22.Juli- trial. WARNING

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by mudshark » April 27th, 2012, 1:57 am

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by stilltrucking » April 27th, 2012, 9:05 am

Interesting, this bit jumped out at me from the link you posted.
The Swedish Cultural Minister, Lena Liljeroth, more likely in the news these days over her infamous FGM political gaffe, was among the community singers.

Liljeroth could use some good press about now. I just hope she didn’t sing in blackface.
http://www.thelocal.se/blogs/bostonblat ... -on-trial/
Hard for me to get my mind around Swedish culture. Sorry nothing to do with your thread, it's just Geography. Sweden must be a lot different than Norway?

http://www.friatider.se/shocking-photos ... niger-cake

apparently the story was twisted.
the internet is a trip

This from the comments section.
It was a black artist making a
stand against female circumcision in Africa in a bizarre performance.
But hey, lets just call everyone involved a racist and grant those poor
african refugees in Sweden the right to mutilate their daughters...
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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by stilltrucking » April 28th, 2012, 9:45 am

Thousands sing in defiance of Norway mass killer Breivik, rejecting his terror with peace song

Since he has admitted to the attacks, Breivik’s mental state is the key issue for the trial to resolve. If found guilty and sane, Breivik would face 21 years in prison, although he can be held longer if deemed a danger to society. If declared insane, he would be committed to compulsory psychiatric care.
Breivik said Wednesday that being declared insane would be the worst thing that could happen to him because it would “delegitimize” his views.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/eur ... l?hpid=z10


Norway Muslims Question Focus On Breivik's Sanity
by The Associated Press

"Nobody questioned Osama bin Laden's sanity," said Usman Rana, a doctor and newspaper columnist, following Friday prayers at one of Oslo's largest mosques, the Sufi-inspired World Islamic Mission.
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/stor ... =151585771

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by stilltrucking » April 28th, 2012, 4:04 pm

I am pretty pissed at myself. I had a pretty good rambling kind of scroll going here kind of like a jack kerouac meets aldus huxley post feminist dystopia or maybe it was a utopia, I don't remember it, all I remember it had something to do with a Norwegian crackerhead who must be stupid as Nietzsche's sister. Well anyway it also had something to do with as you say a unike opportunity to know our enemy. It also had something to do with the native american concept of insanity. And I was trying to imagine it as a genetic problem, why all races are prone to their beserkers (sp) the random gene, that gets expressed more so in some individuals than others. Something hard wired in some people. I wish I knew more about the childhood culture that shaped him personality too. Or is it just a simple twist of the dna strand.

see I get stoned and ramble and lose the thread and get embarassed and keep editing till I wind up back into a blank text box with a quote.

I been ripping and running as is my want with events in real time
got side tracked on the link to the n*g*r cake.

one more thing I deleted in my original post long forgotten now alas, I had something to say about me not wanting to annoy him, I just wanted to disect him into into tiny pieces and study them for clues as to what makes a man so stupid. Who am I to judge, I just feel like I know him. Inhuman is just a word to me. I don't know what it is to feel any other way than human, yet he had a vision of humanity that lurks deep in that dark sea within us all I think. Self loathing.

Than there was something else in the part I forgot or edited out, something about a Buddha gene too, which is what I would like to nourish even if I have my own version of the ABB syndrome. Gene therapy, is there a cure for the ABB disease. I think LSD helped me a lot, but it sure did not do much for Charles Manson.

I don't hate him, I don't even hate Bush anymore.

sorry for the ramble

and I think I also mentioning something as I never considered George W Bush as insane, far from it I always though he was a hell of a nice guy.

love peace and taco grease from deep in the heart of the republic of paradise.

done for now
if he was found insane how would they cure him?

there is something nightmarish to me about tinkering with the genome, yet we do it with reckless abondon with all the chemicals we dump in the water,
I had some sci fi thing going in my head about "the improvers of mankind thing"
The Navajo's might hold a curing ceremoney for him if he was in their tribe.
I am superstitious I guess :?

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by jackofnightmares » April 29th, 2012, 9:02 pm

I have been obsessing on his childhood searching for clues, insights, into my own nature and his. :( This fellow below (deconstructing Breivik) said he was "wired different than the rest of us" Knights of Malta, video game addict shooter games where he practiced his killing done. Onward christian zombie soldiers

I suppose that is what I have been trying to say, "wired different" he is missing a couple of circuits. His monkey brain feverishly trying to connect dots, trying to make sense, some missing bit in the his higher reasoning, a true believer.
The boy next door, parents divorced, a couple of notes in his school records about his being an anxious child.

I found some good avice today. I am taking it to heart
Why then does it come to pass that the more data we collect -- from Google, YouTube, and Facebook -- the less likely we are to know what it means?


