Image Word Jam - Friday, April 22nd - Sat April 23rd

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Image Word Jam - Friday, April 22nd - Sat April 23rd

Post by Doreen Peri » April 11th, 2005, 5:15 pm

Hi all.

We were thinking of doing an Image Word Jam, meaning posting images and writing from both the inspiration of the images and the inspiration of the writings of others, too, as always.

What do you all think about this? Sound like fun?

I can't quite figure out how to work it. I've thought of two options -

1. Only the initial post would have an image and people would write to that thread so participants could either start a new thread with an image or reply to the threads already started, meaning we'd have several threads going at the same time.


2. No plan or organization like that at all.... just post images or words if you want to the one jam thread. Post images inspired by the other images or words inspired by images or words.

Do either of these two appeal to you?

Or do you all have any other ideas about how we could work this?

It's time to start getting the word out so I'd like to figure out how you all would like to do it so I'll know how to write about it when I tell people about it and invite them.

Thanks for your input!
Last edited by Doreen Peri on April 14th, 2005, 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Doreen Peri » April 11th, 2005, 5:22 pm

By the way.... I think we'll call it ...





ScrImage Lines


Which one do you like?

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Post by ZyzxzxzyZ » April 11th, 2005, 5:30 pm

Yes. How about American Gothic, Updated.


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Post by judih » April 11th, 2005, 10:06 pm

i like image-ination
i also like an image and then words bouncing off it until the words stop.

Can we have multiple threads in the jam? that seems to suit the scroll type look, only the scroll doesn't have that lux feature of uploading images.

How could it work here? We want attention to each image, don't want things to get lost in the usual rush to respond (oh, let there be rush)
perhaps American Gothic updated can addle by occasionally to slow down the pace to molasses.


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Post by Doreen Peri » April 11th, 2005, 10:15 pm

OK.... so you like option #1 better, judih?

Sure, we could have many threads going at once...

With just one image at the top of the thread, anybody starting a thread with their image, maybe we could ask people to title originating threads... "Image-ination Word Jam #1 – Thread title," always prefacing their title with the name of the Jam. That way, the threads would become a unit when we close them up.

Would that work?

Yeah, the software at the scroll doesn't even seem to allow html code for some reason. We tested it last time. I need to email thom and ask him about that.

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Post by judih » April 11th, 2005, 10:20 pm

Yeah - great organizational tool!
i have a wild image and i simply have to post it (with credit if its not mine) and i label my first post Image-ination Jam #1- Doreen's Beat Till, and then off i go.

this is image not sound, correct? Yeah, image.

okay. great.
Then in the morning when i crawl over to the computer and discover 24 new threads, i can wander through and jam to each image - it'll have benefits, i believe.


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Post by Doreen Peri » April 11th, 2005, 10:38 pm

Yes!!!! Sounds great!

Let's do it this way unless others have any more or different ideas we can incorporate.

Meandering through a myriad of threads in the morning... what could be better?

Yes, this is just for images and words...

maybe later, we'll do a multi-media Jam or a sound jam or something like that.

Thanks so much, judih, for your input!

I'll work on writing something up about the Image-ination Jam ... like talking about or other sites where images can reside, and telling people how it will work.

Since the Jam Session forum is yours, I'll send what I write to you for more input from you.

If anybody else has any ideas about how to best accomplish this so everyone is participating and getting inspired and jamming, please post your ideas here on this thread, ok? or email or pm judih or me.

This is going to be cool! I'm looking forward to it!

The first Image-ination Jam at Studio Eight!


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Post by judih » April 11th, 2005, 10:53 pm

i'm not quite caffeinated enough to whistle, but i'm yawning with glee (it's ten to six a.m.)

Get those cards and letters in, folks. image-ination flourishes in groupspeak.


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Post by Doreen Peri » April 13th, 2005, 10:16 pm

Well, though we didn't get a rousing crowd with contributions regarding ideas for the image jam... should we go for it for this coming Friday and Saturday?

Time to put the Word in motion, if so..

We could wait a week and do it next weekend if y'all want.

(that's Virginian for "youse")

Whatchya say? hmmmmm?

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Post by stilltrucking » April 14th, 2005, 7:58 am

I say just let it rip. This ain't litkicks we don't need no stinking less is more, I want more is less

I've been to Georgia on a fast train honey
I wudn't born no yesterday
Got a good Christian raisin' and an eighth grade education
Ain't no need in y'all a treatin' me this way

Verse 3:
And now sweet Caroline,i don't guess i'll ever find
Another woman put together like you all
With your wiggle and your walkin',and your big city talkin'
Your brand new shiny Plymouth rag-top car

Verse 4:
Yeah it's hurry up and wait,in this world of give and take
Seems like haste makes for waste every time
And i pray to my soul,when you hear those ages roll
You better know i'm gonna get my share of mine

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Post by stilltrucking » April 14th, 2005, 8:29 am

Did I show my ass? Sorry I am just angry because I still got to go there to read a judih haiku. She don't feed me oxygen anymore.

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Post by judih » April 14th, 2005, 9:04 am

i'm what the cat dragged in----what a week!

but there are no asses on this dor-step.
still t - there's always O2 for you

image jam will be just the thing. a little shape, colour and abstract expressions sounds great.

time to Word it around.

(have to do guard duty from 6 p.m to 10 p.m this evening - so my wording out will be a little last minute, but it'll come)


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Post by Lightning Rod » April 14th, 2005, 9:12 am

fill me in here, judih

what does this 'guard duty' consist of?

do you wear an AK-47?

who and what are you guarding against? Palestinians?

just curious
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

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Post by Doreen Peri » April 14th, 2005, 9:48 am

stilltrucking wrote:I say just let it rip. This ain't litkicks we don't need no stinking less is more, I want more is less
Well, I have no clue what that means but it made me laugh, more or less, then it made me want to ask you what it means.... then, after that, even as I'm posting this, it made me wonder why I'm asking, so I won't ask.

But I loved the song lyrics!


Judih.... I've been really busy, too... I think we should postpone this until next week.

I barely have time to breathe today, I have so much work.... let alone write up anything about the jam and post an announcement and send out the email and find some images to use

I vote for next week........ Friday, April 22nd - Saturday, April 23rd.

Would that work for everybody?

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Post by judih » April 14th, 2005, 9:51 am

guard duty for me means i sit in the kiosk at our front entrance. There's an electric sliding gate. i wait to see who wants to get in, and unless there's a very bizarre scenario, i push the button and let them in.

Since the kibbutz is a private collective, after 6 p.m. we check who wants in.
i don't have a weapon (as if) and if a terrorist really wanted to plow through our perimeter, the terrorist surely wouldn't wait for me to open the gates, but still, that's the deal.

Many kibbutzim just work with a phone. Someone wanting to get in calls a kibbutznik and that kibbutznik would dial the code number.

Our kibbutz doesn't do it that way.

What it means for me is preparing myself by picking some lemon grass for tea, bringing along something to munch on and then watching TV or talking to my kids while operating the push button.

But yeah - this is supposed to be a security measure. The usual gang of dangers - thieves, pillagers and terrorists all are on the list of no entrance.

If i see anything in any way suspicious, i'll call the Kibbutz security people.

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