Sexiest characteristic

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Which is the sexiest trait a person can have?

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Humor & Wit
Total votes: 12

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Doreen Peri
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Sexiest characteristic

Post by Doreen Peri » September 27th, 2008, 11:29 am

You can only choose one.

Which is the sexiest trait a person can have?

(none of these are physical as you can see)

Energy, confidence, honesty, humor/wit, intelligence, or kindness.

And why does this particular characteristic turn you on?

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Post by Artguy » September 27th, 2008, 11:39 am

These are all too virtuous...some human weaknesses and faults are also quite endearing...If I were single and cruising ads I would immediately go to the next person as soon as i read enjoys sunsets and long walks on the beach....

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Post by Doreen Peri » September 27th, 2008, 11:44 am

Yeah ok well I could amend the survey and add things like walking on the beach at sunset or going on a cruise to the islands, or taking a trip to Paris or a safari in Africa ... but... Kurt.. that wasn't the survey. heh... ;)

If these were the only characteristics you had to choose from, which one would you find sexiest?

Just curious. :D

And yeah, they're virtuous. True enough. Ideals are nice to dream about.

Me? I like all of these characteristics! I'm very much attracted to energy. A guy with a lot of energy turns me on. But I like them all so it's a hard choice. "Choose one" is always difficult. I'll make up my mind and answer myself later ... as soon as I make a decision.

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Post by YABYUM » September 27th, 2008, 1:20 pm

i chose honesty. i like brutal honesty.

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Post by Lightning Rod » September 27th, 2008, 1:22 pm

Among these choices, I'll have to go for honesty.

but you left out things like:

twisted sense of humor

perfect tits and long legs

great sexual imagination

doesn't make lists of ideal qualities




laid back




mischievous and challenging

did I say someone who doesn't make lists?
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Post by Lightning Rod » September 27th, 2008, 1:42 pm

all right, I've changed my mind, I withdraw my vote

honesty isn't sexy

I misunderstood the question

what is sexy is dishonesty--teasing

contrariness, high-maintenance, bitchiness

money is sexy

power is sexy

beauty and smoothness and guile are sexy

mystery is sexy

I'm changing my vote
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Post by Doreen Peri » September 27th, 2008, 5:17 pm

Lightning Rod.... this survey is limited to the items on the list. :)

Yab... yeah honesty is way up there for me, too... :)

I find all the items on the list sexy, but probably in this order....

1) humor
2) kindness
3) honesty
4) energy
5) confidence
6) intelligence

I might change the order again later but for this moment, this is the order that is the most sexy to me, with #1 being humor so that's what I voted for.

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Post by izeveryboyin » September 27th, 2008, 6:32 pm

I think it would be great to find a guy with all these traits, but does one really exist? I suppose if I had to pick, I'd go for humor and wit, because you have to be somewhat intelligent to be witty, and most humor is terribly honest, and to pull it off you need both energy and confidence. I think the only thing that I can't angle in for humor and wit is kindness. Because humor can be pretty brutal.

sometimes I just like to breathe.

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Post by Doreen Peri » September 27th, 2008, 7:19 pm

Oh I've known lots of very funny guys who were also very kind. A person can have both traits.

I'd like to work on some of these traits in myself. I feel much sexier when I have more energy, for instance. Confidence comes and goes and definitely when I have more confidence, I feel sexier and I feel like I appear sexier.

I'm honest to a fault. I don't need more honesty. One day the honesty's gonna kill me, I swear.

When I get pissed off, I lose my ability to be kind. I need to work on that. Either stop getting pissed off or just be kind throughout, despite the fact that I'm pissed off. I guess. I don't know, really. Working on that one.

I can't do much about my intelligence. It is what it is. I took an online IQ test recently (for what it's worth) and scored reasonably high, I thought, but they were trying to sell me some magazines and other stuff, so who knows?

As for the humor, I crack myself up on a regular basis but I really need to work on maintaining a sense of humor when the chips are down. When I get angry or hurt, my sense of humor flies out the window.... when really that's the time it should save me and would be the time when being funny or appreciating humor could be the sexiest.

I think it's important to recheck your own sexiness quotient from time to time... to reassess where you are in the areas which attract people to you.

Thank you all for playing, you sexy people you! ;)

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Post by judih » September 27th, 2008, 9:55 pm

can't choose.
i would add:
willingness not to cook meat inside a poorly ventilated place (this might be subjective)
ability to read auras
& not hood-winked by outer appearances, but able to see the essential truth

that's my list
all of em + your original list, doreen = sexiest

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Post by mtmynd » September 28th, 2008, 12:59 am

sorry i couldn't answer but i kept gettin' hung up on the poll. i felt like a flag wavin' in the winds of indecision. a hell of a thing when you don't expect it.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 28th, 2008, 5:04 am

I notice you did not ask about love. Only sex. Fucking sex, I wish I was a got dam amoeba, an asexual organism. Sex is ludicrous for me. Only love can break my heart.

I notice you not mention physical characteristics. Like sexual attraction has nothing to do with bodies. Oh no I am never attracted to a woman becase she has a nice ass, or a beautiful face, or good legs. No no I am looking for more spiritual qualities in a lover. I hardly ever look at her breasts, that has nothing to do with it at all.

Sarah Palin has such lovely knees. I been thinking about voting for her because of her knees. Oh yeah.

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Post by the mingo » September 28th, 2008, 11:54 am

You're cracking me up here, Jack...I'm gonna take a walk along the bluff trail up to Nine Mile Point before this day gets much older and when I come to the first beech tree there on the bluffs I'm gonna take out my knife and carve a quarter inch deep into its gray bark :
Jack & Sarah Palin's Knees - True love - 4Ever - xxxooo.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Post by Arcadia » September 28th, 2008, 1:08 pm

nice list!!!!!! :)

some kind of shared sense of humor, kindness & confidence (I feel honesty, intelligence & energy somehow relatives! :lol: )

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Post by Marksman45 » September 30th, 2008, 6:14 pm

I picked Confidence, but it's tough.

Here's the qualities that are most important to me in a woman:
Poise, aplomb, panache, and nerve (which is why I picked Confidence)

Hipness. If you know what I'm talking about when I talk about artists, musicians, books, etc., I probably already want you. Some "shallower" things regarding clothing and appearance also factor in here. The way you adorn yourself is a personal statement.

Creativity. Although this one is optional, as long as you have an appreciation of the arts

Open-mindedness, mental flexibility; I want to be able to talk weird philosophy with you

Resourcefulness. Resourcefulness is very, very sexy.

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