Pregnant Belly

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Pregnant Belly

Post by izeveryboyin » February 4th, 2007, 7:15 pm

If you type that phrase into the images page you will get a few very mild-mannered photos of women showing off their babies-in-waiting, but you will get even more photos leading to raunchy "preggo-sex" websites. Why is it that even the most precious things are all infused with sex? Several photos and movies showing women doing some of the most derading and sexually strange things exist on the internet in high volume. But to see pregnant women exploiting themselves and their child for such a purpose just really depresses me. Not to say pregnant women don't have a sex drive. Most certainly we do, but why does it have to be exploited like that? What's that child going to think a few years down the line when it sees it's mother and itself being degraded for all the world to see? Am I just being predjuidice on account of my pregnancy or is "preggo-sex" porno more offensive than pretty much any other kind?

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Post by Dave The Dov » February 5th, 2007, 3:22 pm

Preg porno YUCK!!!! Why can't people just admire the beauty of a woman when she's pregnant rather then turn it into something really disgusting!!!!
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Post by Doreen Peri » February 5th, 2007, 3:29 pm

Just goes to show ya, there's a lotta sicko stuff on the internet. Ahhh but we knew that, right?

In a few years, you'll be interested in finding and installing filters to keep the garbage from your beautiful son's eyes.

Hey, love your lovely self and pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. He truly can be a sicko.

There's nothing more beautiful than a woman with child. :)

Bask in the glory!

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Post by singlemalt » February 6th, 2007, 10:25 am

just wondering why porn is "disgusintg?"

i can think of a lot worse. beheadings, torture, rape, kidnapping, murder, suicide. you know, all the stuff everyone sees every night on network television.

i don't have much of a problem with porn.

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Post by Doreen Peri » February 6th, 2007, 11:09 am

In my opinion, human sexuality can definitely be tastefully expressed!

But a lot of porn is demeaning to women and not presented with class.

Some of it isn't disgusting. Of course not!

But demeaning women is always disgusting.


Just depends on what's being depicted.

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Post by Dave The Dov » February 6th, 2007, 2:59 pm

I agree with you on that dp!!!! :D
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Post by Arcadia » February 6th, 2007, 5:26 pm

preggo, curious word!

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Post by singlemalt » February 6th, 2007, 5:51 pm

i don't know how you can determine what is demeaning and what is not. porn is like football. i like the bears and i despise the packers. of course, there are packers fans who think otherwise

some people like to be urinated upon. not my cup of pee, i mean tea, but if the pisser and the pissee enjoy it, then maybe i'm the strange one, not them.

i guess my point is, if the person being filmed, say the pregnant woman, is okay with it and if the person viewing it likes it, then who is joe blow to say that it is demeaning.

porn involving consenting adults is kind of like a powerful expression of body sovereignty. dontcha think?

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Post by Doreen Peri » February 6th, 2007, 7:00 pm

maltie, I see how you could think that way but I disagree.

Why? Most all of the women depicted in porn aren't posing for those photos because they want to. They are posing for the photos because they have no skills to make a living. Many are underage, most all are drug addicted and they need the money to support their habit. How do I know this? I've known some of them. And for the most part, the poses are not normal, natural sexual poses. They are posed in positions which exploit their sexuality for the sole purpose of arousal. I find that demeaning. Women are represented as sexual objects, not as people. I also find that demeaning to them.

Just my opinion, of course.

Now, I'm sure I'm not talking about 100% of the women who are involved in porn. It's quite possible that some small percentage feels empowered rather than demeaned. But I doubt it's very many.

And I know absolutely nothing about the pregnant women sex market. Beats me. But I suspect it's a similar situation. They're doing it for the money to support their drug addiction and though I haven't seen any of it, I also suspect they are also being exploited as sex objects and not respected as people.

