your journals

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Post by mousey1 » February 24th, 2005, 1:31 pm

Oooooo ya, ya I see it all......

The vision, your vision is bustin' out all over.

I think technicolor is the ticket tho. Black and white, I dunno, echos of Shindler's List, don't know if you wanna travel there. The parallels might be too obvious to those who like to read things into things.

Allie would make a lovely twiggy little branch, I do feel though that she could well play the withered yet still nubile succulent virgin. I'm seeing her in the last scene, entrancing face gazing up one last time from the mirey muck just before Harrison trods here finely into ashes to ashes dirt to dirt......fade out......

Maybe I'm blurring your vision here....but I'm doing wonders for mine. :D

And sorry Allie, you're a sweet gal but it's for the good of the film. It's all about the art! Ya, what about art? garfunkle I mean, couldn't he play the tree? shit man I'm onto something here!!!!!

Insanity Insanity!!!!! 8)

Go with it man....Doreen will back you, she'll be here soon enough to cut me out of the action once and again!!!

Insanity Insanity, I feel a song coming on!


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Post by Artguy » February 24th, 2005, 1:41 pm

The only time I keep a journal is when I travel....don't go back and read them often....don't know why I write them ....just do....use to keep sketch books.....found my work got too my mind is my sketch allows ideas to ferment but not to become carve d in stone....they are stilll maleable until the paint hits the board....

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Post by bennie » February 24th, 2005, 2:59 pm



Haha, you may be right. But, you know what'd happen, don't you?

I'd give the part of "the tree" to Art (hey, that rhymes) but then Paul Simon would come along and say he could do it better.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

thank you please.
well I write music review so I do:

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Glorious Amok
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Post by Glorious Amok » February 24th, 2005, 7:02 pm

okay, so what if publishing is not the issue here, but the fact that somebody else has read them.... what if somebody got into your room and read your diary when you weren't home, like the plumber, the landlord, or the maid? what kind of impression would they have of you?

do you look at some pages and think... see now that one just makes me sound brilliant, anybody can read that one that wants to.

do you look at other pages and think... sweet jesus, i'm the dullest, neediest, most insecure person in the entire Oprah book club, aren't i?
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Post by izeveryboyin » February 24th, 2005, 8:29 pm

I have so many big notebooks full of old journal entries and new journal entries. Once I got to college, I started writing little notations to keep me laughing. You can read some recent ones here: ... ight=#7522
sometimes I just like to breathe.

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Post by Glorious Amok » February 24th, 2005, 8:48 pm

see, here's the thing... last night, i opened my current journal to page one and i started to read. i was just so way off, on so many things. i sought in so many wrong places.

now, i have explored thru a lot of healing paths in my life. coming from a troubled childhood, an even more troubled adulthood, i have welcomingly opened the pastel pages of more than one self-help book in my day. and my journal is always the place where i do the work. be it book inspired, song lyric inspired, snipped from the newspaper, or internally generated, my journal is the place where i process most every thought.

complete this sentence: "If my inner child could speak she/he would say..."

what a bore! what a heap of self-affirmative, jiggling yellow jell-o i have found in those pages. i discovered that i wasn't the introverted, guided by voices rebel that i always wore the shoes of.

and i just want to salvage the good pages and burn up the bad. let go of those ridiculous mantras of "who i would be if i liked myself better".

i think i'm starting a new journal soon.
"YOUR way is your only way." - jack kerouac


Post by hester_prynne » February 24th, 2005, 9:09 pm

I have alot of journals from through the years, they are like a saga for lost innocence....most of the stuff really hard to read it's so bad, some of it keepable.
I do have a favorite one though...the one I kept when I was on my six month gig in Kobe Japan.....
Saki drunken nights.
Being considered a tall person.
Fucking stupendous Jazz every night.
The big concert.
Road trips to Kyoto
The bullet train..........
celebrations of dead souls
temples with 24-hour incense burning.....

Mostly my journals show me how far I've come, or how little.
I never expect anyone else to read them. Oh, they might pick one up, but they'd put it down soon enough....

