What do I get pissed off at dead presidents

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What do I get pissed off at dead presidents

Post by Unk » May 8th, 2014, 4:55 pm

It is time I got over Woodrow Wilson, this is a new millennium
there are plenty of living presidents to piss me off.

Now I understand why life is always unsatisfactory, even in the pursuit of happiness.
I want to be a Zen warrior, for the American way.

The American way I used to believe in, before I knew better.
I want to pretend it still exists,
Where is the Monroe Doctrine when I need it?

I must be cracking up again.
Why am I so happy to be alive, even if life is unsatisfactory,

as good as it gets and it gets better
barring unforeseen circumstances

like falling turtles on my head
thanks dino

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Re: What do I get pissed off at dead presidents

Post by the mingo » May 8th, 2014, 10:25 pm

Turtle storms can do a man in
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Re: What do I get pissed off at dead presidents

Post by Unk » May 9th, 2014, 2:41 pm

10-4,as gilda radner used to say if it aint one thing it's another

Poor old Solon, he was the wisest man that ever lived in ancient Greece and it was them pesky pelicans that did him in, dropped a turtle on his head, so I have heard.

Solon? lets see what google says, Solon + Greece + pelican + turtle + fate =

but what's that got to do with the price of political opinions these days :)
thanks dino

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Re: What do I get pissed off at dead presidents

Post by Lostwire » May 9th, 2014, 9:23 pm

Get that "Big Stick"
& kick ass
I like Ike though
Him and Mamie riding
down suitland parkway
In a clouded past
A time when you'd sit on
the hill and count out of
state plates
Southern ave. in the dreaded
S.E. D.C.
Way before the California dreaming
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Re: What do I get pissed off at dead presidents

Post by Unk » May 10th, 2014, 3:07 am

Liked Ike too, but in fifty two I also liked Stevenson too, 1952 the first time I took any notice of politics.

Don't understand the idolization of Ronald Reagan, the man who encouraged Osama bin Laden when He sent the Marines into Lebanon in 1983 and then pulled them out so quick after 241 were killed. Gave Osama the idea that our colors do run.
Hoaxes 101: Reagan Losing 241 at Beirut in 1983 Didn't Happen No More

Erasing the events of Lebanon 1983 also supports the long-term propaganda goal of portraying Ronald Reagan as a competent Commander in Chief. That is an important goal for conservative politics. Having Reagan seen as being good at everything is essential to claiming that he was a great president.

http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/10/2 ... en-No-More
So poor old Ronnie had to Invade Granada to make his chops as commander in chief,

Now the talk turns to Benghazi and four dead, nobody talking about Iraq and four thousand dead soldiers for what?

I want to be a republican too, reality sucks, I want to live in the land of bullshit talks and money walks

Stevenson bares his sole.
stevenson bares his sole.jpg
thanks dino

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Re: What do I get pissed off at dead presidents

Post by Lostwire » May 10th, 2014, 12:24 pm

My grand mother loved Stevenson
1st prez election I really remember
was Kennedy and Nixon
Things really went haywire with
Reagan and it's a change that stays with us
till this moment........this instant....
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Re: What do I get pissed off at dead presidents

Post by Unk » May 11th, 2014, 7:07 am

till this instant
that's whats keeps me here
St Jack showed me a better way
He loved his own his native land
but he loved his French roots too
at this instant it is good to be alive
I sometimes wonder if Hunter S. Thompson was just depressed about what the future held for America, I got too many suicides on my book shelf, I want to be a Zen Warrior like Japhy Ryder, for truth justice and the Buddhist way, make a wildnerness from an empire too.

rooty toot toot
I am a real live nephew of m uncle Chaim born in A shtetll in New Jersey courtesy of the the Good baron DE Hirsch who brought all us fallāḥīn) Jews to the promised land with, Forty Acres and a Shul: in woodbine New Jersey

still till this moment, there are good god fearing Americans who still believe George W. Bush did the right thing in Iraq.