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Post by hester_prynne » February 6th, 2007, 11:13 pm

What does "consenting adult" mean?
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Post by singlemalt » February 7th, 2007, 10:41 am

dp, i would probably agree that most of the women in porn really don't want to do it. they do it for the money. but i would say that that describes better than 90% of everyone who is employed. i don't necessarily like what i do, but i do it for the money. and what i do is, arguably, the embodiment of "legal." so how is taking your clothes off for money different than countless other jobs that people do for money?

do a vast majority of women in porn do it to feed a drug habit? i have no idea. but let's assume you are completely correct. again, how is this any different than a person working at wal mart who does it to earn money to fuel a drug habit?

i have no idea about the percentage of underage people in porn. my initial post had nothing to do with that. i was only commenting on consenting adults in porn.

if a pregnant woman wants to be in a porn flick, it's still legal in parts of this country. does porn = free speech? i think to some degree, perhaps to a large degree, the answer is yes. so if a preggo wants to get naked, have some pictures taken and she gets paid for it, i say have at it.

we all have a breaking point with what we think is demeaning. there comes a point when everyone will say "i won't do that." is preggo porn demeaning? my point of view is no. again, it's not something that turns me on, but i don't find it demeaning. does the pregnant woman who poses for naked pictures find it demeaning? my guess is that if this was too demeaning, she would not do it. again, these comments only apply to consenting adults.

hester, my definition of a consenting adult is a person over the age of majority who agrees to engage in the act without being forced to do so. your mileage may vary.

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Post by Doreen Peri » February 7th, 2007, 12:09 pm

scotch -

They drug test 'em at walmart. Ugh. Hate that. It should be illegal in my opinion.

But let's say an addict or two brings in somebody else's piss and gets the job. OK. There's a big difference buying a toaster at walmart and buying porn at the porn shop in regards to supporting drug addiction which really is a huge health problem.

But OK. Let's say you're right and porn is about consenting adults doing what they want. But does "as long as it doesn't hurt anybody" apply? I don't think so.

Pornography addiction hurts the addict just as much as drug addiction hurts the addict. And it's a big money game, too. Different addiction but just as in the drug trade, someone's controlling the purse strings and getting filthy rich. Why do I have a problem with this? Because lives are being screwed up so some people can get rich.

We can debate whether lives are really being screwed up or whether this is just a figment of my imagination but I probably won't want to because I've seen lives get screwed up firsthand.

On the other hand, I must say that I'm a big fan of free speech and I would fight to allow it. I just wouldn't spend my hard earned money on anything that I see as demeaning to people and dangerous to people's lives. I won't support it that way.

When Woody Harrelson played Larry Flint (what a great movie that was!), I rooted him on the entire time! So am I talking from 2 sides of my mouth? Maybe.

It's a complicated topic.

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Post by Ann Bingham » February 7th, 2007, 11:53 pm

Not to start a riot or anything, but I think you folks are missing part of Ize's point. The internet is not safe. Who would think Pregnant Belly would lead to porn? Certainly not me...(which by the way I see nothing wrong...that just bein me though, the consenting adult thing.) Not sure I'd want my kids surfing the net for a school paper and get lead to porn sites. Yes there are programs to install on your PC to help prevent this...but honestly the little B*****d's are tricky. Well that is the one thing the kind of jumped out at me....just the fact that something innocent can be turned into something to grown up for a large number of web surfers.

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Post by hester_prynne » February 8th, 2007, 4:59 am

"something innocent being turned into something........."........dare I say....
and if so, why?
beyond the money, beyond the "reasons".
why do that?
I simply don't get it.....
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Post by izeveryboyin » February 8th, 2007, 5:57 pm

I see your point SM and yours D. And here's mine: My comment wasn't really meant to be against porn in general. If a person wants to fuck on camera then I guess it's there perogative. At least they're getting paid to be publicly humiliated. But with pregant women in porn, what offends me about it is the fact that they are not just putting themselves in a video for exploitation, their unborn child is just as much a part of the film as they are. And what kind of a mother exposes their child, unborn or not, to that kind of degradation? If she wants to involve herself in that kind of lifestyle once the child is born then fine, whatever. Let her bend and twist and suck and lick whatever she wants, but don't bring an innocent child who has no voice of its own yet into that kind of enviroment. Is the child a consenting adult, Single malt? I think not. And there is a very big difference between selling your ass and selling a toaster at Walmart. Don't tell me there isn't. Because like it or not, porn is legal prostitution every way you look at it. Those women, and even those men are selling something to the world at large that should be more precious to them than anything else... their bodies. Not saying that necessarily makes it wrong, because hey, they agreed to it. Bottom line. I'm just explaining why I personally dislike it.

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