America -The Land of the Stupid

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America -The Land of the Stupid

Post by tonyc » March 24th, 2009, 8:08 am

America -The Land of the Stupid
Incredible!!!!Like it isn't bad enough we elected and reelected a money grabbing, liar, who bankrupted our country and pissed on the constitution, now we continue with the madness.
We finally have a leader who's capable of intelligent thought, can speak English fluently and is representing the interest of our country and what do we obsess about?....bonuses to AIG execs.

People are so stupid, these execs, oil companies and the 2% of this nations wealthiest, have been enjoying tax breaks that resulted in them getting the equivalent of these measly bonuses on a quarterly basis for the last eight years.
None has ever challenged the Bush tax cuts to the corrupt and rich, which resulted in the largest deficit in this countries history, but they stop our government and threaten a "tea party" over a few million dollars.
The stupidity of Americans will never cease to amaze me, we cry over a million while we let Bush blow trillion.

This generation has set this country back 50 years in less than a decade and the ship is still sinking and what are we focused on?..You got it, a two million dollar bonus to some stupid exec. :roll:
There's not an economy on the planet that could sustain the incompetence and neglect that we've subjected this country to in the past eight years.

We’ve become a nation of crack heads, gay worshippers and outright dumbasses, no wonder our jobs are being shipped overseas, we lost the intelligence or the will to do them.
This country better wake up and smell the roses or a day will soon come when we won't have a country left to abuse.
Americans Are Stupid!!!

What the dumb Americans don't realize is...the tax payers LOANED the money to A.I.G, they have to pay it back with interest.
So, the taxpayers never "gave" anybody anything.
In my book it's A.I.Gs right to do whatever they want with the loan, they have to pay it back, it wasn't a gift.
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Post by stilltrucking » March 24th, 2009, 9:26 am

If you're runnin' down my country, man, You're walkin' on the fightin' side of me.

Nice rant tony c, maybe you could make a song out of it.

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Post by Nazz » March 26th, 2009, 1:37 am

Wow Tony, you seem kinda fired up. "Gay worshippers"? Haha. You mean like the religious right perhaps, who basically re-elected Bush and pushed for a Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage? Those gay worshippers?

Thanks for the education on the AIG bailout. It's easy to forget it was indeed a loan. And I hope they can pay back their loan, what with all the bullshit securities they insured and all. But then I remember reading somewhere that they had lots of assets to sell off to repay the loan. Or not. And yes, even if it's barely the tip of the proverbial iceberg, more symbolic than anything else, I'm pissed at those goddamned bonuses. Sue me.

Now where's that crack pipe?

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Post by tonyc » March 26th, 2009, 7:53 am

Again, it was a loan, they can do as they wish, they have to pay the money back.
The Fed will lend up to $85 billion to AIG, and the U.S. government will effectively get a 79.9% equity stake in the insurer in the form of warrants called equity participation notes.

The loan is secured by A.I.G assets
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Post by Nazz » March 26th, 2009, 12:43 pm

Again, loan or not, if the feds and execs are serious about restoring public trust, then ace the bullshit siphoning of many millions off the top of these loans for many millions in unjustified, ridiculous bonuses to dumbshit, money-grubbing execs who ran their company so far into the ground that they needed the government to bail it out (damned hip-shooting, git-rich-quik gay worshippers). It was well into the hundreds of millions, wasn't it? Get rid of that crap. Write it into the loans. I don't care if it's not the worst outrage that's occurred in the last eight years, because as you so eloquently point out, in the wake of the Bu$hCo. nightmare that will keep on giving, it obviously isn't. But so what? Don't you have a pulse? Get angry about it. Just do it. Or not. You're right. Who cares.

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Post by stilltrucking » April 2nd, 2009, 8:34 pm

Yes you are right
No one cares about americans.

We need to do something. Maybe we should require all citizens to sign a loyalty oath?

I had a dream last night about some important people meeting in a big room somewhere and they were all smiling shaking hands and signing a document that assured the needs of for every man woman and child on this still beautiful world would be met. it was a new world order. A real new new deal. Well it was a nice dream wasn't it?

A new world order, now there is a phrase that used to give me the willies.

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Post by hester_prynne » April 8th, 2009, 9:59 pm

It's not just the tax execs, it's just about everything, or so it seems today after another grueling, soul sucking day at work, where everyday you leave feeling like somehow you just didn't do enough dirty work for the government, or at least that's how I feel in this newish job I'm still struggling so hard at. Sigh. Even if you are a whistleblower it does no good. I cannot describe to you how this job I have as a disability adjudicator has soured me. It's a very twisted, smug ideal, presented as an entitlement to hard working Americans but don't be fooled. It's totally misrepresented. You have to be terminal, or legless and armless to be allowed. Or, you have to be over 55, unskilled, non english speaking. And most of the cases i've dealt with that have been allowances have been just that. People from other countries come here to retire on your tax dollars folks. What? Did you think all that Social security money they deduct from your paycheck was for you in case you became disabled? Sure you did, but Americans you forgot something. You let the government define disabled and they have made it into a legal travesty, with medical hoops that most people just cannot jump. I mean, if you have an amputated leg, or both legs amputated? Well it 's a matter of how and where the amputation is, and, if you can still use your arms and you have a wheelchair well then by Jove you can do something to support yourself and you are therefore, not eligible, or therefore, your benefits are denied.
It's amazing and I really don't understand why I am doing this, cept if I don't do it, I won't have any money to live off. Big Sigh. Do you know how hard this is for me? Why can't i just work in some little office, or in a field office for SS? At least that way I could tell all these hopeful applicants that their chances for disability benefits are slim to none, you know, like tell them the truth up front?(what a concept) :roll: and then help them come up with a plan B. Instead they lure them in, set them up for disappointment, and when you are down, disappointment is lethal. I know this firsthand.
HOW CAN WE CHANGE THIS!!!!!I mean no wonder Katrina was such an amazing mess! The government is incompetent, immovable and a veritable weight of meaningless paperwork, and insane legal processes, that invites you in to apply for your hard earned benefits, even gives you money while you're waiting for a decision! Then, when you are denied, it throws you to the streets. You think the banks ripped you off? Heh. That ain't nothing compared to this rip off. Applicants try over and over again, they even hire lawyers! But nope, 90 percent of applications are denied. And it's all done via an incredibly huge, weird legal process, with laws they write and change when necessary etc. Most of the workers there are folks who think that everyone applying for disability benefits must be a loser!
Me? Hell I feel for some of these people. I mean sure there are people who try to get a "free ride" as they call it but not everyone, not the fucking majority! Most people have paid into the system via their jobs for years! I truly do not like my job. As I understand it more and more, how it works, I am just so angry/sad and I feel like there is nothing that can change it, except for me to lose my job if speak too candidly about it. I do tell applicants on the phone to have a plan B. If they fire me for that then they can go fuck themselves. I'm just being honest and trying to help people who are setting their sights on something that most likely will not happen. There is so much I could tell you. But my arm hurts because I got a tetanus shot yesterday, at the doctors, another perk from my "job" of screwing the American people, good health care. SIGH.
What shall I do? People, look into this, inform yourselves and speak your dismay!!!!!!We are the only ones who can change this insanity, information is power, check your Gov. Social Security agency out man, you won't believe who is really ripping you off.....
And thanks for letting me RANT!
H 8)
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Post by Arcadia » April 9th, 2009, 9:19 am

I imagine it must be painful to not help as much as you can but I´m sure people can resonate somehow in front of you, hester!!!!!!!! :) and yeah, RANT whenever you want!!!!!!!! :wink:

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