Bin Laden

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by Arcadia » May 3rd, 2011, 3:24 pm

what can I say...? Telesur reminded me each hour in its "noticias en contexto" about Osama Bin Laden´s curriculum (I already knew about it but reminders are sometimes good). From here & after listening Obama´s latest speech is a sort of kaleidoscopic feeling... as if Obama & Osama were finally mixing... I don´t know, I have to return to work... :roll:

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by mnaz » May 3rd, 2011, 3:33 pm

yes. well done. he's dead, but who's winning?

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by Doreen Peri » May 3rd, 2011, 3:38 pm

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by Artguy » May 3rd, 2011, 4:03 pm

On the lighter side, in our most eastern province, Newfoundland the people mostly of Irish decent like to enjoy life with music, and an assortment of leisurely activities, so on the subject of the missing Mr. Bin Laden it is said he is with his cousins in Newfoundland bin fishin, bin drinkin and bin screwin....

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by mtmynd » May 3rd, 2011, 5:06 pm

Doreen Peri wrote:
How about a photo of the dead body, instead of the photoshopped photo of his head they released. I do photoshop every day. It clearly photoshopped. It wasn't released by the US govt and I don't remember who released it but somebody did.
"They" released..??? President Obama has not made a decision to release any pictures the last I heard (2hrs ago). Have things changed?
Doreen Peri wrote:How about a photo or film footage of them throwing his body in the sea?

How about testimonials from those who carried out the operation, the assassinators themselves?
Honestly, Doreen, would you really believe a picture or film footage if you saw it? Methinks you'd find something wrong with it (similar to a Fox program I saw when Obama release his formal, full page birth certificate - here was the anchorman and a woman blowing it up and saying there was something wrong with the photocopy! )
Doreen Peri wrote:I hate to be such a skeptic but the timing of this is sort of odd, in my opinion. Obama's popularity was plummeting, there are unpopular wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and now Libya.... The economy has nowhere near recovered.

I guess I just don't trust anybody any more, yanno? Sad, isn't it?
Yes, it is sad that we can trust any Tom, Dick or Harry who says something on the internet or sees a youtube clip and believe what we are seeing but anything that comes from our very own government, we balk and wonder if we're being deceived. IMHO, that was the Bush era and will be any Republican Pres that comes into office. If there is anyone I do not trust in the government it would be the Conservative/Tea Party mob that makes their own rules and tries to get the pubic to swallow it.
Doreen Peri wrote:By the way, have you ever read documents like this? They're all over the internet:

Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication

Who knows?

I'm not a conspiracy theorist by any stretch of the imagination but I still don't trust that what happened on 911 was exactly as it was reported.

I believed in Obama bigtime and supported him and voted for him and then they kept harassing me for donations AFTER he was elected by email! I had to remove myself from the list. Then he bombed Libya and the Dove I thought I was voting for was a Hawk, after all, after escalating the war in Afghanistan for what purpose? Why??????

OK, so now let's just say they killed bin Laden. Shouldn't they end the war in AFghanistan right NOW!? I think they should. Wasn't that the purpose of the war?

Or is the purpose the Afghanistan oil pipeline? What is it?

I don't trust any of these people.
This easily explains why your freaking out, apparently unable to cope with the world as you see it, my friend... this is not healthy. Get a grip and quit thinking the U.S. is your enemy... there are far worse enemies 'out there' to worry about if that's you choice. :lol:
Doreen Peri wrote:I don't know who's running the show, either, but I'm almost certain it's NOT Obama... He's just a puppet for whoever is really in power. I hate to be so negative but this is what I feel... this is what I see. Some of his recent speeches sound like they were written by the same people who wrote Bush's speeches. He's not the man I thought I voted for.
Why do we, the people who voted for our elected officials, believe they should drop everything to do what 'we' want? Ludicrous! If 'we' actually believe that Obama should act like we want him to, it ain't gonna happen. He inherited a vastly different country than the U.S. was when he was running for office. NOBODY had a clue that all that has gone down since he took office would be going on... including Barack Obama himself. We're very lucky, IMHO, to have a man in office that is as cool and collected as he is. His job is way bigger and more difficult than 2008 was.
Doreen Peri wrote:I don't know whether bin Laden was actually killed or not. If he was, I stand by my statement that they should have captured him and imprisoned him instead because violence breeds violence.
What if you actually BELIEVED Obama and the Navy Seals... what if they are telling you the absolute facts as they occurred... wouldn't that be much more sensible that freaking out over all these conspiracy theories?
Doreen Peri wrote:If he really WAS, than I'm with Mark... they need to show more proof. Seems awfully convenient not to have any photos of the body nor the "burial" at sea. ... no documentation whatsoever.