Mnaz don't understand why Americans feel so morally superior, and neither do I, everything I know about America I learned in a John Dos Passos novel. Oh yes a transvaluation of all values, what ever that means, Nietzsche died for our sins

books like magic carpet rides
Jack wrote only good books
Dos Passos wound up writing speeches for Nixon, thank god Jack died good. or at least young. :(

http://news.yahoo.com/outraged-over-ben ... itics.html
thanks dino

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Re: What do I get pissed off at dead presidents

Post by gypsyjoker » May 11th, 2014, 7:17 am

from the "for what it's worth" department
'the transvalulation of values'
http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/2 ... 4142500113

I not mad at anybody anymore
I love everybody
I first saw her forty years ago when I was down and out in Nashville living at the Union Gospel Mission™ she was playing at a little honky tonk around the corner on lower Broadway
How she shinned, and still does
like new penny
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Re: What do I get pissed off at dead presidents

Post by Lostwire » May 11th, 2014, 10:38 am

Was it or will it ever be?
Gary brought me to litkicks
@ the time of the hot sauce
2001, just after 911
Way past be bop Buddhas
Way past dreads
Way past raves
Way past being enslaved
The time of wandering will
come again.......
Jam on me!!!

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Re: What do I get pissed off at dead presidents

Post by silent woman » May 11th, 2014, 4:20 pm

in the meantime
we got to get back to the America of Woodrow WIlson
when even squares like J.P Morgan could have a ball
I walked the streets of Baltimore with Red Emma
in 1917 when Mr. Wilson's war was all the rage

Time for a woman in the white house
sorry it had to be Hillary Clinton
does she know now what she should have known then
if she had not gone along to get along
shit, I am tired of the patriarchy, even St Jack and his real gone chicks,
mama your boy is here far across the land
in my Texican home
all wet and warm

too many women wearing Jocky™ shorts
where is the feminist revolution when I need it
this will be the new stone age
Elizabeth Warren in my wet dreams

don't mind me
I'm crazy
crazy jack
son of crazy mike
rock on

machinegunfire and arson,
bankruptcies, war loans,
starvation, lice, cholera and typhus;
good growing weather for the House of Morgan.)

1919, John Dos Passos.
"Well, this is Obama’s deal. And it is Obama that is responsible for this fear in America," Wynn said.

"The guy keeps making speeches about redistribution and maybe we ought to do something to businesses that don’t invest, they are holding too much money," he added. "You know, we haven’t heard that kind of talk except from pure socialists. Everybody is afraid of the government and there is no need soft-pedaling it. It is the truth. It is the truth."

Meanwhile, Wall Street finished 2013 with the biggest annual gains since the 1990s.

There was a rich man whose fields produced a bumper crop. "What do I do now?" he asked himself, "since I don't have any place to store my crops. I know! I'll tear down my barns and build larger ones, so I can store all my grain and my goods. Then I'll say to myself, "You have plenty put away for years to come. Take it easy, eat, drink, enjoy yourself." But God said to him, "You fool! This very night your life will be demanded back from you. All this stuff you've collected--whose will it be now?" That's the way it is for those who save up for themselves, but aren't rich where God is concerned.

--Luke 12: 16b-21, SV

I dunno; maybe that's the voice they keep hearing; and they just think it's Obama's.
http://rmadisonj.blogspot.com/2014/02/p ... -boys.html
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Re: What do I get pissed off at dead presidents

Post by mnaz » May 12th, 2014, 6:55 pm

I can't claim that this is directly related to the topic, but I read a piece on another board entitled, "pray for peace". which is great. how simple! pray for peace as we participate in the war machine (everyone participates in one form or another). praise god and pass the ammo. (our god, and not some fur-reign god).

he made it sound so simple ....

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Re: What do I get pissed off at dead presidents

Post by Unk » May 14th, 2014, 10:19 am

Levi asked a very simple easy honest question a long time ago.

Do we really want peace? No I don't think we are wired that way.
Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous." Barbara Ehrenreich
Me I am praying for a Messiah to come and save us from ourselves.

IF not a messiah than a strong manly kind of man in the oval office that will be a fearless defender of truth justice and the American way.

Someone like Vladimir Putin maybe.

sorry, for my sick sense of humor
Last edited by Unk on May 16th, 2014, 11:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
thanks dino

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Re: What do I get pissed off at dead presidents

Post by Steve Plonk » May 14th, 2014, 10:48 am

"I want to be a Zen Warrior like Japhy Ryder, for truth justice and the Buddhist way, make a wildnerness from an empire too." by Unk.
Japhy Ryder, in form of his real name, Gary Snyder, is still alive, writing, teaching, & kicking cans. He is a role model of success in integrating the east with the west. I appreciate him, too.

