22.Juli- trial. WARNING

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22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by mudshark » April 19th, 2012, 8:28 am

I am watching the trial on national tv.
ABB is at this time beeing examinated. (THIS TOPIC SHOULD BE NOTED WITH A WARNING.)
it is not allow to show sound or pictures from the court as ABB testifyes.
the reporters are aloud to report live, though. they are pale.
the judge calls for several brief timeouts because of the content of Breiviks
details are forbidden, but they slip out as the press attacks spectators on a break.
Last edited by mudshark on April 24th, 2012, 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial

Post by mudshark » April 19th, 2012, 8:40 am

"I wanted to execute Gro Harlem Brundtland at Utøya. coff her up to be beheaded."
" I tryed to get a hold of a flaim thorch".
he talks about the weapons he choose, and ...
"I wanted to kill everyone, so to keep a sharp focus on this, i had to bring sufficent ammo. soft-point bullets- you only need one."
the parents are in there.

this is the most terryfying day in norweigian courtroom- history"
the reporters are stunned.
he is so calm.
His lawvyer warned us up front, some weeks ago. but this is cold.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial

Post by Arcadia » April 19th, 2012, 1:15 pm

sad for the familiars and all of you ... to be in those kind of trials it must be a conmotional thing, for sure, but that´s how human justice works at the moment, so they are necessary.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial

Post by stilltrucking » April 20th, 2012, 4:11 am

I heard a piece on public radio about the trial. The reporter was struck how quiet it was around the court house. No swarming mobs chanting hateful slogans the way it would be here.

Makes sad mudshark, in my fevered brain I always imagined Norway as so sane.

Back when I was a kid during world war two living with my Jewish refugee family I formed the notion that all the evil in the world was in places like Germany and Japan.

It hurts my head to read what he is saying at the trial.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial

Post by stilltrucking » April 20th, 2012, 4:12 am

I heard a piece on public radio about the trial. The reporter was struck how quiet it was around the court house. No swarming mobs chanting hateful slogans the way it would be here.

It hurts my head to read what he is saying at the trial.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial

Post by mtmynd » April 20th, 2012, 11:43 pm

In today's news - (in part)
Breivik explained in his fourth day of cross-examination how he arrived on the island of Utøya on July 22 and calmly and methodically executed Labor party youth members, many who stood paralyzed in fear as he shot them with a Glock pistol and Ruger semi-automatic rifle.

"I thought 'It's now or never,'" said a red-faced but composed Breivik, referring to his thoughts before taking his first victim. "A hundred voices in my head said, 'Don’t do this.'"

He said his intention was to kill not just the 69 who did die on the island that day, mostly from shooting, but all of the camp attendees by frightening them into fleeing into the water to drown. He said he didn’t understand why some "just stood there" and tried to scare them into attempting to swim away by shouting a "psychological cry" twice in the campsite area: "You shall die today, Marxists."
There is no doubt the man is mentally unbalanced. Nobody in their right mind would ever conceive of doing anything as heinous as this was. He will be proved guilty beyond a doubt, but what will happen to him in Norwegian law? What is the public opinion?
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Re: 22.Juli- trial

Post by stilltrucking » April 21st, 2012, 11:42 am

He is a "nice guy" he says.
George W. Bush is a nice guy, nobody calling him insane. :?

Bad flashbacks to Daniel Pearl from the sound byes I heard. That is what I meant by making my head hurt.


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Re: 22.Juli- trial

Post by mudshark » April 22nd, 2012, 7:32 am

there are no aggression outside the court house, we go on about our life and try to forget him. the lawyers are on the case, rippin his Knights Templar alibi apart day by day. We have made a decission of takin care of the victims. we try to get by from the fraze said by one of the girls who survived:" If one man can show so much hate, imagine how much love all of us can create toghether."

the trial will go on for another 9 weeks.
and it really is a closed case. he has admitted to his actions, and is pleading sanity. so this whole case is really about him beeing sane or not.
if sane he will spend 21 years in prison and then he´ll get an additional 10 years for security reasons. bottom line is, Anders Behring Breivik never gets out.
if he is found insane he will end up in an asylum, an institution untill he is recovered. this is what this trial is about now.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial

Post by Steve Plonk » April 23rd, 2012, 12:52 pm

When that awful perpetrator dies, it is my wish that he goes to hell on a tin plate. :idea:

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Re: 22.Juli- trial

Post by mudshark » April 24th, 2012, 12:34 pm

do you guys follow this case in your countries?

ABB is finsished testifying for now. bizzarre and painfull. and disgusting.

the guard testified today. he was in the surveience room in the goverment basement, he zoomed in on the car by the goverment building to see the plates, as it exploded. hes wife and kid was on their way to meet him outside. they where five minutes late, and survived.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial

Post by mudshark » April 24th, 2012, 12:37 pm

minutes before ABB was arrested at Utøya he held the Glock towards a 9 y old boy´s head.
but he had bright hair like him self and had a conservative look. he saw him self as a kid. he let him go.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by stilltrucking » April 25th, 2012, 12:33 pm

I am following it, but there is not much news about it here. NPR* mainly where I get my news of it.

*National Public Radio a non commercial radio network.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by stilltrucking » April 25th, 2012, 12:34 pm

I am following it, but there is not much news about it here. NPR* mainly where I get my news of it.

This today in the washingtonpost.com
Norwegian killer’s trial raises questions about giving mass-murderers public platform

The court has allowed reporters to cover the grisly details of Breivik’s testimony over the past week-and-a-half. But it has also tried to deny Breivik excessive publicity: Photos for the most part are allowed only at the start of sessions, and filming during his testimony has been mostly restricted

Even so, some Europeans say their gut reaction is that it’s too much coverage. They have been horrified by images splashed across newspapers of Breivik making a defiant fisted salute and reports of his bloodcurdling admission of his crimes
http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/eur ... l?hpid=z10
*National Public Radio a non commercial radio network.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by mudshark » April 25th, 2012, 3:17 pm

wow. thanx for that insight, buddy. the platform he gets is everyones freedom to speach and defend themselfs. the way I see it, we have an unike possibility to know and recognize our enemy.

today at noon (in about 3,5 hours) this famous Oslo-troubadour will sing his famous (Pete seeger-song) barn av regnbuen at the Youngstorget, almost like our red square. This is ABB´s hate song number one. the whole town will join in. this is just next to the explosion area and a few hundred meters from the courthouse where the murderer will be situated by the window.

heres a translation of the song I found on the tube, not a good one but its a clue for you:

Children of the rainbow.
A sky full of stars, blue sea as far as you can see
An earth where flowers grow, can you wish for more?
Together shall we live, every sister, brother, you and me
Young children of the rainbow, a fertile land and seashore

Some think it is useless, others waste time just talking
Some believe we can live on plastics and synthetic food
Some steal from the youngsters, who are sent out for fighting
Several steal from the many, which are still backward and crude

A sky full of stars, blue sea as far as you can see
An earth where flowers grow, can you wish for more?
Together shall we live, every sister, brother, you and me
Young children of the rainbow, a fertile land and seashore

But tell all the kids, and say it to fathers and mother every
To share peace and the earth, this is our last opportunity
A sky full of stars, blue sea as long as you can see
An earth with flowers, can you wish for more?


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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by stilltrucking » April 26th, 2012, 9:14 am

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we have an unike possibility to know and recognize our enemy
yes I have met my enemy and he r me. 8)

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