Charlie Sheen and 9/11

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Post by mtmynd » April 1st, 2006, 1:16 pm

Howdy, Jack.

Do I detect a strong defensive reaction from you on this subject..? Geez!

All these things you've been posting about the holocaust and all... I don't see where they have any bearing on the possibility of a conspiracy. Dunces or not, there are definite questions regarding 9/11 that have been avoided because the posssible reality may be too much for most to even consider.

I've read very little, if any, Jewish accusations regarding the incident and personally have no blame upon the Jewish people whatsoever. That would be ludricous and xenopohobic not only for me but for anyone to connect those dots simply to blame a people.

I'm sure you've heard the statement -

<center>There are no stupid questions only stupid answers.</center>
I believe that. If there are reasonable questions regarding 9/11 (and there certainly are!), where is the harm in getting honest answers to any of them?

Why you are connecting 9/11 with the Holocaust is bewildering to me. Perhaps you've read somewhere that some screwball connected some inexplicit dots to connect the two..? That would irritate the hell outta me, too, just as the nonsensical idea that the Holocaust never happened is moronic and incomprehensible. But to say that the 9/11 incident does not pose some valid questions regarding the various doubts about certain things is pure rubbish and a tad bit shortsighted given where those questions have come from, the scientific evidence of some things, the lack of any pictures (which were taken) at the Pentagon (did you personally see any airplane being hauled out of there along with any body parts?).

Believe me, Jack, I am an opened minded guy and simply want the actual facts... facts that haven't been conclusively answered regarding 9/11. Given the facts that BushCo wanted to take down Saddam prior to 9/11, given the fact that BushCo whitewashed the facts regarding WMD's and nuclear attacks by Iraq... the list is long and choking our country now as more and more is revealed by this administrations actions, why would there not be questions regarding 9/11??? Sane, reasonable questions based upon fact, at that? Not just pure bullshit questions like there wasn't any Holocaust, which any reasonable, half-intelligent person knows happened not only by personal accounts but pictures and films during the whole nauseating ordeal..?

There are questions regarding 9/11 that have not been satisfactorily answered and, unfortunately, may never be satisfactorily answered, but that will not dismiss those that have brought up the questions... no way. Conspiracy 'theories' will abound, but as I've said, theories are 'the or'ies' - this or that, these or those, him or them... and the 'ors' will remain vague and non-factual until someone or some groups step up and connect the real facts together. But this cannot be easily done given the fact that facts are hidden to protect the public from the truth... something the vast majority are unable to swallow without puking. But our public, the world at large, could very ossibly use a good purging, a mental enema, if you will. It might cleanse humanity and the course of madness we all seem to be on.


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Post by stilltrucking » April 1st, 2006, 1:23 pm

Cecil what happened to the airplane that was supposed to have hit the penatgon. What happened to the crew and the a couple hundred passengers?

Seems like a reasonable question to me. Are they hiding out on another planet? Are the victims of the conspiracy are they being held captive in gitmo. Yep plenty of reasonable questions.

One more time, fucking a it was a conspiracy, A CONSPIRACY OF DUNCES, it was the peter principle in spades, one fbi official sent 70 emails to headquaters about the plot to hijack planes in august. But they never got aabove the second assistant to the deputy assistant to the deputy of the assstiand director.

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Post by microbe » April 1st, 2006, 2:32 pm

Cecil what happened to the airplane that was supposed to have hit the penatgon. What happened to the crew and the a couple hundred passengers?

Seems like a reasonable question to me
It is a reasonable question. Where are the bodies and the luggage? Not to mention the wings and the engines. The black box?? Why not show us a video? Just a neat round SMALL hole is all we have. Makes me want to ask questions! Where did that airplane go? It sure as hell wasn't left lying around the Pentagon! Course any of the videos would show us and I would be delighted to admit that the plane hit the Pentagon but........ah well.

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Post by mtmynd » April 1st, 2006, 2:38 pm

Jack... I don't know what happened to the plane 'that was supposed to hit' the Pentagon. That is one of the many questions that, for some reason, has not been satisfactorily answered, if indeed the Pentagon was hit with a rocket. I find it difficult to believe that someone, at least one human being witnessed the removal of a wrecked airplane, bodies or body parts. And given the fact that so many people nowadays have picture taking equipment that there is not one picture showing any of what I have questioned.
CNN's Pentagon correspondent, Jamie McEntyre, blurted this "Breaking News" item -- "There's no evidence that a plane crashed into the Pentagon or anywhere near it and in fact, the only pieces left were small enough that you could pick them up in your hands --and no large sections -- tail sections, fuselage sections..."
I'm as clueless as you, amigo, but I do know that the questions that have been brought up have not been satisfactorily answered. I would like some answers about the various gaps that are known to exist. You appear to be one of millions that take what happened as complete and factual... no reason to question anything about it other than retalitate, period. I'm more sceptical... I question things like this because I have a need to know, dammit! It's in my genes I guess. I've had an enquiring mind as long as I can remember. :lol:

Like you, I was around when JFK was assasinated. I remember the questions regarding Oswald and his profiency with using the rifle as accurately as he did, the other sound of gunshots in the bushes... etc, etc... Hell, nowadays everyone knows the questions... many of which are still open ended. Nobody knows for sure. This is where my skepticism probably began in earnest reagarding governments in general - Hitler's Germany, Japan's Hirohito, Cuban missile crisis, USSR atom bombing of America... the list is long. We could even include sci-fi movies that somehow substituted the enemies with alien beings. We grew up in a terror filled world on one hand, but yet there was that 50's-60's T.V.-styled family innocence that balanced the fear.

