Doyle Tate rhymes with masturbate

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Post by Arcadia » May 12th, 2008, 9:27 pm

well... not with a doll! :lol: (image the rest yourself :wink:)

ahh.... & thanks for the information!!!!!!!! :)

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Post by gypsyjoker » May 12th, 2008, 9:27 pm

For Jack to say "no sex allowed at Studio Eight"... well that's just not the case. We have a lot of sexuality expressed here in many art forms. But this post is not an art form. It's prying into the personal lives of our members and it isn't appropriate on this site.
I was joking D, I should have used a winkie.

I did not catch all the puns, I just thought you and clay were going to bicker again.

What ever you say d
I mean about content
I trust your judgement

But bottom line I think you are right

CLay has a green weenie
Don't bite for it D
never bite the green winie

I would like all my posts rated PG-65, is there a mode thing you could do that.

I hope the kids are not reading this crap I write.

Green Weenie is a term I heard on Wall Street Week

I googled it and got 89,000 hits I was curious about the term "green weenie" I did not realize there are so many sexual connotations of the term.

I think you wory about any pyschic damage to the young. Litkicks had a lot of high school kids on there and this is nothing compared to what got posted there.

Lucy, K&D, Modern Ancient and others they seemed to done okay.

god bless levi asher
for the good times.

maybe pg-18 is a good idea
I am out of touch with kids
I am not a parent
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Post by Doreen Peri » May 12th, 2008, 9:57 pm

i doubt if kids frequent this forum, jack... just sayin'.. they can legally join

But more than that, it's all the other things I said

(sorry you missed the puns)

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Post by gypsyjoker » May 12th, 2008, 10:14 pm

By other things do you mean about lrod "baiting" you?

Legally join, what was the legal age for litkicks, just asking. just wondering
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Post by Doreen Peri » May 12th, 2008, 10:23 pm

No... I mean this type of topic cheapens the site. The question he asked is also not any of Lightning Rod's business or the members of the site or the viewers who come to the site. The topic does not have a modicum of decorum or class. It is rude and crude and just plain inappropriate.

If you all were sitting around my living room because I invited you to my house for a party and one of my guests asked all of my other guests how they learned to masturbate, I'd tell him it was not an appropriate topic and I would be very embarrassed that a guest asked my other guests that question. It's just not his business and not an appropriate question to ask in a social situation.

This is a social situation. This is an even bigger social situation than a small party because though we have a small party of guests here at any given time, the world can also look in.

(What I meant by baiting me is that he knew I'd react this way. And I guess I fell for it because I've now waisted at least an hour of my life on it.)

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Post by Doreen Peri » May 12th, 2008, 10:25 pm

To answer your other question.... Legally join.... all sites usually have "13 or older" because of the COPPA laws. Google "COPPA" and you'll find out more about it.

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Post by gypsyjoker » May 12th, 2008, 10:40 pm

I am sorry you wasted an hour of your life.

I wish I could make it up to you

I just did not think it was a big deal.

Dog gone it I wish he would stop baiting you like this 8)
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Post by Doreen Peri » May 12th, 2008, 10:51 pm

It was just my reaction, jack. That's how I felt about the topic. I expressed myself. Maybe he wasn't baiting me. Maybe that's all in my head. And maybe the topic was OK with everybody else but didn't feel OK to me. I just couldn't imagine having dinner guests and talking about this. That's all. Have a good night and thanks for talking to me about it.

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Post by Lightning Rod » May 12th, 2008, 10:59 pm

oh come on, doreen
if there is not a more universal topic than this, I don't know what it is. Birth maybe.

How does it go? Death, taxes and masturbation?

You are showing yourself as a bit of a prude here.

We are all adults here. And even children should be able to talk about this subject. It's not as shameful as the priests would have you believe.

I'm not baiting anybody. I was just asking a question that, as bennie and jack both demonstrated, has a great potential for honesty and humor. But oh, I forgot, I'm the master baiter.
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Post by Doreen Peri » May 12th, 2008, 11:15 pm

You can say what you want about me, Clay. I already said that you would call me a prude and you did. Whatever. As you know I'm not a prude. But I don't like to talk about how people learned to masturbate at my dining room table or in my living room because I figure it's none of my business. I might be interested in talking to my lover about it or a best friend but that's about as far as it goes. I've never asked my family and they are the closest people to me. I've never been asked this question by anyone other than a lover. This is not that kind of topic you talk about in public unless you want to talk about it in another public place that doesn't happen to be my home.

Oh well. That's how I feel.

