Go ahead. Talk about it.
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Post by Doreen Peri » January 12th, 2005, 4:09 pm

Wow! I missed that!

Art Linkletter has a contest going?

I didn't even know he was still alive!


Gotta link to the contest?


Here's an interesting write-up about him. I love Art Linkletter.


Post by perezoso » January 12th, 2005, 4:21 pm

It's cool, Babe. But let's put it this way--we have the right to make humorous or critical comments about other people's writing, yeah? Or not.

One person finds another person's remarks to be juvenile and superficial ( i.e. "Women Suck") and then makes comments. Are you going to prevent or forbid that? Really I think you ought to be more offended at Bry Bry's initial post.

And yeah, with some practice your material might attain Linkletter standards. ...or perhaps Janis Joplin meets Linkletter via Erma Bombeck.....

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Post by Doreen Peri » January 12th, 2005, 4:42 pm

Wow! cool!

You're comparing my writing to Janis Joplin and Erma Bombeck?

That's fabulous! Thank you so much!

I love them both dearly!

And as I already said, I love Art Linkletter, too. What a gentle, kind, gracious human being! His show, "Kids Say the Darndest Thing," was one of the most brilliant concepts on television. Outa the mouths of babes comes some wildly funny stuff!

This is the General Discussion board. Bryan's post was not meant to be literature. This is like a chatroom. He was just talking about life. Nothing wrong with that! That's what the board is set up for.

And no, I don't think it's very nice to be critical of how someone chats... the verbiage they use... but of course, I know you were doing it in a humorous way, in keeping with the Mail Order Don Rickles Comedy Course, you recently took.

You know what I find juvenile and superficial?

It's juvenile to kick sand in someone's face when they're sunning at the beach. It's juvenile to chase people around the playground for the sole purpose of backing them up against the jungle gym and calling them names.

Superficial includes another name term. It's called name-dropping. People who throw out famous names in conversation just to make themselves feel important are superficial. Psuedointellectualism is also superficial. People who wave their accomplishments or degrees in other people's faces are so damn superficial, it makes me ill. I don't hang around with people who are so puffed up with themselves. It's boring.

There are only two rules in regards to how people need to treat other people in order for it to be socially acceptable and comfortable for all. 1)- Be kind to each other. 2)- Respect each other.

Criticism can be offered in a kind, respectful manner.

I never was much of a fan of Don Rickles, as I've told you before, but apparently some people enjoy humor which is based on ridicule and using someone as the brunt of a joke. So, even though that type of humor is not my cuppa tea, I think it can be acceptable if it is presented as humor.

Thanks for understanding, Babe. ;)


Post by perezoso » January 12th, 2005, 4:50 pm

So "Women Suck" is cool to you, but when someone responds to that remark, saying that that's the equivalent of the Ricky Lake show, you find the second comment offensive? YOU have some mixed-up priorities. If you are going to allow some person to rant on about how "Women Suck" (and you should) --quite a vapid, sweeping, trite generalization--then you should certainly allow anyone to make a comment about the low-level of thought (and colloquially phrased) expressed in that comment. Get it?

And really, yr dating yrself. Has nothing to do with Rickles. Maybe Dennis Miller or Steve Martin....

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Post by Doreen Peri » January 12th, 2005, 5:17 pm


Don, to tell someone that their thoughts are "low-level" is insulting and disrespectful.

Yes, I'm dating myself but that's because I like going out with older women. ;)

Dennis Miller and Steve Martin are not Insult Comics, btw. Nowhere close. The only comic I could think of who made his career insulting people was Don Rickles.


Never mind.

This is getting tiresome.

I don't think you'll ever get it.

Just know that if you win the Don Rickles avatar, you won't be able to change it until you promise to be a good boy and be nice to my guests.


I have to get back to work.


Post by perezoso » January 12th, 2005, 5:29 pm

You don't get it. Telling someone who writes "Women Suck" that his or her writing is about at the level of a Ricky Lake show is quite a reasoned response.

You have this sentimental notion of writing whereby everyone is supposed to accept any comment as valid--or to always be polite and nice--as if any great wits or critics were nice or pleasant. Maybe you could read some HL Mencken or Dotty Parker and discover what invective and wit are all about.

Negativity may be a good thing when directed against folly and juvenile observations.

And Dennis Miller is all about clever insults.

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Post by Bryan » January 12th, 2005, 5:31 pm

lol I love this place
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Post by Doreen Peri » January 12th, 2005, 5:53 pm

Mr. Pee -

Dennis Miller cleverly insults politicians but not to their face.

Your style is to insult people to their face.

Sometimes it's amusing, a la Rickles. Oftentimes, it's not funny at all.

Perhaps I chose the wrong thread to discuss this with you again.

This wasn't one of your more blatant, attacking insults, no.

Bryan only started coming here and I only wanted to let him know that you were trying to be funny. *shrug*

I didn't expect this long discourse about it.

Dotty Parker is one of my greatest influences.

Or perhaps you haven't read me much.


the other DP

Here we are posing together. Not the greatest pic of me, but hey, oh well! I was in the presence of an idol

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Post by Doreen Peri » January 12th, 2005, 5:58 pm


Glad you're getting a kick outa this!

Welcome to the Studio Eight TV Don Rickles Comedy Hour.

We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming.



Post by hester_prynne » January 12th, 2005, 6:05 pm

Well I'm worried about Bryan.
He could be on the


(Very "Valley of the dolls"ish, doncha think?)

Ricky Lake?
Who's he?


Post by perezoso » January 12th, 2005, 6:27 pm


Hmmm: a decent caption for the new Weekend Special at Hester's Inn? Ride the Heifster! Sex Phlags, Magick Phountain ....

Hook us up with the URL, pics, mpegs, rates by the hour dahlin' ! awww yeahhh


Post by hester_prynne » January 12th, 2005, 6:43 pm

Brilliant Scheme Pereinsult.
If only I weren't so afraid of success......

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Post by Bryan » January 12th, 2005, 6:49 pm

ya no I happen to find it amusing on the sole factor of yet another judgment from someone who does not know me the ricki lake comment hilarious outside of that only thing funny was the fact that it only took me 2 days to get crap like this here at least at AC it took me like 4 years. It's ok though this I dont take personally because it was nothing more than a mere misunderstanding guess you would have to understand me to realize that my "women suck" quote was nothing more than a joke otherwise I would not have put it.

such generalizations are the very reason I hate people so for me to do it would be hypocritical but then what do I know because no one took it like that anyway

the point and generalization behind this post was purely the fact black and white people lie it was meant to discuss the issues of people lying and why they do or do not but obviously I will need to keep this more to the point
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Post by perezoso » January 12th, 2005, 7:01 pm

With eloquence such as that, you are headed to the veritable peaks of Parn-ass-suss itself.....

Or are ya just doin' yr David Berkowitz impression? Lay that Son o Sam schtick on the hepcats at Talent Night at Tony's Pizzeria in Doowop City, New Joisey and you'd prolly earn yrself and yr PO a free pitcher of bilgewater, I wager...

But I concur, Bryski: we are surrounded by insane zombie da phuck up, soldier!

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Post by Bryan » January 12th, 2005, 7:06 pm

lol what?

I have no idea what that was supposed to mean
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