is there a song....

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is there a song....

Post by WIREMAN » December 4th, 2010, 10:38 am

......that you just can't get out of your that keeps playing in your head all day.....maybe it was something you heard in the coffee shop or on the radio....phil collins "there must be some misunderstanding" is doing it to me the past few daze.......
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Re: is there a song....

Post by Doreen Peri » December 4th, 2010, 11:14 am

Today, it's the Beatles.... When I'm 64

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Re: is there a song....

Post by Artguy » December 4th, 2010, 1:47 pm

The only sound in my head is pulsating tinnitus and pain....... :(

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Re: is there a song....

Post by Steve Plonk » December 5th, 2010, 7:03 pm

OUCH, artguy! Hope you get that pain corrected. As for me, I've
got a bit of early arthritis. I find that a mile walk around the neighborhood
or the Mall gives some relief. Swimming is one of the best things I've
found for it, but I can't afford to join the "Y" this autumn. These things happen...
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Re: is there a song....

Post by mousey1 » December 10th, 2010, 10:39 pm

HA HA HA YES! Today it was the chicken dance song! Oh rofl lol... Someone at work mentioned it and there it was, all the day long...oh my!

I'll share it here now. For your all listening pleasure! :P

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Re: is there a song....

Post by still.trucking » December 11th, 2010, 9:59 am

Never heard phil collins "there must be some misunderstanding"
until today. Funny I don't hear "tunes in my head" I hear lyrics. I got no short term memory for music.

Not so much lately but Once went twenty years hearing this song in my head almost every day. Not so much the music just the lyrics

"big wheel turns by the grace of god
little wheel by the fire and rod
everytime that wheel goes round
bound to cover a little more ground
you can't go back and you can't stand still
if the thunder don't get you the lightning will" lyrics from memory

I been thinking about that Kurt, and thinking about a psych course I took back in the sixties. The instructor told us about an experiment that recruited student volunteers
the experiment involved being placed in a sound proof booth and exposed to an ever increasing annoying sound, as the noise level increased the volunteers could stop it when it was too much for them. the instrucker said there was one student who maxed out the noise level, they finally stopped the experiment because she just wasn't going to stop it. I think the volunteers were paid on somesort of scale maybe.
They asked the one student how she managed to go on so long. She said she took herself away, or took her mind away.

I been thinking about your practice, can you still meditate?
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Re: is there a song....

Post by mnaz » December 12th, 2010, 8:34 am

"sir nose d'voidoffunk," by the p-funk crew. made the mistake (again!) of you-tubing it last weekend, and my god that song is insidious-funk funk. hung in my brain til thursday. i think i'm ok now, but the mere mention of it here might put me at some risk..

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