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chapbooks (again)

Posted: September 13th, 2004, 10:54 am
by judih
hey all,

let me ask again (don't have patience to wade through the publishing threads over at the kIcks)

if i have in my possession a pdf file (adobe reader) of a chapbook - what are my options for printing it?

Is the best way to simply use my home computer and regulation puter paper stock, plus something more weighty for the cover?
Is it best to seek out a small printing firm? If so, what else is there besides Kinkos?

help would be good.


Posted: September 13th, 2004, 11:58 am
by panta rhei
can't answer your questions, ju, but just wanted to ask:
is that .pdf file by any chance the cenacle one?


Posted: September 13th, 2004, 1:02 pm
by judih
yes! yes
it is.

but i wanted to send it to you whole.
would you like the pdf?


Posted: September 13th, 2004, 1:56 pm
by panta rhei

i'd prefer the whole version... especially as i am still with my old puter who doesn't like opening .pdf files (they make him sigh and freeze in embarassment) -

just hand me the tactile thing when we meet (or, if that takes too long: you have my adress)!


Posted: September 13th, 2004, 10:53 pm
by judih
it's a deal!
