Does "Nigger" Offend You?

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Post by Arcadia » January 2nd, 2007, 9:07 pm

here is (sadly) a very common expression that I think is worst than nigger : you are saying you're plus than nigger, you're a nigger full of shit "negro de mierda". It's about the skin color and about socio/economic identity. I hate it.
You could also hear the word "negro" in sort of affective way: we have the "negro" Fontanarrosa and the "negra" Sosa... well...

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Post by abcrystcats » January 3rd, 2007, 2:22 am

I believe in Equal Opportunity words.

This isn't an Equal Opportunity word. Therefore, I stick to my previous conclusions about it.

I went back to work today and I had a good look at a bunch of people who are my friends and coworkers. I decided they don't deserve an ugly word such as "nigger" to describe them. They need a better word. Therefore I am going to keep working to find one. See above conclusions.

Abstroint's "niggah please" story was great. It said volumes more than it said. It is worth the whole rest of this thread. It was a masterpiece. I am sorry it took me realizing this in the shower this morning. I am slow. My bad.

The word offends me. Don't use it. Ever.

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Post by izeveryboyin » January 4th, 2007, 1:33 am

I am so thrilled to get everyone talking. Here are 6 pages of words, some anry, some politcal, some funny, some somber, but the words are here, none the less. It usually boosts the ego of a writer to know that what he or she has written has sparked such fierce discussion. In this case, however, I know the credit is not completely mine. The word itself, or the idea behind it at least is that powerful. Think of that and tell me you can't marvel at the wonders of man. Someone said they won't say "nigger" b/c they only believe in equal oppurtunity words. I like that. Several people simply said "it offends me." That answer is fine too, but it baffles me the most. B/c like I was saying before if I was of another race, that word, b/c it is not used against me, would not offend me personally. The idea behind the word, and the people themselves who choose to misuse it would offend me. But then, I'm not of another race, so what do I know? And with that in mind, what do any of us really know about any other race besides our own? I had an argument with ST about the holocaust and slavery and what does it matter? B/c bottom line, no matter how hard the struggle, each person can only truly identify with the plights of his or her own race. That's just how it is. And I suppose, b/c we all remain so secretly close-minded that is how it will always be. And maybe that's the wrong word. Maybe we're all just proud. But my point in bringing up this topic was not so that we could point the finger or be angry at a word that some guy made up years ago. My point in bringing this up was to get us talking to one another about each other's plights. Racial, gender-related, sexuality-related or otherwise, and I think in the midst of all that pride, we, myself included, have all missed that point, or at best, forgotten it. But then, that's humanity for you.

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Post by stilltrucking » January 4th, 2007, 12:25 pm

we, myself included, have all missed that point, or at best, forgotten it.
I guess my point was that racial stereotyping is a two way street.

I was trying to tell you that I thought we were getting into a sick arguement, pretty macabre to compare the holocaust with slavery.

I get pretty tired of black racism, I have had a belly full of Louis Farrakhan. His bloody hands all over Malcom's murder. Of course the FBI knew all about what was coming down and could have stopped it, so you might as well say the real killer was an old white man called J Edgar.

Sorry for thr ramble
It is a wonder we can communicate even a little considering the generational and gender gap between us.

I thought there was one funny part in our arguement, when you warned me not to piss you off.

moving on
abstroint there are worse things a father can do to a daughter
worse things than beating on her
still searching for a happy ending for my sister my self.

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Post by tarbaby » January 4th, 2007, 12:30 pm

I have had a belly full of:
white, black, jewish, japanese, chinese, and every other color and shape of racism.

And love has no pride.

my beutiful sister.
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Post by whimsicaldeb » January 4th, 2007, 1:11 pm

This has turned into a pretty good thread, lots of interaction/reactions. Reminds of Firsty's "Cunt" thread ... that was a good one also.

“Words, Words, Words”
Hamlet in William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” Act II, SC 2, line 210

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Post by tarbaby » January 4th, 2007, 4:44 pm

I been thinking about starting another thread with the subject:
Does the word Queer offend you?

ten four
good thread

Boy talk about firsty
Did I ever offend him when I called him "Oh My White Brother" just my sick sense of humor, bits and pieces from Firesign Theatre drift through my distant mind.
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Post by izeveryboyin » January 4th, 2007, 7:17 pm

ST, my post was not directed at you. At all. I was making a point. I think the reason we keep arguing is b/c you keep bringing it back to you. I never said racism wasn't a two-way street, in fact if you paid attention to the original piece I wrote you'll notice that I pointed out my own struggles with being racist. I don't need you to tell me that. What does Farrakhan, a muslim (the religion in the minority with blacks) and his playing a part in the murder of Malcolm X have anything to do with this discussion? He represents black muslims. Not black people. We are not all that extreme. Even he has come down off his perch to a certain degree. I was never trying to compare slavery with the holocaust b/c in my mind there is no comparison. They are two very different tragedies occuring against two very different kinds of people. Do I think slavery was worse not only b/c of the longevity but also b/c of the after effects, some of which still persist today? Sure I do... I probably always will. And you don't agree with that. That's fine. We'll agree to disagree. You get tired of black racism, well I tell you what, we'll compare stories one night and see if black racism or white racism has more horror. Or we can, again, just agree to disagree. Not that I condone black racism. In any form, perpetrated by any human being, racism is a poison. It is evil. It is wrong. It is counter-productive. I never find it wierd or strange that you and I have found a way to communicate despite the genrational gap. The character of a person transcends what is put down on paper. We are more alike than I am sometimes willing to admit. Lots of times I am just as much the asshole as anyone else, and just as oblivious about it too. Go figure. As for the "funny part" in our argument, I never told you not to piss me off. I said "careful of the bridges you end up burning before you get to cross them". And I was referring to you using the word nigger. It had nothing to do with me. I like it when you ramble. It makes me want to have things to say in return.

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Post by stilltrucking » January 4th, 2007, 7:25 pm


Slavery was the black Holocaust, so treat it with the same respect
Mitchell column: October 1, 2006 ... aus_1.html

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