Word Jams Survey - Are the Jams Dead?

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Doreen Peri
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Re: Word Jams Survey - Are the Jams Dead?

Post by Doreen Peri » April 29th, 2011, 9:15 am

Thanks to all for your replies... the Jam is going well... I need to jump in, soon! I've been a little distracted by construction workers. :D

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Re: Word Jams Survey - Are the Jams Dead?

Post by stilltrucking » April 29th, 2011, 9:38 am

Sorry to hear it is still going on, I hoped they would be done by now.

Yeah it is going good, still so many people not showing up, I blame it on spring fever. Although I did see izzy join in, that was real good. real good to see her.

A strange spring for me, not as enthused as I am usually this time of year. But your spring gardening pictures did cheer me up, thanks

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Re: Word Jams Survey - Are the Jams Dead?

Post by Doreen Peri » April 29th, 2011, 9:51 am

Jack... Our email list is probably not even close to being up-to-date. Old members have probably changed their email addresses so they're not even getting announcements. I don't know how to rectify this. We really should use email list software rather than the member list as our email list. That way, even other people who aren't yet members can join the list for announcements. Maybe one day. And yeah, people probably have a real life and spring fever. So true!

Yeah, my contractor had a delay due to his health so a week went by without work being done. They're back on track now and it should be finished within a few days. Yay!

The photos I posted were from a previous spring. I don't even know where my camera is in this mess. LOL!... When I get my house back together, I'll find it. My azaleas are in bloom! They're beautiful! I hope to share some more photos soon.

It's probably hot like summer there right now! In Texas, you guys pretty much skip spring entirely, right? Hey, I hope you join in on the discussion in the Announcements forum about an 8-year anniversary in-person party or parties at various locations for next summer!

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Re: Word Jams Survey - Are the Jams Dead?

Post by still.trucking » April 29th, 2011, 9:56 am

Texas is burning, smokey air, drought bad, but it is beautiful today, a respite from the summer heat, cool last night down in the sixties, only in the eighties with low humidity feels good Doreen.

Windows open sweet,

sounds like you could use a small vacation
I wish you could get away for a weekend to Virginia Beach.
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