Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

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Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Post by stilltrucking » August 7th, 2011, 4:20 pm

Who is your choice Cecil? Not that you asked me but at this point my choice would be Obama. But I may not vote again for a president.
I think I am done with voting.. I hate this dirty feeling that I have contributed to the blood shed. I have to admire the Jehovah Witnesses for that. I don't want to be a part of that world any more.

nothing personal about the huge fonts, I am going blind I think,
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Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Post by Doreen Peri » August 7th, 2011, 4:40 pm

I like Bernie Sanders.... though I don't think he'll be running.

Obama's been a big disappointment in regards to his warmongering. The Lybia thing blew me away. The escalation of the war in Afghanistan also surprised me as well as the fact that Guantamo is STILL open.

Somebody else is running this show. He's just a puppet, obviously.

Which brings us to the point of yeah, why vote? I mean, will it make any difference who's in the catbird seat if they're all puppets for the Military Industrial Complex and big money corporations?

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Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Post by stilltrucking » August 7th, 2011, 4:46 pm

Libya surprised me
what the hell was he thinking?
:? :(

I like Bernie Sanders too.

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Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Post by Doreen Peri » August 7th, 2011, 4:49 pm

I donno. I was floored. I thought I was voting for a Dove and turned out I was voting for a Hawk.

The whole killing of Osama bin Laden thing got me, too, bigtime. Why did they kill him? Why didn't they capture him and try him? It was barbaric. He was even UNARMED!

And what really pissed me off about that scenario was it all appeared staged and then all the people dancing in the street and go go go USA! OMG.. like it was a ball game!

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Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Post by stilltrucking » August 7th, 2011, 5:02 pm

I know I felt the same way too.

But what do you tell the kids?

Our system is corrupt?

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Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Post by Doreen Peri » August 7th, 2011, 6:16 pm

Yes. Actually both my kids have figured that out for themselves.

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Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Post by Doreen Peri » August 7th, 2011, 6:19 pm

Well... my son has never voted, I don't think. But you've read his political stance essays on this site so I think he gave up on the system a long long time ago.

I DO encourage my daughter (now 18) to register to vote and vote... just in case... just in case this country and the voting system is salvageable. She's already figured out how corrupt the whole thing is, though, and still has not yet registered.

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Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Post by mtmynd » August 7th, 2011, 7:21 pm

it's sad that there are countries around the world who would love to vote for their leadership... and so many have given their lives for the privilege. i fear in our own country we will lose that right solely due to the give-a-shit attitude so many are developing. quite sad when you think about.

btw: the people in WI are counting on the people's vote to overturn the nasties that overtook their state politics. i guess there are still those that have that passion...
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Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Post by stilltrucking » August 7th, 2011, 8:29 pm

Yes world war 1, when Wilson betrayed the people of the middle east and vietnam too for that matter.

You think I don't give a shit? Is that what you think if me?
bTw who are you going to vote for in 2012?

I think your son is right doreen but I think saw has more compassion for the young men and women who enlist in the military, maybe because he is older. When you are young it is all so black and white. Maybe that is a good thing. I done know.

Saw wrote

the fraud perpetrated by the government and corporations ( which are one and the same) has been unconscionable.....the recruiting tactics in poorest areas of the country is as heartless as it gets....the use of psychologists to ramp up the pitch to kids with no future is insidious....the promises are not only empty, they are out and out lies.....


I wonder if Clay has got his new eye glasses yet. I know it is hard for him to read

My eyes are going too, I can't read anything without squinting. So pardon my fonts. Till I figure this out.

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Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Post by mtmynd » August 7th, 2011, 9:09 pm

JT: "bTw who are you going to vote for in 2012?"

I'm assuming this question is directed at moi..? So far I'm giving my vote to Barack Obama, no matter what the rad right have to say, I'd rather deal with him than Perry.
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Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Post by stilltrucking » August 7th, 2011, 9:33 pm

ten four assume away :wink:
Who are you referring to when you said don't give a shit attitude?
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Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Post by stilltrucking » August 7th, 2011, 10:26 pm

I was talking to Aristotle the other day, he said I should consider the possibility that God is calling Rick Perry to be president. In the meantime I tell myself that if Obama could win a second term he would be free of the money machine and not have to pander to the money interests and actually do some real good. I still believe him to be a good man, if an ineffectual politician.
If I don't vote it would not be because I don't give a shit, but because I don't want to be part of the system anymore.

"In debt we trust" Yeah I like that. I had a political science class at the University of Maryland in 1960. The instructor was ranting and raving about our debt. We were going broke he said.