It's sad not to trust anybody and believe in anybody any more. I admit that. I wish I DID have someone or some thing to believe in when it comes to world events and political actions throughout the world.
I have a strong feeling that if you, Doreen, saw the actual photos of OBL with a bullet hole above his left eye, his face covered in blood ... you would post "How awful it was for them to post a picture like that! That picture will surely cause repercussions worldwide! I can't believe they would do that!"
Doreen Peri wrote:I don't like living in a country that's run by the Military Industrial Complex.

If I have a choice between having a big government or a big corporation running amok over America, give me a government anyday. Governments don't rely on making a profit to aid and defend the people they represent. Compare that to Corporations that has nothing more in their sights than profit, pure and simple... the people be damned.
Doreen Peri wrote:All the partying in the street the other day made me literally want to puke. Flag waving nationalism bullshit! Oh boy! We killed the devil! Go America! Go go go! Go USA! ... Sounded like a fucking football game.
Did you notice that the majority of people at those events were younger people, college age or so... these are the same folks that ten years ago were young kids whose parents were devastated by 9/11 and waited for 10 years to see Osama Bin Laden get caught. I saw these younger people in a state of joy after living for so long under the shadow of Osama coming on t.v. and giving speeches to scare the populace... that is now over! Cheers to that!!
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Re: Bin Laden

Post by mnaz » May 3rd, 2011, 5:27 pm

yes, but you see, the track record of transparency has not been good, my friend. the federal government, since vietnam especially, simply has not given us any solid reason to trust its word implicitly. sorry, but that's just how it is. the institution(s) made that bed, and now they lie in it (no pun meant), now they deal with some of the fallout...

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by Doreen Peri » May 3rd, 2011, 5:49 pm

Cecil... "get a grip"? "unable to cope"?

Cripes. Please don't speak nonsense like that to me!

i assure you, I have a grip and I'm coping fine.

As I said the photo was released by someone else, not the US government, and it was clearly photoshopped.

I'll find it and post it later.

Busy at the moment.

PS - I never said I believed the many articles circulating the net stating that Al Qaida was a name made up by the CIA for a fictitious organization. All I did was present the fact that some people are saying that. Shrug. I have no idea, honestly. I assume it's a real organization because that's what the news has told us for years, however, the news has told us LOTS of lies through the years. Just watch The War You Don't See documentary here -

There are many others. The news is NOT true journalism any more. It's 1984. It's entertainment masked as news feeding you only what they want you to know. THIS I believe.

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by mtmynd » May 3rd, 2011, 7:04 pm

mnaz wrote:yes, but you see, the track record of transparency has not been good, my friend. the federal government, since vietnam especially, simply has not given us any solid reason to trust its word implicitly. sorry, but that's just how it is. the institution(s) made that bed, and now they lie in it (no pun meant), now they deal with some of the fallout...
How transparent should our government be... as transparent as we are with each other? so transparent that every other country knows what we are doing 24/7/365? so transparent that there are no more secrets lurking in the shadows, like our own lives?

Our government is not the enemy but the enemy are the people who corrupt the government to enrich themselves. To abandon all faith in that ideal of a fair and honest government is to leave our fate as citizens in the hands of Corporations who live for the bottom line, destroying the country for profit.
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Re: Bin Laden

Post by mnaz » May 3rd, 2011, 7:09 pm

mtmynd wrote:... the enemy are the people who corrupt the government to enrich themselves. To abandon all faith in that ideal of a fair and honest government is to leave our fate as citizens in the hands of Corporations who live for the bottom line, destroying the country for profit.
couldn't have said it much better myself. unfortunately, i continue to see a lot of this corporate self-enrichment and raiding. at times it seems the only thing the democratic party has going for it is that it's not as bad as the g.o.p. i'm sure you would agree that faith and trust are not unconditional. to be sustainable in any real sense, they must be earned by those elected to positions of "public trust."