I may be totally off base, but it's my real feelings. I don't think the topic has any place here. If I were logged in under a psuedonym and nobody knew who I was and we were at another site which wasn't my home, perhaps I'd be more apt to talk about it, but I doubt that also. As I said, this topic is for lovers to talk about or best friends, not strangers on the internet and you can argue with me all you want about the fact that we're not really strangers and you'd be right but still if I had bennie and jack and you in my living room enjoying poetry and a drink and this topic came up, I would let you know that I wasn't comfortable with it. And I think of Studio Eight as my home.

That's all I have to say. Prude or not. Whatever. It's not a topic you talk about in a social situation. It's just not.

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Post by Doreen Peri » May 12th, 2008, 11:27 pm

I guess the problem is that I think of this place as my home.

Maybe I should just give it all to you all and pretend I'm a visitor.

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Post by gypsyjoker » May 13th, 2008, 5:32 am

Doreen I don't know
You know Clay Better than me

It is your home
And I did not mean to offend

Being the freud freak that I am I find the subject interesting. Freud wrote about the seduction of children and backed off because of the controversey. And he seemed to doubt it was as common as he supposed.

It is a sad story.

That could be a false memory of mine, She babysat my brother too and he seemed to have turned out okay.

I just have such a clear memory of her giving baths in her big kitchen sink and playing piggly wiggly with me, and it was a lot of fun. I mean those were the best baths I ever had. Giving me baths and feeding me seemed to be her greatest pleasure in life. I loved that woman, still do, she meant me no harm I am sure. She never thought I would remember. Weird geezer memory stuff from over sixty years ago popping up. I feel like the computer in 2001..."Mary had a little lambbbbbbbbbb"
Meanwhile I can't remember where I put my car keys five minutes ago.

I am going to back on out of here.

Sorry I did not use an emoticon.

You know Clay better than me
And Clay knows you better than me
So what the hell do I know?.
Every time you say he is baiting you
I flashback to whimsical deb telling me that.
And all this has nothing to do with that.
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Post by sooZen » May 13th, 2008, 8:11 am

oh boy...I never learn :lol:

just a few thoughts on the matter. I think Doreen has some valid points but I sure do think this is all overblown (really, no pun was intended.) I think masturbation should be discussed, with 13 year olds especially! Part of what I see is wrong with our society is our sexual repression and left over Victorian attitudes. Do you all remember when the Surgeon General under Clinton (I can't remember her name right off) tried to discuss masturbation as a means of controlling unbridled sexual activities in blooming pubescents? She was shot down so fast, my head spun!

Doreen, it is surely not my intent to make you uncomfortable or defensive and I am well aware that we sometimes have had misunderstandings before...please remember always that I love and respect you. I wish we could all discuss our sexuality in a normal way in our society, without feeling discomforted but such is not the case. I do discuss masturbation with my family but I realize that is unusual. Sexuality was an open topic like any other. You and Clay have some history so I am sure that plays into this somehow. Please excuse me or forgive me as the case may be but this is just my 50 cents.
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Post by Doreen Peri » May 13th, 2008, 8:54 am

SooZ - I agree that we need to move beyond the Victorian age and Puritan attitudes about sexuality. I just wouldn't ask my guests at a dinner party to share information about how they learned how to masturbate. I don't think that type of conversation fits very well in a social situation. I didn't say people should never talk about this topic. This is just not the place, in my opinion. I never thought my opinions would be popular but as you know, I will express them, as you express yours and I respect and love you for that.

Do you really think this topic is fine "for 13 year olds especially" on an artist's site on the internet? I don't. My daughter is 15. She is actually a member of this forum, though she has only posted a couple of times. When she hits the "new window" option on the Firefox browser on the other computer in this house, the home page is the studio eight forums. I wouldn't be too thrilled for her to read about how Clay learned to masturbate, how jack and bennie learned to masturbate or how you learned to masturbate. It's not that she shouldn't know about masturbation or accept that it is a natural, acceptable and enjoyable part of human sexuality. This just isn't the place for it, in my opinion.

Yes, I agree that this is overblown and perhaps I shouldn't have said a word. But just to let you know, it's not a matter of a Victorian and Puritan attitude on my part. It's a matter of my opinion about social decorum. I'm not offended, so no need for anyone to apologize.

All that said, if you guys want to talk about it, go ahead and share with the world your stories and experiences. I'm not here to censor you or stop you. I'm only expressing my opinion.

When you're finished, dessert is being served on the patio. Do you prefer coffee or tea with your pastries? Bring your poetry. We'll be reciting our poetry by moonlight. My daughter and her friends will be there, also, so just to let you know if they look at you a little funny (like raising their eyebrows and rolling their eyes), it's probably because they are remembering what you all told them on the internet about touching yourself.


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Post by stilltrucking » May 13th, 2008, 9:15 am

I am out of here

So long

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