Bin Laden

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Bin Laden

Post by Artguy » May 2nd, 2011, 7:01 pm

Who's happy raise your hands...

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by stilltrucking » May 2nd, 2011, 7:21 pm

We're number 1

Can we come home now?
Mission accomplished

I hope it is a comfort for those families that lost loved ones on September the 11th of 2001

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by Doreen Peri » May 2nd, 2011, 9:25 pm

Not me. The chanting in the street and flag waving almost made me literally regurgitate.

They should have captured him, not shot him in the head. He should have been tried and found guilty and imprisoned for life. Murdering someone doesn't breed peace. It just brings more murder.

There's also talk that the whole thing is a hoax, of course, since they supposedly threw his body in the ocean or river or something and the only picture released is clearly photoshopped. Sighhh....

Now, if they really did kill him, he's the martyr and will be praised highly for his sacrifice!

His followers will grow!

And then there are the articles all over the internet that state that Al Quada isn't even a REAL organization but was a name the CIA made up.

Who knows? Sighh...

I know that murder doesn't bring peace.

I don't feel national pride, I feel ashamed of the US citizens who reveled in the street over one man's death. Why didn't they capture him? Why did the kill him? It's totally barbaric.

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by mtmynd » May 2nd, 2011, 10:22 pm

I think the death of OBL is long overdue. It is one thing to incarcerate a guilty person responsible for the death of a few or even a dozen people, but a man who planned and gave orders to kill the 3,000 innocent victims of 9/11, the hundreds of innocent men, women and children literally worldwide... the innocent victims of various Nationalities and religions whose lives were taken from them and those left behind... any one who bears the guilt of these acts should not be taken care of and given life even if incarcerated for the rest of their life.

The death of Osama Bin Laden was due to his karma and the despicable acts he was directly responsible for for years.
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Re: Bin Laden

Post by Doreen Peri » May 2nd, 2011, 11:28 pm

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by mtmynd » May 3rd, 2011, 1:15 am

to silence the joy of thousands, relieved from the pain of knowing OBL had eluded capture and continued his fear tactics until yesterday, sounds ludicrous. it will never be tolerated.
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Re: Bin Laden

Post by Artguy » May 3rd, 2011, 9:45 am

Round and round we go, Bin Ladens' karmic seeds were of destruction and mayhem, and even without international intervention his Karma would have remained the same, now the karma of the international forces in Afghanistan have tainted our Karma. Yes 3,000 people were killed, and thousands of families effected, but how many Afghans have suffered in the name of the war on terrorism? Wars have been fought for millennia in the name of one belief or another. It will take a truly powerful people to say it ends here. We will achieve peace through nonviolence, we will not seek revenge, we will not seek to conquer, we will let those that perpetrate violence suffer their own self made suffering.

On another note, one thing Bin Laden did very well was set up a network of decentralized operating cells that need no single source of leadership. As an ally to the international war on terrorism I fear a retaliation or a series of worldwide retaliations that will make 911 look like a picnic on a sunny day.

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by stilltrucking » May 3rd, 2011, 10:44 am

It is better than the Green Bay Packers winning the SuperBowl. America is still the greatest nation on earth. We can do anything. In the words of our commander in chief. more or less

Poor old Osama, he weren't no fortunate son
Not like George W. Bush
Now there is a guy with good karma

I don't know what to make of it Doreen. They say Obama fell off the radar in 2004. The house where he was found was built specialy for him in 2005. It is in a town of 500 thousand people. It is a resort city not unlike Aspen Colorado the papers say. The house is located a few hundred yards from the Pakistani military accademy. Most of his neighbors were retired generals.

I read a little bit of an interview where Osama predicted how he would die. lt is all so strange. Did we really find him or did he give himself over to be a martyr.

Did we kill him or take him alive?

Justice has been done they say, when will justice come to our fortunate son and his despicable acts?

Osama was our man
Just like Saddam was
the enemy of our enemy is our friend
how is that working out for us?

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by Doreen Peri » May 3rd, 2011, 10:57 am

Kurt, I agree with your reply.

911 didn't just happen out of nowhere. Something caused it and what caused it was the western imperialistic military industrial machine. Thousands of innocent Iraqi and Afghanistan citizens have been killed in the name of fighting terrorism and this was just the reaction to 911. What about BEFORE 911? Constant western imperialism, wars and occupations of countries, trying to settle disputes among tribes, trying to turn the whole world into the USA all for access to resources and oil.

His Karma would have gotten to him eventually. Violence breeds violence. There was no need to kill him. He should have been captured, tried, found guilty and imprisoned for the rest of his life. As it is, he's now a martyr which is a sacred thing to the distorted views of radical Muslims. Therefore, he may have even MORE power after he's dead.

I know I said more than what you just said and maybe you don't agree with everything I said but I agree with everything you said... and just then kept talking about my own opinion afterward.
"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by Artguy » May 3rd, 2011, 11:09 am

Martin Luther King Jr. is a grand hero to me flaws and all. I have a recording I listen to now and again of his infamous I have a dream speech. It is a real reminder of what it means to practice compassion of the heart.

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by mnaz » May 3rd, 2011, 1:29 pm


more death and destruction, tit tat- tit tat. the grand blood feud into the ashes of perdition. hooray.

plus, i'm not convinced he's dead, unless these pathological federal liars produce some sort of credible proof.