This is or was an internet crime first. &
"The Internet Has A Tin Ear"

1500 pages copied and concatenated into a manifesto :!: . :roll:
cutting and pasting
ripping and running
More Data:
Deconstructing Breivik

Whatever the court in Oslo rules on the sanity of mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik, he is not wired like the rest of us. Prosecutors have skillfully forced him to admit that he has greatly embellished with “pompous language” all his talk of his Knights Templar secret society, covert cells of superbly trained Christian warriors and the 1,500-page compendium he called a European Declaration of independence. “So if you take away all the pompousness, what are you left with?” asked the soft-spoken government attorney Inga Bejer Engh. “You basically sat in your bedroom, on your own, and you copy-pasted your so-called compendium from the Internet.” Breivik had gotten the platform he so desperately wanted and he stood revealed as a failed businessman, a fraud, a video addict and, in the devastating headline of London’s Sunday Times, a “Loser Who Lived with His Mum.”
http://www.salon.com/2012/04/28/europes ... arches_on/
for all his uniforms and guns and games
he is a coward.
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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by mudshark » April 30th, 2012, 5:46 pm

Fuck, StilT, We used to have a rehersal place on Mainstreet in Oslo for 4 years with the band. I drove past the parliment building every sunday with this stoned gentleman, bass player, beside me. we stopped doing it a coupla years ago after our record flopped. StillT, im ramblin to some times, your a credit to yer mind. and to the times you live in. whom has your blood line, if we may be so aquinted, flowed through over the ages? whats this indian scent of an anchester i sense?
anyway, now this street is closed and the country has changed.
ABB lived on the west-side of Oslo. He came from a pretty good start.
Interesting Jack, you mentioning his childhood. Ive been thinkin bout it myself.
Hes mom wont testify, though. understandable. hes dad is stuffed offa somewhere in spain.

hes just... hes words. he sounds just all to sane.
shoulda seen it comin.
a lot of responisbility in comin from a good start,
and fucking it up.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by Arcadia » April 30th, 2012, 8:03 pm

I don´t remember reading news about the court process but I found this old one wich put emphasis in the "ideological" side of his murderings ...

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/ultim ... 07-24.html

is he mad in a clinic sense? Well, I don´t know ... to kill a lot of people shows for sure some kind of desequilibrio and loss of dialogue capacity ... :roll: It´s quite probable he´s not the only one in the country with hostility problems but for some reason "se pasó de rosca", as we use to say here. He seems obssesed with some version of European History concerning his country, odd?. Not too much idea about the Norway history, but doing a first glance to the wikipedia references in Spanish appeared the vikings, the 400 years of Denmark night, the short Sweden period, the independence, the nazi occupation, the OTAN-United Nations, the economic & social progress, the black metal of the ´90, the not joining the Mercado Común Europeo, the oil richness ... not imperialist side as Belgium, France, Great Britain ... it seems Breivick wanted some kind of "action" in the wrong place ...

we all sure are a bit mad but somehow we surf, swim, sail, fish, snorkel and dive in it with more or less grace and with more or less social consenso ... but it´s proved some people can´t.

Some weeks ago I listened to Videla talking with calm about the necessity and pure logic of what they did during the last dictatorship, he is still convinced. Today, for pure azar (the audio of the computer don´t work while listening to youtube since yesterday -not idea if it´s a virus or the result of my sobrinos playing in it -) I only "saw" Obama talking about Bin Laden´s death a year ago ... :shock:

declared insane or not, sure Breivick will have looonng prison years and time to do re-readings.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by stilltrucking » May 1st, 2012, 8:30 am

"We should have seen it coming" yeah but don't you mean we shoudl have seen it coming AGAIN>

I been looking for some humor in it. Mingo thought this was funny, I hope you do too.
I have such a potent and powerfull feeling in this non space space this nowhere world wide web, I can do anything here, in my own textbox I am omnipotent and omniscient, I am Andrew B. Brievik.
This is what passes for an erection these days.

I have a sick sense of humor as you might remember from litkicks where I told the joke about the Jew and the Pizza. that flame board at Litkicks was my zen board,
how do you flame a mind like Breivik's?
What hope is there for him, I am not a Buddhist but I like thier point of view, if I am correct that every human being must eventualy wake up and be enlightened to their own buddha-ness.

ideological side
desequilibrio and loss of dialogue capacity
I think it has more to do with technolog, the world wide network of bloggers that feed desquilibriao minds the twisted truth. not so much an ideology as an idiotology.

More like idioology, the ideology of idiots who can read and write and copy and paste from every neo nazi crypto christion zombie blog. so many of those blogs he copied and pasted from are based in the USA. One thing we won't be able to say is "we didn't see it coming" oh lordy.