Ronald Reagan used to be one of my pet peeves. But, at least, as POTUS, he was willing to compromise, unlike Dubya. Heck, Dubya's own Dad, the elder Bush, thought he needed to
lighten up a bit. As for Wilson, I didn't like that guy named Palmer whom he was associated
with. :roll:

Obama, on the other hand, has to lose the Eisenhower playbook, because this is 2014, not 1954. There is a parallel to today's activities, but we need more practical solutions.
Jobs shouldn't be the only focus. Our military needs time to regroup...so does NASA.
Let's not buy into the idea that Russia "had no leg to stand on" when they annexed Crimea...

Sanctions must be swift & our allies, including Germany, must go along with it.
If Russia goes into the rest of Eastern Ukraine, then the heat must be applied.

Let's not make the mistakes of World War One all over again. Way back in the 1790s,
President Washington warned about "entangling alliances". So, my advice isn't new... :)
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Re: What do I get pissed off at dead presidents

Post by Unk » May 16th, 2014, 11:02 pm

Steve you are the reason there are still people in the world who admire us. 8)
thanks dino

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Re: What do I get pissed off at dead presidents

Post by stilltrucking » May 19th, 2014, 8:38 pm

Obama, on the other hand, has to lose the Eisenhower playbook, because this is 2014, not 1954. There is a parallel to today's activities, but we need more practical solutions.
I don't know what you mean Steve. :? I remember he stopped the war in the middle east in 1956 between Israel, the U.K. France and Egypt. I thought that was pretty cool. And he also ended the Korean war. I think Obama should lose the John Foster Dulles playbook. Eisenhower's administration did trash a few democracies south of the border and in Iran, but what the heck nobodies perfect. :(

What was wrong with Eisenhower's playbook other than that? I think Obama could do worse.
Speaking of 1954, the tenth anniversary of D Day.
I like ike.jpg
President Obama is scheduled to speak next month on the battleground of Normandy, France, at the 70th anniversary celebration of D-Day — just as Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush spoke there in earlier such commemorations.

The most memorable D-Day appearance, of course, was Ronald Reagan’s in 1984, when he cited the veterans seated near him on those cliffs (“These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc”) in a scene of such dramatic staging and emotional power that it graced his re-election commercials that fall. One reason Reagan’s D-Day speech had such impact was that no previous sitting American president had ever traveled to Normandy for such an occasion.

On the 30th anniversary, Richard Nixon, reeling from Watergate’s death throes, was preparing to fly to the Middle East. On the 20th anniversary, Lyndon Johnson had pledged not to leave the United States during his first year as president after John Kennedy’s assassination.

Which brings us to the 10th anniversary. The president of the United States in 1954 was Dwight David Eisenhower, who just happened to be the supreme commander who sent those 160,000 Allied soldiers to those beaches (“O.K., we’ll go”) in one of the 20th century’s most fateful decisions.

Had President Eisenhower been surrounded by some latter-day political image-makers, they might have implored him to make the most of the occasion. (“Mr. President, let’s remind Americans of what you achieved in 1944! Sir, your party is having some problems with the midterms this fall — it would help if we could boost your approval numbers!”)

Had anyone dared to offer Ike such gratuitous advice, however, he would have had them expelled from the Oval Office. Pointedly he did not visit Normandy or stage a White House ceremony to extol his own leadership. Self-celebration was mostly alien to the men and women of World War II’s “greatest generation,” starting with the supreme commander.

Eisenhower’s painful memories of soldiers dying as a direct result of his command decisions had caused him to break down in public at least once before. As this photograph demonstrates, in a little-remembered incident during the 1952 presidential campaign, when Eisenhower — who usually kept his emotions under lock and key — spoke to a World War II veterans’ audience about those soldiers, he was so overwhelmed by grief that he covered his face with a handkerchief.

Thus Ike spent the D-Day anniversary of Sunday, June 6, 1954, out of sight, with his family at Camp David. In a gesture more eloquent than any ceremony, he quietly released a written statement of 308 words, which spoke volumes with its modesty and brevity, exalting the “courage, devotion and faith which brought us through the perils of war.” If your understanding of the Allied armies’ magnificent achievement on D-Day 1944 depended purely on that austere statement, you would scarcely know that Dwight Eisenhower had very much to do with it.

http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/20/upsho ... rref=&_r=0

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