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Post by Artguy » August 11th, 2011, 6:27 pm

So it took a week for me to sit and type this out, but man what a head fuck. Now I'm use to going out into the wilderness, but with other human beings, another pysche, another there I am 4 1/2 hours north of here the bush is dense the deer flies in gangs of the wooded hood. This time the only human company I have is my twisted mind ramped up on anti depressants and pain killers. Fuck LSD this is a trip like no other I have ever known...the trees started talking to me The rocks were like the rocks in that Harry Niilsen movie The Point..." ya don't have to have a point to have a point....dig?... I sat in shamatha with a few other techniques handed down to me by my teacher...I painted one painting out in the bush because the beaver asked me to...and another when i came back down to my sisters' an hours' drive from town...It takes a 4 wheel drive to make it up her the winter it's snow shoes only....So it was Wednesday...pouring rain...I'm doing an exercise i learned from an Ojibway shaman called wandering aimlessly...I look up through the vertical water and there she is...magnificent....majestic... a female moose..10' away she stared me down...I stared her down...we both knew...she turned to her left...I to mine and we wandered off aimlessly...

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Re: North

Post by stilltrucking » August 12th, 2011, 1:16 am

That's a good story.

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Re: North

Post by judih » August 12th, 2011, 7:03 am

you both doing what you do
living as you live
reaching your destination
then moving on

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