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Post by mudshark » July 23rd, 2011, 12:19 pm

We´re not used to this

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Re: 22711

Post by stilltrucking » July 23rd, 2011, 2:11 pm

my condolences to the people of Norway.

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Re: 22711

Post by Arcadia » July 23rd, 2011, 4:07 pm

not seeing the news since wednesday... I realized what happened in your country three hours ago... just sad ...

We´re not used to this

yeah, we would have to be used to that in the past, but I guess it´s not an easy thing...

today´s Rep´s drawing in pagina12 was called "Terrorismo", it gave me a sort of deja vu, here´s the link (it´s at the bottom of the page):


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Re: 22711

Post by SadLuckDame » July 23rd, 2011, 5:40 pm

My prayers and thoughts going out to Norway, to the families and those injured :(
I just read about it and the youth. This is terrible.
`Do you know, I was so angry, Kitty,' Alice went on...`when I saw all the mischief you had been doing, I was very nearly opening the window, and putting you out into the snow! And you'd have deserved it, you
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Re: 22711

Post by Doreen Peri » July 23rd, 2011, 6:27 pm

What happened? I haven't seen the news for weeks. This sounds bad. Sorry to be so ill-informed.

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Re: 22711

Post by mudshark » July 23rd, 2011, 6:54 pm

http://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/oslo ... d=10080597

Daughter of a friend got shoot in the tie. another one i knew got away. The stories unfolded are unreal and horrible. The explotion in the center of Oslo outside the Goverment Building totally trashed the hole block. He parked a van infront of the GB and detonated a furtilizer bomb from a distance, drove 45 minutes to an island called Utøya (Utoya). got on a police uniform and packed up an automatic rifle and a Glock. he then got hold of a boath ride. On the Island the Labour partys youth have their anual summer camp. the under 25´s.

He rounded them up on excuse of the GB bomb- and started to shoot. 700 where there. they fledd and he followed. now we get the stories. . police got there 1,5 hours later! 85 people die. 7 down town. 5 missing.

he also put out a video in fore hand.
Last edited by mudshark on July 23rd, 2011, 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 22711

Post by mudshark » July 23rd, 2011, 7:03 pm

heres the Video he uploaded just b4 his crusade: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTB478fDCa4

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Re: 22711

Post by stilltrucking » July 24th, 2011, 10:55 am

“In the middle of all the tragedy, I am proud to live in a country which has managed to stand tall in a critical time,” he said. “Our response is more democracy, more openness and more humanity, but never naivete.”
http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/eur ... ml?hpid=z2

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Re: 22711

Post by Doreen Peri » July 24th, 2011, 12:18 pm

Oh my God......... :(

Oh my God....... :(

Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Oh my God ... :(

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Re: 22711

Post by mtmynd » July 24th, 2011, 12:55 pm

My condolences to your peaceful and beautiful country, Lasse. I, like the rest of the board and our country find this act of extreme violence to be one perpetrated by one very, very sick man, especially his lack of remorse.

In an article in today's news there is this one line that stopped me in my tracks -

"If convicted on the terrorism charges, he would face a maximum of 21 years in jail, police said."

Difficult to believe that this is the maximum amount of time this man would be incarcerated. Is this actual?

Peace to your country, amigo..

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Re: 22711

Post by mudshark » July 25th, 2011, 2:39 am

thanks for the warm thoughts and your kind words, its really moving.

The 21 years, Cec, is just the fundamental start of his verdict. he will receive and additional detention verdict wich will keep him looked up for the rest of his life. this man can never walk the streets of Norway again.

Last in: today he is going to court. his wish is an open hearing and he want to wear his uniform. I belive he want get any of those wishes granted.

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Re: 22711

Post by Artguy » July 25th, 2011, 9:49 am

This only makes me think are we next? I live in Canada, which is a country of peace and security like Norway. I have never known war or extreme violence. i don't know how I would react except for maybe head for the wilderness or even the tundra of our far north. It concerns me to no end that any human can hate another to the point of violence. My meditations are with those victimized by this atrocious act. I remember as a child, going to Catholic church every Sunday and the only words that ever meant anything to me were the final words of the mass...go in peace.

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Re: 22711

Post by mudshark » July 25th, 2011, 12:29 pm

This is the largest terror attack in Europe after WW2. This hitting Norway was not expected- Yet Artguy- not surprising. In a country of such standard of living, 5 million of wich all of the people as near as 3 % i employd and making good living. No arms on any streets. about 8 murders a year. a multicultural get- along. the newspapers talks about shoplifting, the odd rape and carteft.
In such a society, in my opinion, givin such realms and economic advantages to the solid family values, will in the end produce outcasts. You all seen me down there. we have the highest suicide rates in europe next to unbeatable Finland an Ireland. Ive been down there a coupla times. divorce and solitare. If you cant handle it, your eaten by wolf-democracy. Unemployment have never concerned me. you get your green anyway. and if you wanna have a baby, man, you can look forward to 6-12 months of full payed vacation. kindergarden guaranteed. if you wanna be at home with the kid, you get payed for it by the gouverment! 400$ a month. last i chequed. but if your alone chased by wolf you are not gonna get any help from anyone. you´ll probably go buy your self a bottle of boose on the Wine-monopoly, owned by the state, strictly sceduled opening hours. 1 gram of weed would cost you exactly 100 NKR. 20$.

Im just saying this, Artguy, cause its time for me to reflect and try to find some answers to this unbreakable puzzle.

You dont have those lunatics at all in Canada? I know the structure of your fine country is similar to the one in question. arent you afraid of the odd one. the swallow?

The killer was attacing The sosialist labour party. the founders and builders of this land. The politcal idea. Ans this little land of ours works better than any little land in the world. And I am so god dam proud about that now. though I Always been the wining loner.

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Re: 22711

Post by mudshark » July 25th, 2011, 12:43 pm

Look at us. we are gathering hope and tollerance.
http://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/oslo ... d=10080775

( My town had our rally yesterday and where the inspiration for all the other citys. their marching in all the Norweigian citys tonight, in the large citys of Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Island. heres some pics from my town, the sister city of Virginia Beach: http://www.moss-avis.no/bildegallerier/ ... -1.6382639)

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Re: 22711

Post by Artguy » July 25th, 2011, 12:45 pm

We have murders, mostly drug or domestically inspired, but little or no political unrest. the G20 last year saw 2 police cars burned, but that is about it. our unemployment is at about 8%, and I'm one of them. We have the occasional riot when there is a big hockey game.

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