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by mtmynd » May 3rd, 2011, 2:04 pm

Mark... amigo... the only credible proof that would satisfy the skeptic would be if they were part of the operation... or witness to the whole thing like the Pres and his admin who watched it unfold live in the White House.
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Re: Bin Laden

Post by Doreen Peri » May 3rd, 2011, 2:26 pm

mtmynd wrote:Mark... amigo... the only credible proof that would satisfy the skeptic would be if they were part of the operation... or witness to the whole thing like the Pres and his admin who watched it unfold live in the White House.
How about a photo of the dead body, instead of the photoshopped photo of his head they released. I do photoshop every day. It clearly photoshopped. It wasn't released by the US govt and I don't remember who released it but somebody did.

How about a photo or film footage of them throwing his body in the sea?

How about testimonials from those who carried out the operation, the assassinators themselves?

I hate to be such a skeptic but the timing of this is sort of odd, in my opinion. Obama's popularity was plummeting, there are unpopular wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and now Libya.... The economy has nowhere near recovered.

I guess I just don't trust anybody any more, yanno? Sad, isn't it?

By the way, have you ever read documents like this? They're all over the internet:

Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication

Who knows?

I'm not a conspiracy theorist by any stretch of the imagination but I still don't trust that what happened on 911 was exactly as it was reported.

I believed in Obama bigtime and supported him and voted for him and then they kept harassing me for donations AFTER he was elected by email! I had to remove myself from the list. Then he bombed Libya and the Dove I thought I was voting for was a Hawk, after all, after escalating the war in Afghanistan for what purpose? Why??????

OK, so now let's just say they killed bin Laden. Shouldn't they end the war in AFghanistan right NOW!? I think they should. Wasn't that the purpose of the war?

Or is the purpose the Afghanistan oil pipeline? What is it?

I don't trust any of these people.

I don't know who's running the show, either, but I'm almost certain it's NOT Obama... He's just a puppet for whoever is really in power. I hate to be so negative but this is what I feel... this is what I see. Some of his recent speeches sound like they were written by the same people who wrote Bush's speeches. He's not the man I thought I voted for.

I don't know whether bin Laden was actually killed or not. If he was, I stand by my statement that they should have captured him and imprisoned him instead because violence breeds violence.

If he really WAS, than I'm with Mark... they need to show more proof. Seems awfully convenient not to have any photos of the body nor the "burial" at sea. ... no documentation whatsoever.

It's sad not to trust anybody and believe in anybody any more. I admit that. I wish I DID have someone or some thing to believe in when it comes to world events and political actions throughout the world.

I don't like living in a country that's run by the Military Industrial Complex.

All the partying in the street the other day made me literally want to puke. Flag waving nationalism bullshit! Oh boy! We killed the devil! Go America! Go go go! Go USA! ... Sounded like a fucking football game.

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by Doreen Peri » May 3rd, 2011, 2:28 pm

And from this article - I wish I wrote this!!! ... =fb&src=sp
The death of Osama bin Laden gives us an opportunity to ask ourselves: What kind of nation and what kind of species do we want to be? Do we want to become a species that honors life? Do we want to become a species that embodies peace? If that is what we want, then we need to start now to examine our own hearts and actions, and begin to consciously evolve in that direction. We could start by not celebrating the killing of another.

It is hard not to think that some of the impulse to celebrate "justice being done" may also contain a certain pleasure in revenge -- not just "closure" but "getting even." The world is not safer with Osama bin Laden's violent demise (threat levels are going up, not down), so no cause for celebration there; evil has not been finally removed from the Earth, so no reason for jubilation on that count. The War on Terror goes on, so there is no closure in that regard. The truth is that "celebrating justice" when one person is killed -- as happens regularly in the gang wars of American cities -- only incites further desire for revenge, which, from "the other side's" viewpoint, is usually called "justice."

Think of it. If a leader in our country were killed by another government in the manner in which Osama bin Laden was killed, as "justice" for his acts of aggression in the War on Terror -- and people from that other country were shown proudly chanting the country's name, singing their national anthem, and demonstrating in the streets -- Americans would likely feel more sickened than joyful, don't you think? The impulse to celebrate a death depends on what side you're on.

We will only have peace when we stop the cycle of jubilation over acts of violence.

Who will stop the cycle? If not us, who? If not you and I, who will it be?

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Re: Bin Laden

Post by the mingo » May 3rd, 2011, 3:03 pm

Wasted a beautiful opportunity by dumping that animal's body in the sea. It should have been divided into 50 pieces & each piece then sent to each one of the 50 states in the union. Not for our sakes but for the sake of our enemies, that they may see and that their eyes may be opened and their hearts led to a rock solid understanding that they so woefully lack. Because they do lack that understanding they are of the opinion that they may treat the lives of my fellow citizens as carelessly as they would treat their dogs so that my people not only die like dogs at home but also abroad and all simply because they are Americans. It is time for that to end. Our own government also needs to take note whenever they are tempted to govern the many peoples that are America carelessly, as it seems to want to do, from time to time.

May my God & King forgive me my human failings and for the emotions that rule my heart at this moment but...Mr. President, my name is James Stephen son of James Frederick son of Leslie son of John - my mother was Evelyn daughter of Mima of the Oneida Nation born to the Wolf Clan, of the Haudenosaunee, People of the Longhouse - Mr. President, damn fine job, Sir, damn fine.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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