22.Juli- trial. WARNING

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by stilltrucking » May 3rd, 2012, 6:21 pm

I feel Norwegian and I am sorry that it happened.
I would still rather be in Norway than here.

But I don't need to see it to feel.
Maybe that is a blessing.

I don't think I could feel anyworse about it.
a numb feeling.
like a kick in the gut
like the wind knocked out of me
and it could have happened anywhere
even here where children are murdered every day, day in and day out, murdered by mothers and fathers and other children.
I might as well be in South Africa.

Most of what I been reading is in the Guardian, The Telegraph, British papers,
I saw a fascinating visualization of all the websites he was connected to, I wonder how many facebook friends he had :wink:

I am sorry I am sorry, about my gallows humor, you know me from litkicks
so I guess you won't take me too serious
Anders Breivik's manifesto mapped

The man behind the Norway bombings and shootings wrote a link-filled manifesto. To show the vast spread of websites he cites, and how they linked to each other, we turned to French visualisers Linkfluence.

This map shows those relationships between sites. To appear on it does not make anyone responsible for Breivik's actions. Rather it shows how a conspiracist mind can twist perfectly normal stories into a threatening and dangerous pattern.

For each site on the map, you click the dot to go there directly - and it then illuminates all links to other sites. The sites have been divided by category - click on the icon with three circles in the right-hand corner to see the sites grouped. Yellow links show who the site has linked to; red links show who has linked to it

http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree ... -manifesto
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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by tinkerjack » May 3rd, 2012, 8:24 pm

I would still rather be in Norway than here.
I hate to sound like an ingrate, no country has been better to Jews than the USA. Besides that I am too broke to leave.

I read somewhere that Nietzsche is being blamed, that he caused it. Jesus H Christ. Maybe I just be stupid. :?

Is it paranoia? does that explain anything? the Navajo's got it right? It is a sickness.
Should we hold a healing ceremony for him, or maybe electro convulsive shock therapy, or maybe surgery? Saying after the twenty years or thirty he can or will get for the crimes he will come up for review every five years is that why you want more coverage?
Do you think that the coverage of the trial should be more grahic so that it is burned into the memories of the next generation? So that none will for get five ten or fifteen years from now.
forget about
A disease called man.

pardon the ramble.
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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by stilltrucking » May 3rd, 2012, 11:13 pm

I would still rather be in Norway than here.

I hate to sound like an ingrate, no country has been better to Jews than the USA. Besides that I am too broke to leave.

I read somewhere that Nietzsche is being blamed, that he caused it. Jesus H Christ. Maybe I just be stupid.

Is it paranoia? does that explain anything? the Navajo's got it right? It is a sickness?
Should we hold a healing ceremony for him, or maybe electro convulsive shock therapy, or maybe surgery? Saying after the twenty years or thirty he can or will get for the crimes he will come up for review every five years is that why you want more coverage?
Do you think that the coverage of the trial should be more grahic so that it is burned into the memories of the next generation? So that none will forget five ten or fifteen years from now.
forget about
A disease called man.

pardon the ramble.
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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by mudshark » May 5th, 2012, 11:16 am

Well. I m into the truth- scene. wich also tender my opinions as to what is correct to say and write. this is good news for you, Truckn, ma fading warrior.
of cours:the reasons surrounding my eagerness of this disclosure, the Thirst, is based mainly on wanting answers to my questions.
When something like this hits your country, its a sorrow ten folded in a 4 million-man-community. it is said that every singel norweigian knew someone who knew someone who was involved in this tragedy in the character of victim.

we have other shit here to you know.
they just shoot down our factory, wich had made us (my town) famous for the bad smell. it is the only thing we are famous for. and now we lost it. and we´re pissed.
i never new the scents of spring like this year, though...

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by stilltrucking » May 5th, 2012, 4:25 pm

maybe it is good news for somebody, I mean when tragedy goes down here the news media had a hayday, I imagine their viewer numbers goes up and they can charge more for advertising.
"Everyone can master a grief but he that hath it."
I know what you mean when you say it hit close to home.
"I know it fucking hurts" —yabyum

For me this is a chance to learn more about how things work, when I try to think about it in a way that might contribute to what you called "a unike" opportunity to learn something about our enemy.

to be forewarned is to be forearmed.

have you checked out the link to visualization that the french guy did,
websitevisualization.PNG (230.57 KiB) Viewed 1635 times
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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by mudshark » May 6th, 2012, 7:01 am

yes, I did check out the link. And it didnt nuture me. Anyone can do it. imagine that. It just took one man to show so much hate, imagine how much love all of us can create togheter.
that was the slogan after the attack. The goverment stood behind it.

anyone can master a grief far from home, that is true.