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by Artguy » May 3rd, 2011, 7:22 pm

Sorry I started this bru haha...

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by Doreen Peri » May 3rd, 2011, 7:34 pm

Kurt... I'm not. I thank you! It's wonderful we have the internet to talk about such things. If it wasn't for the internet, we'd all be a LOT less educated about what's going on in the world. The news sources feed us whatever they want us to hear. Thank you for starting the discussion.

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by mtmynd » May 3rd, 2011, 8:00 pm

mnaz wrote:
couldn't have said it much better myself. unfortunately, i continue to see a lot of this corporate self-enrichment and raiding. at times it seems the only thing the democratic party has going for it is that it's not as bad as the g.o.p. i'm sure you would agree that faith and trust are not unconditional. to be sustainable in any real sense, they must be earned by those elected to positions of "public trust."
Our country is quickly reaching a crossroads where two political ideologies are converging, the Republican/Conservatives and the Democratic/Progressives. There has not been such a large chasm between the two in our lifetime and there seems to be no one answer for both parties to agree upon.

Personally, Mark, I have begun seeing the reasoning behind this Republican/Conservative mindset... it is because that side fears for it's existence because Capitalism, as we know and have lived it, is quickly becoming an endangered economic ideal... and so the rich continue padding their wealth knowing this could well be the slow death of our own Capitalist system. It simply is unaffordable to sustain as it has for decades. In order to keep it going today's 2%'ers are doing everything in their power to keep it alive, even at the cost of the bottom feeders amongst us. Anything that even hints at the scare word, Socialism, is an enemy - PBS, Health Care, Social Security, Medicare, Public Education, Unions, EPA... you name the government program and the R/C is seeking every which way to destroy that program. They want the old Capitalist system to remain as it was... they fear change at the cost of the majority of us who will never have a chance to play the game... they (2%'ers) have bought all the rules and own all the playbooks and consider anyone who threatens that to be enemies.

On the other hand, the Democrat/Progressive sees the future where modernization and responsible environmental practices, saving the Earth tactics as absolutely necessary for our future. Along with a strong and responsible government the programs put into place need to be strengthened for the sake of the poor, the disadvantaged and the now threatened middle class. This side of the fence sees the need to save education and security, to sustain those benign social programs that we've all become used to having. Imagine a country of citizens whose worries about sickness and ill health is no longer a financial barrier to add to their worries... think of the reduction of stress when the attacks from the 'right' are no longer a problem... it's all a possibility and will be a reality when we the people speak up and demand these things from our government.
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Re: Bin Laden

Post by Doreen Peri » May 3rd, 2011, 8:13 pm

Get a grip, Cecil! It reads like you're unable to cope!

LOL!!! hahahahaha... Just kidding. ;) :mrgreen:

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by Doreen Peri » May 3rd, 2011, 8:47 pm

They've released a photo. Not sure who released it. The claim is that it's been photoshopped. Sure looks like a photoshopped job to me.

ed. note: the photo is graphic. Click only if you're prepared:
http://theconservativetreehouse.files.w ... 001_66.jpg

Compare with these photos - ... oto-a-hoax

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by stilltrucking » May 3rd, 2011, 9:36 pm

You're despicable

I can't that word out of my head.

I don't think the current economic/political situation in the USA is that different than it was a hundred years ago. Except for the advances in the technology of mass communication and manipulation.

Yeah we need to get back to the USA of Woodrow Wilson :(


Probably nothing to do with this but somebody mentioned karma so I been wondering about George W. Bush's karma
George W. Bush is also despicable, Osama killed thousands, Bush killed hundreds of thousands. Oh wait, he was only giving orders he did not kill anyone.

"Believe nothing until you here the first denial."

The birth of the "deather" conspiracy

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