Does male figure skating really have to be that gay?

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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » February 20th, 2010, 1:30 pm

I don't even think they're effeminate. They're athletes. I find male figure skaters sexy as all get out! Just like male dancers. I like them, too. ;)

Muscular yet lean, flexible and strong, and man can they move! :)

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Post by mtmynd » February 20th, 2010, 1:37 pm

of course... i was merely speaking of the effeminate that are in society and not exclusively in ice skating. when a male ice skater is performing his act, there is no notice of the effeminate, should the skater have any. a solid and well-performed routine is all that matters... it's what brings in the gold, yes?

what's for lunch today? ;)
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Post by Doreen Peri » February 20th, 2010, 2:32 pm

I'm going to make some homemade chicken soup. With red potatoes, carrots, onions & celery. Should be ready in a couple of hours. Are you coming?

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Post by mnaz » February 20th, 2010, 5:38 pm

I think the reason the gay association is made is because the sport is, well… theatrical, and there is a long running association of “gay-ness” with the theater, though obviously both gay and straight performers participate in the fields of both men’s figure skating and the theater. And I think the other main reason for the association is the (somewhat) “effeminate” presence of some (not all) of the skaters.

Turns out the “gay” association is not completely baseless. Gay athletes have competed in men’s figure skating, and apparently continue to do so, though I think only one skater has actually “come out” so far. ... kating.htm

From the article—
The gay skaters Jackson knows, he says, "know where their support is and they're getting it already. If they thought the organizational side of the sport would be there for them, I think a number of them would already have come out. I think it's U.S. Figure Skating's responsibility to step up and say that this is not harmful to our image, acknowledge the fact that everybody else knows that there are gay men in figure skating, and they love it."
--- Jon Jackson (an openly gay skating judge)

Obviously, athletes can be gay as well as straight. There have been gay athletes in all professional sports, even the muy muy macho man game of football.

None of it matters to me of course. Gay, straight, up down, purple green. Just thought I’d throw this in.

Oh, and also… the world is gay. All of it, I tell you!

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Post by mtmynd » February 20th, 2010, 6:02 pm

hold a bowl of that soup for me, Dor'... i'll be there around 7:pm ?

tyvm... looking fwd to it. ;)

you tell 'em, mnaz!
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Post by Arcadia » February 20th, 2010, 7:46 pm

ice-skate?..., a very northern hemisphere sport, I guess! :) . Just curious, is it possible to practice it in non-artificial pistas?. Once I saw a version of "Carmen" on ice and I liked it very much!. I never learnt to skate (I´m not very fond on speed and equilibrium except at some level on bicicleta! :lol:) so it´s a complete mystery to me!. And sonofthesun... that gay???... it made me smile!, it´s ok! :wink:

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youve missed it totally

Post by sonofthesun » February 23rd, 2010, 2:42 am

to mister mind
youre casting aspersions
without any basis of attack
im sorry but your argument lacks any
i am nothing of what you speak
what i speak of is a corruption of
what it means to be attracted to the same gender
to make it a commodity
love is Just that, dont make it a thing
it exists outside of simple reality
please do not try to place it within silly strictures
wake up, the dreams of perfection have been decidedly
left behind long ago
quite trying to make life theatre
we are done with that
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Post by mtmynd » February 23rd, 2010, 2:00 pm

hello, sos.

since you're directly addressing me with your comment, versus your poem and your rant/complaint you've also posted within the same time-frame, let me begin -

you have begun this thread on a board properly called 'General Discussions", where it is appropriate for a reader to respond with another's words by initiating a discussion.

sos: ... but really, that shit is just rediculous. They have male semen flowing out of their sequined suits.

Reread this line and reconsider the comments I made along with some other comments. You exaggerate what you have seen to raise eyebrows, but then you continue -

"... male figure skating...lets see who can be the gayest while doing some crazy ass shit on skates."