My old work mate got married to this chick from my neighbourhood. they had a daughter. some 15 years ago. So she joined the Labour party youth, AUF. she went to the camp last year. she had taken off into the forest as she saw 4 of her friends head shoot, point blank. she was determined to swim. as she was about to jump into the water she saw a little boy. she sat with him and told him not to be afraid, and not to make any sound. The policeman was coming their way, the shoots where louder now. they hid behind a stone as he passed them. they just sat quiet. sending out an sms, every now and then. he moved on, killing on the north side. and they went into the water. she took him under his chin and swam out into the open. a boat came and picked them up.

last night we had snow. and its still chilly.
has spring come to virginia beach?
have a great sunday.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by stilltrucking » May 6th, 2012, 1:32 pm

I am a fading warrior?
thank you lasse you honor me.
I am not that civilized
I was turned down for the draft as mentally unfit for military service.
Faced with Breivik's unflinching account, Norway surprises world with its civility
http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Global-N ... -Breivik-s
Hurts me when I try to put the faces of my loved ones on the victims. But grief takes time. and I am running out of time. So I am trying to put my shoulder to the wheel, what can I do to nurture you? I can work on myself.
Maybe grief is rage, turned inward.

Sorry I did not nurture, I am only trying to cure myself.

I see so much of him in myself, there but for a mad molecule or two go I, a simple twist of karma.

I wish I could map my thousands of posts here on studio eight the way the French Website did his. Somewhere in a distanced mind I have the thought that all these random text boxes link up into a coherent testimony.
of love between all my brothers and sisters.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by Diana Moon Glampers » May 7th, 2012, 1:01 pm

last night we had snow. and its still chilly.
has spring come to virginia beach?
have a great sunday.
spring is sprung here
in south texas about 600 miles east of phar lepht
we are well into summer
here, in the 93F last couple of days
but it is still early summer, it will get hotter and more humid come august.

I say I wish I was in Norway, but I know I lie to myself, yeah I would love your summers probably but I could not even survive another yankee winter here in the states let alone a Norwegian winter..

In the meantime "life goes on", and we "need something to hold onto believing this living is just a hard way to go, make me an old woman, make me an angel that flies from montgomery"

make me an episode of dharma and gregg

listen to the music old kurt vonnegut would say
funny how when we speak of nurturing I think of a female voice
but that is just my sexism I suppose.

I was watching TV the other day with my baby sister one of her favorite shows, I could not believe what I was seeing, I thought it was photoshoped.
I am hoping it might cheer you up a little.
if it is not too soon for any cheer. :?

I wish I knew more about whatever Buddhism means, I think it is nurturing
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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by stilltrucking » May 7th, 2012, 7:21 pm

I wish I was more help,
if I could write poem or a song for you
I would
that line from yabyum was his tagline for a while
I always took comfort from it.
I have heard that artists, musicians, poets are blessed because they can mourn through the creative process.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by mudshark » May 8th, 2012, 4:41 pm

I dont write to get help, but i can appriciate a good song and charming cut on the tube anytime. so thanx for puttn in the effort.
(fact is im 43 and not the jollyest fellow around its all just at some point... stream of conciousness moment comin on...Im reading about Hitler for the time being. A norweigian writer, whom im in no doubt youll all learn to know at some point, called Karl-Ove Knausgaard, wrote six books in a coupla years. bricks.
the title of this life work, is "My Struggle", min kamp. like the one Hitler published.
and it has totaly taken over the country. whats it about? his life. he tells it all as it was. comn from a conservative- christian part of the country, this was a big scandal. all the names, places and events are true. and Knausgaard is carvin into the pain of his heart like a Hamsun- crab fisher. and now, as I silently wander around in the last book, hes going on about the life of Adolf Hitler. trying to find his good side. hes friend Kubitzek tells it in a biography. Hitler was a lonesome artist in great awe of his mom, whom he nutured and stood by for months- by her death bed. he was abused by his dad. he drifted away into his own world, listening to wagner in the Wienna opera. He lived at the same time as Gustaf Klimt and sigmund freud, and in the same town, wienna. gotta know their sides, bard, and we have all felt like Hitler. we have all had a Anders Behring Breivik- day going on inside. fallin down. and now with all the one sided press, some will related even more to the guy. its natural. time and actions dont go good togheter. I am glad you said it, Trucker.
But anyway, My Struggle, If thats how you would trasnslate it, is what you gonna read one of those fine winterdays.
Look. I m a big Dylan fan. I seen him twice. worst concerts of my life, but my dad used to play him in the car all the time back in the 70´s. Ballad of a thin man left some scars that´ll never heal, man. I thank you Bob, but you need to get your ass down in the easy chair.)

