Will the Human Race Survive a 1,000 Years?

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Post by whimsicaldeb » January 20th, 2007, 6:23 pm

abcrystcats wrote:Hah!! You guys (and gals, no sexism meant!) are GREAT!
LOL!!! That look exactly like my ex-neighbors!! I'm cracking up!
Thought you'd like that. That squat little creature with her tits down to her knees is almost the spitting image of myself. At my age I need hydraulics just to keep my tits up barely past my knees. That's why I saved the article ... for the picture; it was just too funny.
abcrystcats wrote: We are already starting to suffer from the effects of technology. We've become less able to relate to each other. We don't need our legs, either. I use my arms and hands a lot more than my legs these days.
It's not technology - it's what we humans do with it. Like guns - guns by themselves do nothing; but put a gun in the hand of human: and then guns in the hands of various humans brings a mulitude of different responses: [a gun in the hand of trained military person, a nervous 16 year old, a pacifist etc.]

It's in our nature to create things like this, be this way; and it's also in our nature to recognize this! And we do. So technology - in the hands humans is used to both kill more efficiently; us well as heal more efficiently.

It's also in our nature to get ourselves into these things; and then have to work like hell to get ourselves out of them again; and it's also in our nature to get out of things as well.

Nature is funny - because when someone says 'nature' what do you think of?

Most people tend to think natural; and healthy; warm sunshine in flowery fields watching bunny rabbits and butterflies frolic. But anyone who actual lives with nature respects it because the recognize that nature is one dangerous son-of-a-bitch. Nature is called cruel for good reasons; in nature - it's kill or be killed; nature is where everything alive lives because it's consuming something else that's alive ... all the way down to the cellular level of every thing [Every Thing - no exception]; it's about consuming energy or die. And when humans first evolved unto the scene we were prey animals for the larger predators and we bred like 'rabbits' because essentially that's what were: easy kills/fast food like what rabbits and mice are today for our current predators.

That's our true nature; that's our healthy nature way of life/living - consume some other living thing, or die - PHYSICALLY. And I'm currently staying in response to your musing at the physical level because that's what you're musing over/about . (For now away, things do have a spiritual side. There is a physical side and a spiritual side to things)
abcrystcats wrote: I don't think humans will voluntarily select, genetically, for the strongest and fittest and it takes great imagination for me to believe that we will split along physical lines the way we already are starting to, intellectually.
Agreed. The splitting is happening along social/economic (educational) lines - not physical.
abcrystcats wrote: Sex is still an overwhelming interest ...
I sure like it! :D
abcrystcats wrote: ...and keeps attracting new but intellectually challenged blood into the fold. I think we will stay physically the same. I don't think physical and intellectual superiority correlate in any way, anyhow. Lots of smart people are really weird, physically. LOL, I am not making sense, so go for the flaws in this!
You're making perfect sense.
abcrystcats wrote: As for your other post -- I am just going with my gut here. I don't expect a "cataclysmic" event to wipe us out. I expect a lot of climate changes mostly caused by carbon monoxide emissions, crop failures and epidemics. I think that some bug will come along and wipe us out, ultimately.

Yes, that is ahead of us - created in large part by an overpopulation of "unchecked" humans. When you think about it, what keeps nature in balance - predators. What's humanities predator? Ourselves. So what's going to stop us from over running this world? Our own predatory nature, our own selves; and part of that is warring with other humans "different" than our own kind.
abcrystcats wrote:...We will set the stage for all this and then it will just happen. It will happen eventually -- probably sooner than later. We kind of all know this stuff is going to happen, but we have high hopes that some members of the human species will survive it. Where are we getting this hope? Movies? I am not saying it's impossible that some people could survive, but right now we are witnessing the destruction of many, many species. How many tigers left in the WORLD? How many wolves left in the WORLD? And these are cool, sophisticated predators. Very resilient survivors. If not them, how hard is it to imagine that one day WE will be gone from the face of the Earth?
My hope comes from the way things happen/tend to work out. Recently they found the 'hobbit' people; who time dating shows lived at the same time as "modern" humans - but we didn't know about it.

Things like that give me assurance that we don't know everything, that we can't know. And that unknown, unknowable areas give me comfort.

As we catalogue the animals and plants that are becoming extinct; we are also cataloguing the animals and plants we are only NOW discovering.

We don’t know it all, and we can’t know it all – and for whatever reason things like that give me peace.
abcrystcats wrote: We are too arrogant about ourselves. We are more vulnerable to our own depredations than we think.
Agreed, but I don't think we are ignorant of this any longer. Some are still ignorant yes; but not all. It's a matter of percentages and I don't know what the percentage ratio currently is and I doubt if anyone else does because most researchers haven't gotten to that place yet to organized enough to ask that question; yet with the masses – people themselves are asking this question internally and responding to it ... that's that grass roots level that always exists and is in operation; (doing things in new [many time anti-socially approved] ways on a local level) way before it can ever becomes “Publicized” as the “mainstream” on the global level.

