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Happy Birthday, Jack!

Posted: December 8th, 2010, 7:41 am
by SadLuckDame
Oh what a feeling,
oh what a day!
And many more.
From me to you,
hope it's worth every memory
worth every day.

Can't wait to see what
you'll be likes at fifty-four.

Re: Happy Birthday, Jack!

Posted: December 8th, 2010, 3:25 pm
by constantine
happy birthday!!

Re: Happy Birthday, Jack!

Posted: December 8th, 2010, 5:00 pm
by Doreen Peri
Dear stilltrucking.... (et al)

I hope your day is filled with celebration and surprises and your upcoming year is wonderful~!

We're all so happy to have you here, you know. All of you. ;) Each and every one.

I wish you a VERY

Happy Birthday
a birthday carousel ride for Jack!

Re: Happy Birthday, Jack!

Posted: December 8th, 2010, 5:06 pm
by Steve Plonk
Happy birthday, Stilltruckin' & aliases. Many solid returns! 8)

Re: Happy Birthday, Jack!

Posted: December 8th, 2010, 7:12 pm
by Artguy
Keep on truckin in the beams of St. Jack's headlights.

Re: Happy Birthday, Jack!

Posted: December 8th, 2010, 10:20 pm
by Arcadia
feliz cumpleaños stilltrucking & friends...!!!!! :D Cheers!!!!!!!! :wink:

Re: Happy Birthday, Jack!

Posted: December 9th, 2010, 2:19 am
by mtmynd
Happy Birthday to you, amigo, wherever you are...

Re: Happy Birthday, Jack!

Posted: December 9th, 2010, 8:24 am
by stilltrucking
Thank you all.
I have lived twenty three years longer than St Jack and I still don't know what for. Habit I guess.
“Emotion, which is suffering, ceases to be suffering as soon as we form a clear and precise picture of it.”

Re: Happy Birthday, Jack!

Posted: December 9th, 2010, 12:27 pm
by mtmynd
congratulations on attaining but yet one more new decade to your longevity... which should not be viewed as a curse but rather a clue. ;)

Re: Happy Birthday, Jack!

Posted: December 9th, 2010, 12:37 pm
by judih
to further successes and days!
cheers, Jack
best to you

Re: Happy Birthday, Jack!

Posted: December 9th, 2010, 8:05 pm
by constantine
i'm going to say it again - happy birthday!

Re: Happy Birthday, Jack!

Posted: December 10th, 2010, 12:07 pm
by one of those jerks
Well hells bells
say it as many times as you want
I must have got stoned and missed it dino
I tried to write one generic one size fits all reply

Maybe I should personalize it to every one of uz guyz that tooked the time to reply
from memory if not in order

Doreen than you for the pretty picture , I am going to ride this merry go round ever chance I get. "The Circle Game". I just heard a bit ot that song when I saw the pict. "Seventy times around the seasons."
And yes thank you I had a good day, and i tell ya it was a pretty typical day for me too.
I was going to have a real nice me day, I was not going to feel like Gilbert Grape. Going to do what I wanted to do all day, and not give a fig for nobody elses wants. But it turned out to be more like a hobits birthday, (in middle earth the hobits would give gifts on their birthdays instead of recieve them, a pretty nice system it was, because every day is somebody's birthday chances were pretty good you would get a gift everyday.)

Artguy, just envy on my part , he succeeded at doing what he wanted to do at the tender age of forty seven. He drank himself to death. Yes Saint Jack gave off a mighty light. I am thinking about becoming an alcoholic too. I need a purpose in life, even if it turns out to be the void.
"man would sooner have the void for a purpose than be be void of purpose"
Taken me thirty years to relate to Kerouac, to have compassion for his bitter forlorn rags of old age. Ha!

to be continued sooner or later

later continues

That bit by Spinoza above, Cecil I think I have finally achieved adulthood at the tender age of seventy. A late bloomer for sure.

gracias mi amiga
women have been kinder to me than they were to poor old Saint Jack. I think it broke his heart when the real gone chicks started yawning at him.
I am just grateful for another day. seventy years and three days now.
And I am still hoping for one more broken heart

Thanks J,
thanks for the best wishes for success and more days.
I don't think I can stand success anymore
So much vanity
for me
Maybe I just see success differently now that I am resigned to failure. Watching a video about Malcolm Lowry and his novel Under The Volcano, what it must feel like to have that kind of passion for writing residing within you. I am content with my compulsion for scribbling.

Neat rationalization bya lazy writer I suppose
"Wonders are manny and none is more wonderful than man;" —Antigone" by Sophocles quoted in Under The Volcano
socrates2.gif (16.29 KiB) Viewed 1455 times
Thanks Steve Plonk
I used to think I had a reason for all the aliases. Some vague notion of hyper text trash novels. If Kerouac was still writing he would probably be doing spontaneous html.

Thank you sad luck dame for a chance to scribble a bit.

Re: Happy Birthday, Jack!

Posted: December 10th, 2010, 5:36 pm
by panta rhei
jack, jack! late, but still from my heart:
a warm happy birthday to ya!

Re: Happy Birthday, Jack!

Posted: December 10th, 2010, 6:19 pm
by stilltrucking
Thank you

Re: Happy Birthday, Jack!

Posted: December 10th, 2010, 10:25 pm
by mousey1
Oh my goodness I'm late I'm late for a very important date!