Right here in Phar Lepht, we had the very first airplane hijacking attempt. I woke up that morning getting ready for school when I heard the news: It was happening this very minute at our airport 0 a man and his son armed wanting to be taken to Cuba or else the crew would be shot. I got my neighborhood friend to ditch school with me and go out there to watch the action.

A few years later the JFK assasination. Movies like the Manchurian Candidate. Conspiracies, governments out to win the world. Influenced? You betcha! The seeds were planted and now we have a government controlled by people from that era. Were they influenced as we were? Now that they have the power... suspicious... who really knows?

From Sir Arthur Conan Doyle -

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

Yes, it sounds so friggin' crazy... but crazy enough for some power hungry bastards to pull off. Don't forget the James Bond 007 movies and dirty government plots run by corrupt politicians... These all were somehow influential... even to Bush & Co.... Paranoia? No, Jack... "just the facts, man, just the facts" ... Dragnet: Joe Friday. If it can be conceived, it can be done. How wealthy has Cheney become with his affiiliation with Halliburton and his no bid contracts? How many millionaires are in the administration? Many, my friend, many... and wealth is power. Add it all up and you have mega-wealth running this country and don't doubt it for a minute that power is what is at the heart of this, and any big government. They can buy and sell anything to anybody because they can easily afford it. We've been cornholed by government corruption and apparently enjoy the feeling. :shock:
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Post by mtmynd » April 1st, 2006, 2:42 pm

microbe! our timing is impeccable! seems as though every time I hit submit today regarding this thread, bip! you are too. :)

Hey, it's Saturday night over there. Get out and visit your local pub, bud... have a cold one. :lol: :lol:

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Post by stilltrucking » April 1st, 2006, 2:49 pm

Oh yes happy april fools to you two also. 8)

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Post by mousey1 » April 1st, 2006, 2:50 pm

We've been cornholed by governmetn corruption and apparently enjoy the feeling. :shock:
Jaysus, mt, I gotta quote you on that one! and ain't it the bloody truth! :shock:
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by stilltrucking » April 1st, 2006, 3:02 pm

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
"Sherlock Holmes once said that once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. I, however, don't like to eliminate the impossible."
-- Douglas Adams
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

I don't agree
Happy April Fool's day

We also enjoy a circle jerk too.

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Post by mtmynd » April 1st, 2006, 3:08 pm

Jack - you don't agree with what? :?

Thx, mousey... can't deny anyone a good cornholin' if they want one, eh? :lol:

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Post by stilltrucking » April 1st, 2006, 3:21 pm

Well gee he whiz mighty one I thought i made itmigty clear

I dont agree with Sherlock Holmes.

What is possible today was imposssibele yesterday, and who knows what will be impossible tomorrow.

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Post by mtmynd » April 1st, 2006, 3:29 pm

Sorry, Jack, that you're having a bad day today. I hope things improve for you soon. (And that is not an April Fool's joke)

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Post by microbe » April 1st, 2006, 3:39 pm

Hey, it's Saturday night over there. Get out and visit your local pub, bud... have a cold one.
Will follow orders! ;) Just off now.

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Post by stilltrucking » April 1st, 2006, 3:42 pm

It wont be no better tomorrow
I hope you have a better day too
This day about half over.
Tax time is nigh
bad time of year maybe
for procrastinators
like me.
yeah I been stumbling around today I need to get out and walk. A bolt of lighting struck me as I was drifting off to sleep, a loud pop and blue ligtning ball flash.

I got to go pretty soon. Trying to remember surfermike's comment about teary good byes. I come here to hear, surfermike was always talking about people being passive agressive.

you have a better day tomorrow too
e-dog keep the faith.

peace love freedom and friendship to you cecil

I just don't agree.
But we don't need to see eye to eye on everthing.

So far this day has been ok. A good night's sleep and early morning rise. Sleeping on clean sheets again. Such sweet dreams.

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Post by knip » April 1st, 2006, 4:54 pm

intelligence was full of predicitioons of terrorists crashing planes into NYC was also full of predicitions of bio attacks, sabotage of nuke plants, dirty bomb explosions in canadian cities close to the US border, and hundreds of other methods to piss off north americans...i know because i've read the reports

this is all fairly common knowledge, btw

haven't read all the links, but i suspect some of these things get blown out of proportion...but if i ever read something that convinces me, then i'll be convinced

first step is to google the guys saying the stuff, though...that usually leads to finding ulterior motives

always appreciate reading your stuff, s/t

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Post by stilltrucking » April 1st, 2006, 7:48 pm

I don't know if you have been following the death penalty trial of the only person on trial for the 9/11 murders. Very revealing, there was hard evidence, not rumors of the plot. One agent in the MN or AZ office of the FBI sent seventy emails to his superiour in DC about the guy. He was begging for a search warrant under that law that Bush is accused of breaking FISA? The second level of beuracracy in the FBI stymied the story. The PDB that Rice called historical was based on what was in those emails that were neve read.

The most interesting aspect of the 9/11 conspiracy is the amount of airline stock sold short on 9/10/01 someone made a lot of money on those deals. Remember the Tylenol murders in Chicago during the eighties. Nobody was ever caught but one guy went to jail for wire fraud or something like that. He had sold a lot of Johnson and Johnson stock the day before.

I am as guitlty as the next person of googling and ripping and running with what I find that will support some theory of mine. But one should consider the source. Some of these web sites that seem so reasonable are run by the most irrational of people. People that hate Bush because he is not far right enough for them.

Thanks knip, happy April fools day. Canada never looked so good to me. I just finished Philip Roth novel called The Plot Against Amercia, had a bit in their about Jews fleeing to Canada until President Linddbergh closed the borders.

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