usually I wake up about seven

I check to see if our middle schooler is up

she usually is and is busy preparing for class

we generally have a few minutes to talk before she leaves for school

I pour my first beer and tomato juice at about eight and spend awhile

catching up on news and checking my email.

doreen doesn't arise for a few more hours so this is my quiet work time.

when I am caught up on work assignments I do research and write The Poet's Eye.

When doreen gets up we eat (often in front of the computer) and I continue to work until about four when old men like me enjoy a nap.

Then it's back up for the news and the evening session usually dedicated to more creative writing.

of course my attention span is so short that none of this is hard and fast. When I work I like to take frequent breaks--play the flute or the piano for a few minutes or go sit in the sun and breathe.

we usually work together till midnight when Lrod has to hit the hay and then doreen has her quiet time alone.

we have a good rhythm


knip, this software doesn't use straight html, so that's why your images aren't showing. Use the Img button above the posting window and it will give you the right tags to give you the image. Hit the button once and it will put the front tag on. Then put the source url for your image and then hit the img button again and it will close the tag.
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

The Poet's Eye

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Post by abcrystcats » September 13th, 2004, 9:18 pm

I suppose you want the schedule NOW (sigh! not very interesting).

I get up somewhere between 7 and 9 AM, descend three flights of stairs to give Constance her morning tubefeeding (sick cat), retrace two flights of steps into kitchen to fill cat food and water bowls and make my own breakfast. Breakfast is interesting since I've taken to making steamed Rava Idlis in the morning.

The rest of the day is devoted to hourly tubefeedings and subcutaneous fluids for the cat, exercise (for me), reading, the internet and miscellaneous housecleaning. I'm tied to home at the moment by the sick kitty.

Prior to this my wake-up times varied by class times and schedules and every day was different. I'm itching to get into something again, but I have to let this cat get better first ... arrrhhh !!!

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Post by Doreen Peri » September 13th, 2004, 10:27 pm

Some years back, I would naturally wake up with the sun. No matter what time I went to bed. Even if I'd only had 2 hours of sleep. It's hard to undue a habit and kids are a habit. They have to be. From the moment they're born, you have to be up early to take care of them. I used to love my mornings. The air is fresh and clean and the day brand new. I used to get my best work done in the mornings. I love the quiet of the morning.

Now, it's different. I wake up at about 7 or 7:30 after pushing the snooze alarm every ten minutes for about an hour. Luckily it's classical music. The only reason I get up is because I have to. I could sleep all day if I didn't have work to do. I love my dream world. Lately, it's been tough to raise my head from the pillow. I feel doped and exhausted after sleeping. But I do it. I get up at 7 or 7:30 (usually, but sometimes I give LR the task) and make sure my daughter is getting ready for school and has eaten breakfast. Sometimes I make her cereal or toast for her if she hasn't already done it for herself. She's 12 going on 15 so she's becoming quite independent. I see her off to school, then come to the computer to check my email.

If I find no new work assignments, I go directly back to bed. If I find a new work assignment in my email, I discuss the scope of the project with LR, then go directly back to bed. I have to. I feel doped and exhausted.

I sleep until 10 or 11AM. When I wake up, I still feel doped and exhausted but I force myself to continue. I drink a large glass of water. Then lately, I've been hooked on Starbucks ice cold cappaccino in a jar. It costs $1.69 a bottle. It has 200 calories. It's yummy and the way I love to start the day.

I work on my work projects from about 11:30AM 'til early evening. It depends on the work load. Except for the days that I feel too doped and exhausted and can't get anything done and stare at the computer screan like a zombie. Sometimes I work straight through without getting up except for to get something to eat or run an errand which could be work related or not. I might need to the store to get cat food, for instance. Or tomato juice or cigarettes. Or I might need to go to my employer's office to meet with someone or deliver a project. Or I might need to go to the print shop to view a proof sheet and sign off on it. Usually, though, I only have to leave the house for such errands two or three times a week.

I do take a few breaks from my work day to take care of every day tasks such as washing the dishes and doing laundry. Occasionally, I sweep the floor and empty the ashtrays but I try to save those mundane tasks for an hour before company comes to visit which I try to have every two months or so. If I didn't have company every two months or so, we'd have to start naming the spiders in the cobwebs like pets. But being the social animal that I am, I invite people over which forces me to take out the mop and mop the kitchen floor. And I've made a promise to myself to vacuum the carpet every 6 weeks or so whether it needs it or not and whether we have company coming to visit. I'm fastidious like that. ;)

My other daily breaks include posting here and there on internet bulletin boards because I love being part of a community and what it amounts to is throwing a social life into the tediousness of work.

Before June when we did the last Cabaradio, after I finished working through until evening, I'd go to the gym for an hour or an hour and a half. Then, I'd come back and settle in for the evening which would include writing and playing the piano. Since the Cabaradio, I haven't been back to the gym. I've gained about 10 pounds and hate it. I'd also fit in going swimming but haven't done that since June either but it doesn't matter because the pool closed up on Labor Day so I have no guilt. I also have no tan this summer.