My memory of Norway's history is dark, going back to my childhood. after the war. There was a terrible judgement taken out on the "Quislings, those Norwegians who joined the Nazi's for fun and profit"

and of course the Vikings, speaking of bloodlines.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by Arcadia » May 1st, 2012, 10:34 am

not so much an ideology as an idiotology. I like the neologism but I wonder about idiotology before the internet, though ... I guess there were a lot of ways of mind cut and pasting according the different ages, but to be sincere I didn´t research seriously about it ... :?:

The damage is already done so I hope at least all of norwegian people can heal and learn about this .... what? justice & injustice, life and death sense & nonsense, madness and mental health, the internet dangers, the dark corners of History, solidarity, acceptance, the importance of love, impotence and omnipotence, hope despite pain ... who knows?. But from here is basically still a sad situation.

& gracias to mudshark for letting us know somehow what´s in his mind? in relation with this subject.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by stilltrucking » May 1st, 2012, 5:32 pm

I am sorry for my sense of humor, nothing funny about it, I am trying to put myself in Brievik's shoes, what makes a monster? I look first in the mirror.

I was hoping i could delete my reply above before anyone replied. too late now.

link talking about the US based blogs that influenced him

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RE:  Cultural Marxism
terrorist Breivik was an ardent subscriber to theories of 'Cultural Marxism'

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by Arcadia » May 1st, 2012, 7:53 pm

I am sorry for my sense of humor, nothing funny about it, I am trying to put myself in Brievik's shoes, what makes a monster? I look first in the mirror. It sounds like a good method and my sense of humor tends to be a little borderline sometimes too, so you don´t need to be sorry (at least with me! :wink: ).

terrorist Breivik was an ardent subscriber to theories of 'Cultural Marxism'
si?, well ... cultural marxism can be also a delicatessen for anxiety and a way to lessen life´s incertidumbre (among other things), I guess! :mrgreen:

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by stilltrucking » May 2nd, 2012, 12:46 am

I been wondering about his sex life.
I think it has more to do with Freud than Marx.

This my rifle this is my gun...
Norway Killer's Delusions of Manliness

http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/20 ... _viol.html

What Turned Anders Breivik into Norway's worst nightmare?

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world ... 27214.html
Who knows why he did what he did, I would like to disect his brain into tiny pieces.
for I am fearfully and wonderfully made
not to punish him or for vengance but just out of curiosity.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by Arcadia » May 2nd, 2012, 1:20 pm

"My mother and my sister not only shamed me, but themselves and our family," Breivik writes in his bizarre manifesto confessions. "It is a family that was already destroyed as a result of the feminist/sexual revolution."

He concludes that Norwegian liberalism and permissiveness allowed him "too much freedom" and had "to a certain extent made me feminine". Some analysts outside Norway have already started to advance the theory that Breivik had deep feelings of sexual inadequacy. They argue that he subconsciously sought compensation through gross acts of violence carried out with the help of an assortment of obviously "phallic" weapons such as the automatic rifles, shot-guns and special Glock automatic pistol with which he calmly gunned down teenaged Labour Party members as if they were rabbits.

yeah, reading this, maybe you´re right and Freud can take care of the caso in a better way than Marx ...! :shock:

& condolences to mudshark because the norwegian swimmer´s death...! :(

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by stilltrucking » May 2nd, 2012, 6:28 pm

I don't think of the victims too much, I have not looked at any of the pictures. I have not read the testimonies of the survivors. I never looked at the video of Daniel Pearl's beheading either. But somehow I can hear his scream. I do sympathize with the Norwegian people, I would like to know their enemy, that is how I would like to direct my intellectual energy. It is a way for me to mourn the innocents murdered..,

What interests me most is the internet factor, a crime in hypertext transfer protocol
the internet posts and manifesto were
an essential part of his plan.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog ... sto-mapped
sorry if I sound unsympathic
I am, I am just thinking
about what I say and read here.
The murdered children be added to the othrs that are gone victims of internet bloggers everywhere. Have any of the sites he was visiting and posting to distanced themselves from him I wonder.
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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by mudshark » May 3rd, 2012, 3:06 am

Today the Court hammer slams again.
the captain of the boat that brought ABB to Utøya will testify. He was also the husband of "Mother Utøya", whom was shoot dead minutes after the boat, M/S Tørbjørns, arrival. the same captn that took 8 people with him back in the musselflash of fire. mostly high ranked AUF- guys. I am looking at ABB right now on direct broadcasting. comin in tho the room. fixing his manchettes. standing straight. clincing his fists. camera goes back to studio. this is norweigian sensourship. its a fucking tragedy all alone.
we want to see and feel and get it out of our system.
Socialdemocracy takin over.
historical shame.

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