I write to defeat.
And I want a heart land poet to do some crab-fish´n. again.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by stilltrucking » May 8th, 2012, 10:23 pm

I write because I am compelled to. You eve see a movie called Compulsion?
About a murder Nietzsche commited in Chicago about a hundred nears ago. Mothing to do with this I guess.
Everything I know about Norway I learned from Garrison Keillor :wink:

http://prairiehome.publicradio.org/prog ... orse.shtml

Bob Dylan is just this guy you know, but that woman is cute as a bug.
I would like to say f*ck h*tler cause he is dead, but not really true, because in a way he has a second life, a virtual life, haunting the internet, spawning a thousand websites, a thousands points of darkness, of hate and discontent.

Good Article here from Austrailia I think
The lone mad man? Breivik’s lunacy label stops vital questions
Breivik’s lawyer has reinforced the portrait of a lunatic by a plea to the court of insanity. This is very much society’s escape clause. Breivik gets off murder and gets into a ward to be medicated for the rest of his life; European society is left off the hook – after all, to take this line of reasoning to its logical conclusion, only one mad man did it.

http://theconversation.edu.au/the-lone- ... tions-2573
From Hiroshima to Dachau to Norway to Okalahoma City to Columbine, to Rwanda,
What a wonderful world this could be.

Why did he do it?. Lets blame it on Nietzsche.
Blame it on H*tler, or maybe it was a problem with his toilet training.
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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by mudshark » May 9th, 2012, 1:31 pm

"Breivik’s lawyer has reinforced the portrait of a lunatic by a plea to the court of insanity. This is very much society’s escape clause. Breivik gets off murder and gets into a ward to be medicated for the rest of his life; European society is left off the hook – after all, to take this line of reasoning to its logical conclusion, only one mad man did it."

-Jacks Link

Breiviks Lawyer has not plead insanity. He claims sanity.
One does not go into eternal medication and of the hook, if one
ends up in treatment.
the aim of any treatment is to treat, with the outcome of good health.
If he gets well he gets out. But in this case he wont, cause he said he regrets not killing more people. he is in for long game, or agony for life in prison.
21 years if sane. and custody for up to 10 years.
"mad man". yes. i guess.

after todays testimonys, i got goospumps. The witnesses from Utøya, the surviours, told some pretty terrible tales.
" he pointed the gun at me, and the two little boys i had been looking after, i hurled myself of the cliff and into the water, the little boys jump after me. shoots slammed around me in the water. My soul left my body.
and then he stopped, and one of the boys who had just sat on the waterside next to Breivik came swimming out to me shouting: "he spared me! he spared Me!" we swam into some bushes and hid, all 3 of us."

Breivik stands by the water but does not get his feet wet. a kid sits next to him. he aims for the man. shoots. aims. shoots again.
takes out his Glock with the other hand and puts it to the boys head.
"Please don´t shoot me! you Killed my dad. havent you killed enough??"

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by stilltrucking » May 10th, 2012, 1:20 am

the aim of any treatment is to treat, with the outcome of good health.
If he gets well he gets out. But in this case he wont, cause he said he regrets not killing more people. he is in for long game, or agony for life in prison.
21 years if sane. and custody for up to 10 years.
"mad man". yes. i guess.
I am trying to imagine what good health looks like for him. Will he say, "oh I am sorry, I must have been out of my mind".

The article I posted was from July 2011, that is when his lawyer said he was insane.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by mudshark » May 10th, 2012, 9:44 am

Yeah thas righ. His lawyer did hope for insanity at first.

He wont get out a live, and if he does we´ll kill him.

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Re: 22.Juli- trial. WARNING

Post by stilltrucking » May 10th, 2012, 7:45 pm

Even if he is insane and restored to health. he should never get out of prison.
If I had the chance to kill him I don't know what I would do, at this point I think I too would like to kill him but I do not want him to have a good death a heroic death. I would not want him to be a marytr.

I caught a bit about the trial on the BBC tonight, one psychiatirist more or less said lets call a spade a spade, he used the word evil not insanity, he said there are evil people in the world.

Also drugs were mentioned

Further clouding the issue is Breivik's deliberate use of central stimulants and anabolic steroids ahead of the murders, as psychosis induced by intoxication is explicitly not covered by the 44th paragraph of the penal code concerning state of mind at the moment of action.

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