Zeitgeist... the movie

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Zeitgeist... the movie

Post by mtmynd » August 2nd, 2007, 1:59 pm

Not really sure where to put this, but I am sure anyone reading this needs to watch the movie. But be ready and have some time - it's nearly two hours long.


Any comments would be welcomed.

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Post by stilltrucking » August 2nd, 2007, 4:28 pm

I think I have seen it Cecil
Roosevelt was a jew who let the japenese attack pearl harbor
No jews were killed on 911
The Elders of Zion is all true
Jews have been behind every war ever started, they drink the blood of babies.

Have you ever noticed how many of those 911 conspiracy sites are neo n*zi or just plain N*zi.

No thanks

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Post by mtmynd » August 2nd, 2007, 6:25 pm

odd thing to say, truck. i didn't see/hear anything jewish in it. :roll:

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Post by stilltrucking » August 2nd, 2007, 7:07 pm

If you click on the Statement link you will find this bit.”You have to dig a little deeper.”

That is what I have done with the 9/11 conspiracy websites. I have drilled down past the first page to find out about the people who are publishing the site.

If you click on the Sources link you will find Eric Hufschmid the holocaust denier who also claims the Apollo moon landings were a hoax.

I have spent hundreds of hours checking out those sites. I have done “whois” searches for domain names. It is amazing how many of those sites are registered to the same people. They feed back and forth between the different websites.
Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone has written that he has "two basic gripes with the 9/11 Truth movement:"
The first is that it gives supporters of Bush an excuse to dismiss critics of this administration. I have no doubt that every time one of those Loose Change dickwads opens his mouth, a Republican somewhere picks up five votes...Secondly, it's bad enough that people in this country think Tim LaHaye is a prophet and Sean Hannity is an objective newsman. But if large numbers of people in this country can swallow 9/11 conspiracy theory without puking, all hope is lost. [5]

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Post by mtmynd » August 2nd, 2007, 7:55 pm

this is in 3 different parts.

9/11 was part 2. what about parts 1 & 3..? (non Jew)

regarding part 2, these were mostly the words from people that were there, people saying what they heard, what they felt, what they saw. i didn't see any conspirators among them. did you? what do they look like?

by what you're saying, truck, makes real conspirators very happy. this is exactly what they want the public to believe. meanwhile, they're off the hook.

re: the Holocaust and Apollo moon landings - no conspiracy there, imho.

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Post by stilltrucking » August 2nd, 2007, 8:01 pm

i don't understand what you are saying.

what I am saying is that if eric hufschmid has anything to do with it

I don't want no truck with it.

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Post by mtmynd » August 2nd, 2007, 9:25 pm

o.k. :lol:

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Post by still.trucking » April 10th, 2010, 12:53 pm

Mind if we kick this one up again Cecil?

I am thinking about a recent discussion we had about something comjpletely unrelated to this thread except for me being "defensive"
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Post by mtmynd » April 10th, 2010, 1:38 pm

I'd forgotten all about this oldie.

What would you like to discuss about this (hard to believe I spent that much time watching this... I wonder if I really did??? ;))
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Post by stilltrucking » April 10th, 2010, 2:53 pm

More about how what we see and hear informs us as to our opinions.

I suppose you could call Michael Moore's movies propaganda.

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Post by Barry » April 14th, 2010, 9:44 am

I watched 57 minutes of this at my mother-in-laws house Thanksgiving before last or the one before that, our computer having been on the blink. I had to stop there because it was time to go home and everyone was in the car waiting for me.

Here's my take...

The stuff in the beginning illustrating the parallels between Christianity and earlier or concurrent religions, held up to somehow "expose" Christianity as a fake, I thought was a very narrow and short sighted view. I already knew all that and always saw it as evidence that Christianity is simply part of the smooth flow of religious thought as it has evolved in human culture. Of course it has antecedents; it's just one thread in a grand tapestry. This is also I think what made it so massively popular throughout the Roman Empire in its day. But the movies producers wish us to think otherwise.

The stuff about 9/11...I zoomed in on the vertical beams they were showing, and the footage and commentary of professional building demolishers and how they plant their explosives in just this diagonal way on the vertical beams to cut them. The producers wish us to think the slanted "cuts" in the vertical beams are evidence of planted explosives in the manner used to bring down buildings. But I really wanted to see a close-up of that surface. I expect under not much magnification, to the naked eye if you had it there in front of you, you would see what looked like tiny stair steps along that inclined surface. And under further magnification you would see warpage and actual tearing of the metal. I think if a vertical steel I beam was subjected to the immense amount of downward force necessary to get it fail this is exactly the type of shear surface you would see. But they didn't show the surface in close-up or under magnification unfortunately.

Thanks for the link, Cec. I think maybe I'll watch it again, through to the end this time.


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