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Post by Glorious Amok » February 24th, 2005, 9:21 pm

fucking awesome, hester. that sounds like THE gig. i was in japan in '96, what year where u there?
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Post by mousey1 » February 25th, 2005, 12:32 am

Excuse me ladies but Bennie and I are trying to make a movie here, in case you didn't notice.....You wanna be extras?

:oops: Oh, sorry Glori this is your thread isn't it. :oops: :)

Just allow me to take a moment to laugh heartily at Bennie's
Tree Art. :lol:
Too funny! I knew Art would make a good tree man, it's the hair, yup, it's definitely the hair, it's got bush written all over it.
And if Paul wants to be in your little fiasco, er, I mean film, he'd make a fine shrub, it wouldn't hurt him to play second tree, Art deserves his day in the shade, I mean out of the shade.
Thanks for the laughs Bennie.

Glori, "if my inner child could speak she/he would say..."

What a dork, grow up ya big baby, smell the fucking coffee already would ya, you're getting old, time to get your act together and fulfill a dream or two.

My inner child is mean, but on target I would say.

I love just rambling into my journal (journal by the way is too posh a term for mine, mine are really just shabby scribblers). I'll also write down what I think are interesting lines and then go back to them later and incorporate them into a poem or something else equally shitty. I would like to read all of your journals, they should be pretty interesting.

If someone stumbled upon my so called diary and had a bit of a read they would have to be killed, plain and simple. I don't care if it is the maid, she steals anyway! :)

I never see brilliant, I see shades of weird. But I actually do like some of my poems, if I didn't I wouldn't post them here, I'm not that weird. And actually, again, as someone said above, posting here at S8 is similar to what one might write in a journal. And it's kinda cool that we read each other and don't run like the wind in the opposite direction. We seem to accept each other in all our weirdness. Geez, I've used weird three, no make that four times now, I have no vocabulary.

I'm rambling now aren't I. I'm so weird! :roll:

Thanks for listening. If you indeed did.

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Post by bennie » February 26th, 2005, 6:36 pm

well I write music review so I do:

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Post by Doreen Peri » February 26th, 2005, 6:54 pm

Wow, bennie! Great journal page! I love it!

Thanks for sharing that!

I gotta question, though.... is that YOU in your new avatar and if so, why is your face all bandaged up like that? And if it's not you, then why is that dude's face bandaged up like that? And if it's not bandages, what IS it? Oh dear, oh me, oh my..... you're such a handsome guy, and so I'm asking why?

wowowow again... that's a poem ... it rhymes and everything!

Oh dear, oh me, oh my
you're such a handsome guy
and so I'm asking why?

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Post by bennie » February 26th, 2005, 7:07 pm

me? handsome? fuck! you've just short circuited my, um, circuits.

Thank you. :oops:

The avatar is me, yes. I wrapped white tape around my head and took a picture of it because I thought the white tape and the black background of a poorly lit room would look good. I think it does look good. It's also a pretty nice picture poem: self created bondage, mummified but escaping...
well I write music review so I do:


Post by hester_prynne » February 26th, 2005, 7:21 pm

Hey Glam! I was there about ten years before you Kobe.
What were you doing there! Where were you?

We had a real easy gig at a place called Wings in Kobe.

It was a highlight of my life, jammin with Mikoto Ozone. His dad had a restaurant there we used to hang out at after the gig every night....where teddy wilson actually played the piano a few times, years before!

I liked the beaches the best. I always seem to like the beaches best.

I remember coming back to the states was hard, after being treated like a celebrity for a few months. Starting back at square one again.....

It was clear to me upon returning, that I'd never be "pretty" enough to share my vocals on a large scale much here in the states.
Wasn't' that way in Japan for me at all. Let's say, I got plenty of attention there...heh.

But heck, other good, devoted, unknown musicians really dig me and like doing music with me. That's better than "fame" as we know it, in my book...
Just gimme da mic man, let me sing!
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Post by sooZen » February 27th, 2005, 1:10 am

Bennie...great journal page, pink people and plaid squiggles. I like.

Freedom's just another word...


Post by hester_prynne » February 27th, 2005, 2:56 pm

Wow Bennie....that journal page is the coolest....
how'd you do that?
Show us more!
It's fab!
H 8)

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