It is mainstreamed – just not known that it is because most people tend to keep their most personally feelings (whys and actions) to themselves first.
abcrystcats wrote: Who said this?
much human
behavior really rests in the limbic system and not in the
cortex—things like competition, male/male rivalry,
aggression, all sorts of things that may, in fact, lie at the
base of national conflicts and war and other undesirable
things. Is this something we should be looking at?

you are right, but what do we do about it? We are prewired for aggression. I think we are losing the race to conquer ourselves in this area. We may end up being the ultimate victims of our limbic systems ....

We may be the "most adaptable" but that does not make us infallible, or not subject to extinction.

I still think we are getting dangerously close.

Or am I taught to think this way? I remember the Cold War era. Everyone lived in fear of The Bomb ....

I know the weather, and I know the behavior of my fellow humans ....

Yes, you are taught to fear the unknown. Yes, fearing the unknown is part of our limbic responses.

Yes, we are close to wiping ourselves out.

But - we always are! We do that to ourselves daily. My most current example: Eric has begun driving lessons. Every time he takes a lesson with the instructor he's put his life and his instructors life in danger. With his lack of experience he could more easily wipe himself and others out than myself and my husband can behind the wheel – but even that’s not certain.
And I don't know for a 'fact' that he won't, or that we won’t. I also don't know for a fact that he will ... or we will … but I do know for a fact that it will happen to some; because it does.
And yet … I drive; others drive; and I’m allowing my son to learn now as well.

Risk is a part of living; and avoiding certain risks can stump growth and maturity - and it’s because I can remind myself that facing risk IS a NATURAL part of like – that I have peace and hope. Knowing that I don’t know the outcome; can’t know the outcome; facing my fear of the unknown, the outcome(s) brings hope. At least for me it does.

And yes - our limbic system predisposition has impact; some things to do with our actions - but not all. Our cortex parts of our brain have the most control and it’s our cortex part of ourselves that CAN BE retrained. In fact the Buddhists and their effective mediation techniques as studied by scientists have proved that to be precisely so.

It’s because it’s been proven that we can master our base emotions, ourselves, and then respond in positive ways – that we can do this in our own lives for ourselves (and then do so); that I also have hope humanity.

Lastly; it’s because people can and do change; and then things slowly get different from those changes that makes me think the humanity has a chance.

If our final out come [our collective destination] is to be wiped out because we’ve become ‘too destructive for this world.’ What happens to this outcome then, when we realize this and begin making adjustments by stopping our own destructive natures, working in our own daily lives - and collectively?

Well – the answer is Rocket Science (believe it or not): The trajectory of a rockets impact at it’s destination can (and is) created with minuscule adjustments in it’s launch calculations.

Each time I don’t respond in an old, predatory way; each time I take a moment and readjust before doing … anything … by thinking out side my boxes; thinking beyond myself – beyond greed – beyond it all … I’ve changed the outcome. And how many of us are doing exactly that in our lives on a daily basis? Small changes can have big results. Collective small changes and have even bigger ones.

Now does that mean that our past actions won’t have any impact at all – No; we’ve got an impact ahead. But our do believe that our impact has been – and continues to be lessened by everything we’ve done to create that then – and continue to do now. And that also gives me hope for humanity.

So – those are the things I’ve based my hopes on: Others have called my hopefulness ‘ungrounded’ ‘romantic’ and ‘idealistic’ ~shrug~ I don’t know … I don’t agree, but I really don’t know. Any more than I know the outcome of Eric’s driving lesson today as he’s taking it … but will know, when it’s complete.

Sorry for the long reply (for being so long winded); this question seems to bring out the lengthy postings in me. :D

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Post by whimsicaldeb » January 20th, 2007, 7:02 pm

ps to Laurie:

In glancing over my reply to your Laurie, I see numerous typing, grammatical and missed necessary editing errors and I apologize for them; but I’m too tired to go back and fix them all just to ‘look better.’ Besides, it took me almost 2 hours just to do that reply; and to go back and find and fix everything could very well take me another hour, and I’m tried today; so … I chose to post the damn thing – and let the rest go, knowing full well of how stupid I come across when my writing is that crapy. I’m sorry to put you through that post – but I know you’ll glean the best out of it – you always do, but I apologize for making you “have to” glean the best out of it instead of simply presenting my best. No excuse except that it’s been a long week.

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Post by stilltrucking » January 21st, 2007, 4:58 am

I believe that there is a balance in nature

I believe in "holy contour of life"

I believe we will be here in a thousand years. But in new shapes and colors like indigo

I believe in the balance of nature

I believe that we are shaping our evolution ourselves

in a random careless manner

I believe in serendipity

I believe in miraculous accidents

I believe it will work out right

I believe every mother's son will have to cry oneday

I believe there is going to be a huge die off if man cannot control his greed.

Because if we can't then nature will do it for us

And the survivors will cary on

A new breed of sentient beings, with more volume, hard exoskeletons, larger penises, and pert breasts

Just like that guy from the London School of Ecomomics said.