You failed to explain what you saw as "some crazy ass shit on skates" leaving your comment even more open to comment. Others who have responded to you has well defended your comments which, IMHO, were shortsided and really had no basis other than that of a passing comment made to generate some 'scandalous response', did it not? Then you continue -

"... I did only glance at the screen a few times so i cant state that it was all like that, but from what i saw it was a little silly."

"a few times" you glanced at the screen... and yet within those 'few times' you have reached your conclusion which you freely stated, in particular: 'They have male semen flowing out of their sequined suits,' which is clever but really, a bit over the top, especially from someone who 'only glanced at the screen a few times' to conclude what you have written.

However, I think the heart of your comment to me is my statement I made where I said : "put on your big boy pants and get over it." Is this what has brought on your last comment here and even your rant and poem you also posted after this?

I'm sorry if that is what has you troubled. If it is more than that, please let me know what it is that is troubling you? I'll be more than agreeable to a further discussion.

Good day,

m.t. mynd
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youre a high handed haughty dick

Post by sonofthesun » February 23rd, 2010, 2:26 pm

you are just a high handed dick
fuck you and your haughty demeanor
you silly fucker
why do you feel superior?
what would make you superior?
your opinions?
get off your big gay horse dick
and get some manners
dont fuck with me
ill piss on your face

there you go
have fun you big fucking haughty dick
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Post by mtmynd » February 23rd, 2010, 3:11 pm

I find it interesting how many times you've used the word, 'dick', in in your reply, sos... three times, not including 'piss' and a couple of 'fuck you's' just for effect. Not really original, but it does show how annoyed you are. Sorry about that.

How about using a broader vocabulary... it may give you a little more credibility in your writings. Street talk doesn't impress me. I could easily bury you in that language, my friend, so deep that you'd have a difficult time digging out of it. But there really is no challenge in that other than impress the young.

Have a good 'un, son...
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there you go again

Post by sonofthesun » February 23rd, 2010, 3:43 pm

there you go again
using a lot of words to say nothing
with the same haughtyness
your logic is flawed my friend
your coming at me from a place
with no foundation
so bugger off penis
skewing shit is your stupid f ing modus oporandi
your overwhelming intellect is so amazing
pp sucker
i am in awe
F you

Last edited by sonofthesun on February 23rd, 2010, 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Doreen Peri » February 23rd, 2010, 4:01 pm

Whoa! Hey, could you take it out back? This is a Studio for artwork, poetry, music, and civil discussions about other topics. Chill out, OK? Thanks.

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Post by stilltrucking » February 23rd, 2010, 8:32 pm

I always wondered where the term 'gay' came from. I never heard it till the seventies but it was current in Hollywood in the thirties according to this comment to the following film clip.

Historical context the Film Codes were being introduced , Hollywood was filled with liberal homosexual artist communities. Hepburn and Grant were well known in those circles but no one ever admitted openly anything back then as famous actors. It was a career killer. Scandal mags were everywhere over morality crap. By saying "gay' Cukor and Grant purposely wink wink nudge joke wearing a woman's bathrobe as if he was homosexual NOT because he went 'HAPPY'=gay suddenly

Reply at the time of the movie the word wasn't mainstream, but very much known amongst the gay community.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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Post by Barry » February 23rd, 2010, 10:25 pm

Gay is literally my mother's middle name.

And my little brother is retarded.

The misappropriation of these two words has long pissed me off.

People who use them inapprpriately are dicks. ;)


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Post by mtmynd » February 23rd, 2010, 11:01 pm

Thx for the clip, JT... and it's good see you alive and (hopefully) well.

Barry, I dated a girl in my high school days whose name was, and hopefully still is :), Mary Gaye, first and middle name which she went by... long before the 'gay' word became associated with the homosexual community. I doubt if any parent today would call their girl Gay(e) any more due to the sensitivity of it.

Also, we, Soo & I, have a Down's boy who is retarded to a large degree... unlike many Down's people. That word, retard. really upsets Soo as it does many other parents and family - the recent uproar out of Palin shows how sensitive that word has become.
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