Evening routine continues to include some writing and playing the piano, cruising my favorite bulletin boards and looking for software or tech help or spoken word poets with mp3s or talking to my son on IM or planning my own funeral or trip to Europe in my head. Since June, I've been working on the Studio Eight site in the evenings in addition to posting on these internet bulletin boards which has effectively cut my time for writing and playing the piano but it's also made me realize that if I don't practice both every day, I lose my edge and it's a struggle to get back to it. Same goes with the gym. So tomorrow or the next day, I'll go back to the gym and start writing every day again and playing the piano. Or maybe the day after that.

I intermingle work and play throughout the day and night with occasional breaks for answering phone calls from my mother or my daughter's friends who often come over and hang out while their parent's work or go to the doctor. At 9:30PM, my daughter goes to bed, I kiss her goodnight and tuck her in and make sure all the school papers are ready and signed and all my homework is done as well as hers for the following day. Then I work on the web work or write something and play on the boards and rarely, recently, on the piano until about midnight. By midnight, I can't consider working any more so I don't. I relax for two hours or so messing around with words or music then end up asleep by about 2AM.

These are generalized statements and not meant to be misconstrued as non-fiction or fiction. Sometimes I go to bed with LR at midnight. Sometimes I wake him up when I come to bed at 3AM. I used to hate breakfast but I've become a fan, lately. I like one egg over easy, a little bit of grits and one piece of light oatmeal bread with a little real butter, preferably the light Land-o-Lakes variety. I like a couple of crackers with creamcheese on occasion as a snack. Pickles are good with that.

We were taking Friday afternoon lunch breaks every week for about a year. The mexican restaurant knows our order by heart. We order the same thing every time. Including a margeurita. We stopped taking these regular Friday lunch breaks but we'll do it again soon. Or maybe we'll take them on Saturdays. After the lawn gets mowed.

When I figure out how to make the day last 32 hours instead of 24, I'm taking up painting and going back to the dance studio. But until then, all I have time to add to my schedule is to find a new smiley pack for the forums for all of you who like the silly ugly little critters. I'll do that tomorrow or the next day or the day after that or maybe next week after I vacuum the carpet because we have company coming again.

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Post by panta rhei » September 14th, 2004, 3:36 am


your day sounds a lot like mine...


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Post by judih » September 14th, 2004, 8:21 am

a - if you're greenwich + 2, then right now, i'm greenwich + 3.

we'll do daylight savings time in October, i think...then it'll be +2 .

happy afternoon - it's 15:20
and i've made it through a powerfully intense day.


time to digest a rice cracker, drink some cool water and then bike on home through the sand and tricky little wind that blows against me when i ride up the one hill of the area.

sweet, sweet submission to the elements.


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Post by panta rhei » September 14th, 2004, 9:24 am

you +3 / me +2 right now (+2 / +1 in winter time) is correct;
15:20 your time was 14:20 my time,
while right now, it is 15:20 where i am
and an hour later where you are;
where you are, maybe drinking water
or coffee or lemongrass tea right now,
watching the yard outside, or the monitor,
or some kids sprawled across the couch...

time tastes like a photoalbum today.

(glad your day was energetic and intense... mine was subdued somehow so far, muffled by a warm grey sky and a million tiny tasks that i tried to puzzle together into something that could be called a schedule....)


(ed. for grammar error)

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Post by anniefay » September 14th, 2004, 12:54 pm

after a life of getting up and going to work although i am sort of retired....i find it impossible to not wake up the same time... even on days off. i slump out of the sack between 6:15 and 6:30... nature demands that this never vary (ah... sweet aging process).

breakfast (boring...) and a "quiet time" with my Bible and the good Lord... before things start commencing. Jamelah gets up shortly after 7... we share some moments together reading aloud (Message Bible... great translation) and then share exactly what we have to put up with for the day.

i work 5 hrs a day, 3 days a week (monday - wed)... so on those days i head out the door about 7:50 (i live 5 minutes from work) and leave Jamelah to some quiet time before she has to get to work at 8:30.

On work days... i head home for lunch. after that usually check in with my mom to see if she needs anything (this usually will a trip to the store, or pay bills, or just hang out for a while) have fun on the net... do some regular housework (now i can get it done before Saturdays so my weekend isn't spent doing laundry or letting it pile up because there is something more interesting i want to do).

supper/dishes... read or watch tv. tv land is pretty barren right now... maybe it will liven up in a week or two when the new season starts.

bedtime... 11pm or there abouts... sometimes i just have to watch jon stewart and the daily show. my favorite segment is "back in black" on thursdays.

and that's it boys and girls... see how much fun you have to look forward to when you finally get to retire.... eh!

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Post by judih » September 14th, 2004, 1:21 pm

retire? i'm hoping to do zlatko's life when i retire. it's how i lived before kids...up, puppetry, late lunch, afternoon siesta and then puppetry, music, writing, late dinner, long long walk...



can't wait!


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Post by Doreen Peri » September 14th, 2004, 1:28 pm

anniefay... i'm probably about the same age as you ... close... we're contemporaries, i'm sure... and i'm jealous.... and i'm also jealous of zlatko's day.... can't wait for retirement... wish i could spend several hours a day painting like zlatko or reading or watching select tv shows or having quiet time ;) ....good for the both of you... my time for me is yet to come

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Post by Dave The Dov » September 14th, 2004, 2:01 pm

I wake up at 2:30 AM because I have to be in into work by 3:00 AM. I work on a TV morning show so I'm a really early bird. So I'm in bed early as well. But luckly this is only M-F. So yeah for the weekends!!!!
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