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Post by whimsicaldeb » January 21st, 2007, 2:21 pm

Laurie, I know I rambled on yesterday in my reply to you; but there's another thing that gives me hope and makes me feel humanity will live through everything that's coming ahead of us...

This is from current TV and current TV (imo) is a perfect example of the best use of our current technology; a blending of artists/commentary/politics/just plain shit/and smart and dumb people of every single things any/everywhere together. And out of that mess ... comes things like these:

!6 Shadows made a women who was moved to do something; and recorded for everyone to see and pass along with a cell phone camera.

and this ...

a mini-video pod of one Christian man's memories of living in Germany during the Natzi years. Not a perspective you normally get to hear.

There are people who have survived, and live and talking right now, who have gone through some of the most horrid things other humans have created in this world. And others doing that now - as I type this. They survived/they're surviving; they're here ... they did it/they're doing it now. And that's another reason I have hope - not because of TV or Technologies (they only show it and sometimes help it); but because of us/humanity. We survive. It's what we do. And now, I think I've said enough, explained myself/my views as best I could.

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Post by stilltrucking » January 22nd, 2007, 7:21 am

money is not the root of all evil, it is the love of money that is the root of all evil. At least the that is what the Bible says. THere is a subtle difference. The evil lies within us, not in an inanimate object like a piece of green paper. It is the desire that creates the suffering.

I can't really answer your question without bringing in the G word. It is a matter of faith. If you believe in a creator than you believe there is some purpose in our existence and we were not created just to be become extinct.

If you have faith you know it will work out for the best.

In a way you don't even have to believe in G d. Zen Buddhism for example. (I think that is true)

On a personal note:
with her tits down to her knees is almost the spitting image of myself. At my age I need hydraulics just to keep my tits up barely past my knees. That's why I saved the article ... for the picture; it was just too funny.
Such a strange sensation for a son to look at his mother's withered breasts. If would have been a better job for a daughter, but my sister too caught up in guilt and grief.

So I cleaned up after her stroke, and thought about all of the shitty dippers of mine she must have changed.

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Post by stilltrucking » January 24th, 2007, 1:55 pm

sorry about the digression about breasts cat, I don't why I started thinking about breasts ?

I am still thinking about your question, thank you for asking , it is a nice diversion from worrying about the leaking radiator in my 500 hundred dollar car that I have spent over two thousand dollars in repairs.

bck to your question

here is my latest cecilism

Fortunately my family was so dysfunctional it is functioning well for me in the year of my terror.

You ask if we will be around in a thousand years

I would like to know if I will be around in a thousand years

As for we, yes I do believe some of us will be, probably not me though

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Post by e_dog » January 24th, 2007, 2:17 pm

Money doesn't make people evil, people make people evil. Like guns.

God has a purpose for us. To make suffer. Maybe He created us to exterminate some of the other large animals.

We are like agents of pest control to protect the rocks of the earth from pesky lifeforms like plants.
I don't think 'Therefore, I am.' Therefore, I am.

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Post by abcrystcats » January 31st, 2007, 2:57 am

Money is a human invention and yeah, "People make people evil."

There are people who have survived, and live and talking right now, who have gone through some of the most horrid things other humans have created in this world. And others doing that now - as I type this. They survived/they're surviving; they're here ... they did it/they're doing it now.
OK, and they are a small minority. Whoever survived the Death Camps for instance .... and I have no clue how they did it, not really, so that partially explains my skepticism about the ultimate survival of the human race. But you have a good point, and as foreign as it all may seem to me, some may survive. Looks like if they do, it will definitely be the best part of us, so that's good.

Stilltrucking, I don't think it has anything to do with God in the sense you may mean. God will do what God will do, with or without reference to us, as God chooses. I don't believe in a personal God, or a God that specially looks out for us. It would nice if there were just a God that looked after cats, but there it's obvious that there isn't, because they suffer all the time. We think our suffering is somehow exceptional, blessed with all this significance. I don't. I don't think it has any damn significance except what we can try to give it. God, IMO, is utterly indifferent to it. Maybe cosmically it matters, but that's as specific as I am willing to get. Maybe we are filling a Cosmic Karma Bank and once it gets full all souls will move to the next level. If so, that is God at work, but I don't always think He looks out for the little sparrow that falls, like it says in the Good Book. That is a nice sentiment, but history gives the lie to it. Maybe there is a Big Picture God, but there certainly isn't this Judeo-Christian personal one we all stubbornly cling to (me included). If we blow up the world, tough. God isn't going to save us from ourselves, in that case. Just my opinion.

At times, I am about as faithless as an atheist, although I am not one ....

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Post by abcrystcats » January 31st, 2007, 2:59 am

P.S. -- Fair warning, Stilltrucking, I can be very inconsistent, within certain parameters about the degree of personalization I think God is capable of. Just depends on my mood. Too much reading about Hitler is not putting me in a good mood .... lol.

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Post by Arcadia » January 31st, 2007, 6:49 am

"Will the Human Race Survive a 1,000 Years?". Well.., maybe. I live in southamerica.

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