In the meantime:
Every passing hour brings the Solar System forty-three thousand miles closer to Globular Cluster M13 in Hercules—and still there are some misfits who insist that there is no such thing as progress.
Kurt Vonnegut, The Sirens of Titan

I still believe in progress, somehow some way life will go on, and everything is on time on schedule, but what do I do till the iceman cometh? That is what I think about mostly
I also think about Libya from time to time. That is the one thing that Obama has done that makes me not want to vote again.
Let see how much have we blown on Libya so far or is that war over? I think Obama said we were going to pull out in April? Maybe if he gets a second term he will bring the troops home. A billion dollars so far and counting, a mere pittance...

And we should be thinking about how good we got it here, we should not think about how good the Germans got it, or the Canadians or the Norwegians, we don't want to think about that it is depressing. We should think about Iran, Syria, North Korea, Zimbabwe. Thinking about those countries always cheers me up :? there but for the grace of G_d...

what to do, how to put my shoulder to the wheel
besides rant and rave on studio eight
I know what to do
I will live the good life.
And not be scared all the time
that's all folks
one more thing
e_dog I would rather look at Obama on TV than I would George W. Bush. For what it is worth Obama does not fill me with loathing the way Bush does.

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Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Post by mtmynd » August 7th, 2011, 10:49 pm

JT: "Who are you referring to when you said don't give a shit attitude?"

those that don't give a shit who runs the country.
''Perry true believer
Why is it so hard to believe God called him to run our country? We need a true christian in office."
Right now, I don't see Perry winning the Presidency... there are even Republicans that don't support his so I think his road will be long and bumpy. But we never know for sure. One thing is for sure, Perry would not be able to handle losing to Obama... his ego would be devastated.

If he loses to Obama should he run and win the Republican nomination (another 'but' and 'if'), I'd enjoy hearing what those folks say about God wanting Obama to run the country for another 4 years. It'd be interesting how they would explain that.

JT: I wish God did not give a shit who we elected.
I wish God would stay the hell out of politics.

Take it from me, a Longhorn Buddhist - god has nothing to say.

JT: In the meantime I tell myself that if Obama could win a second term he would be free of the money machine and not have to pander to the money interests and actually get something done.

There's a lot of truth to this, Jack... many people think the same way, including yours truly. I'll repeat myself for the Congressional Record - Obama is much smarter than the average person. I think Aristotle will agree. Ask him next time you meet up with him.

You may not vote and actually believe you're not part of the system, but if I'm not mistaken, you do get your monthly SS from the system, right?

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Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Post by stilltrucking » August 7th, 2011, 11:29 pm

I don't think the Buddhist vote is going to matter much. And that is not something I am happy about. I guess I was just wondering who or what was calling him to run for president, ego, vanity, G_d? I don't respond to the word God anymore. It just don't mean a god dam thing to me. I am a word kook, I know it probably makes no difference to you. But God is worn out burned out for me. What ever G_d is, I can't say it, how do you pronounce G_d? It is just too tidy to have a word for it, one word or a thousand words, it can't be said, It is wordless and formless I guess. What ever it is I just believe in It.
Have you ever seen Mel Brooks movie Space Balls? Yogurt called It "the swartz."

You are probably right about him not winning. I hope you are right. Hell I thought McCain was going to win the last election for sure.

Yes I get a social security retirement check every month. I meant out of the political system. No way I am ever going to get out of the system. And I also get Rx drugs that are the result of Bush's prescription drug plan that was dam sure not pay as you go.

Jota once said once a people are enslaved they will never get free. I don't know what the billionaires who are pulling the tea party's strings want. To enslave us? To destroy the social safety net so we will be at their mercy. You posted an article once about 535 people who are the problem. If it was only that simple. Their are thousands of them, state legislatures, county boards, on and on they have taken over the governments of state after state.

http://articles.latimes.com/2011/jul/13 ... s-20110714

I am far from a hermit Cecil, I am embedded here in my family
The only hermitage I long for is the sea.

I must have been editing as you were posting I was going to delete the post above too. It felt so good to let it just flow out of me. I will put what I deleted back up on my artbog just for the heck of it.
I miss your streams, have you been busy? I finally finished the Plath article it was pretty good but I did not agree with a lot of what she said. Sometimes I wonder why I have read The Bell Jar so many times, I think at least nine but likely more. She was my obsession for years and years.
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Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Post by stilltrucking » August 7th, 2011, 11:41 pm

here is a link to what I edited out of my post above. Sorry I did not realize you were posting at the same time.


Thanks for the Hermit link, looks good on what i read so far.

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