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What are you doing this weekend?

Posted: March 17th, 2006, 6:13 pm
by singlemalt
I'm going to the dentist and getting my hair cut.

Beat that!

Posted: March 17th, 2006, 6:53 pm
by stilltrucking
That is a dam good question jim. I am glad you asked it. No sarcasm. I am thinking that I have to store up some more happy memories. I been living on past pleasures too long. I am hoping to spend as much time outdoors this week end as I can. The weather is so perfect these days. Spring here is so fleeting.

Posted: March 17th, 2006, 11:26 pm
by knip
drinking green beer in deadwood, south dakota tonight

driving bighorn mountains and drinking more beer in jackson wyoming tomorrow night

visitng craters of the moon and locking myself away in a cabin in the mountains in salmon idaho sunday night

Posted: March 18th, 2006, 7:38 pm
by Arcadia
well here weekends starts friday afternoon, so almost half of it is already over:

. went to my second day french class and I already know the difference between poisson and poison... wow!
. drank beer and taaaalked with some friends
. went to the dojo (I´m thinking to propose 40' of zazen instead of 1 hour 20´...but I don´t know...)
. eat with my family
. siesta and clean the departamento
. go to a folk peña with some friends
. tomorrow also a day outdoors, beautiful pre-autumn weather.
. and at some uncertain moment to do school work

Posted: March 19th, 2006, 5:47 pm
by ButtercupNutSwirlz
Fuck all...and gee it's sweet. Going outside right now to ponder around my yard and soak up the oh so glorious sunly rays.

Posted: March 20th, 2006, 6:52 pm
by Glorious Amok
it's the closing weekend of URINETOWN!!! ... Urinetown/

so i guess i'll be tearing down the set that my best friend designed, and which i helped build and did all the scenic painting. it's basically a big sewer system, but lit like a city at night. think Gotham, only underground. and it's painted in the green/black spectrum instead of blue-blacks. and then it also has this very Art Deco, Hudsucker Proxy feel, and très Brechtian.

so yeah, we'll get splashed and rip it all apart this weekend.