clever musings on the baby new year...

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clever musings on the baby new year...

Post by izeveryboyin » January 4th, 2007, 1:14 am

So far 2007's been pretty cool. No snow. Warm weather. Pretty bitches in short skirts. And my Chocolate continues to light up my life with joy, it really does. I've watched a lot of America's Next Top Model re-runs on VH1 and have come to the conclusion that watching women fight over ANYTHING, right down to a bag of chips is hilarious, and makes for really solid TV. Haha. "Solid." I have a boyfirend and a baby on the way, but it doesn't seem real. Perhaps this is all one of those really freaky Alice In Wonderland dreams and Grace Slick is about to come out and start singing "Somebody to Love". One can only hope. I started this year off with 50 bucks in my pocket and a shitload of Tostidos and dip. My best friend Thom and I popped off the spakling white grape juice at a little after midnight and then we watched Garden State, and fell asleep. Quiet. Simple. Perfect. I would like to spend 2007 having lots more sex, money and classy hookers at my beck and call. But I'll take two out of three b/c I'm not greedy. Also, I plan on doing the samba on every train platform in Chicago, and spreading that infectious boogie on to scores of CTA commuters everywhere. I mean what can I say? I love the nightlife.

sometimes I just like to breathe.

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Post by stilltrucking » January 4th, 2007, 1:05 pm

that's all that matters

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Post by izeveryboyin » January 4th, 2007, 6:53 pm

what's all that matters? that i love the nightlife?

sometimes I just like to breathe.

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Post by stilltrucking » January 4th, 2007, 7:08 pm

I can't dance
glad somebody is

dance every chance

all that matters
happy simple
fifty bucks
a boy friend
a baby
that's all that matters

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Post by izeveryboyin » January 4th, 2007, 10:34 pm

i hope you're right!


p.s everyone can dance, it's just a matter of how well.
sometimes I just like to breathe.

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Post by tarbaby » January 5th, 2007, 10:22 am

I am so scared for you, and happy too.

I would rather tell you nothing than tell you wrong. I been dancing my spasmodic way around my crib this morning. To this song by Johnny Cash.

Goin' By The Book

this sock puppet profile goes back to Atascadera CA 1976
Used to be my CB radio handle
People would call me Burrhead
Must have been my baltimore accent

very desperate scared for my baby sister
medical melodram tragi/comedy with health care providers, I can't believe how calm she is, she only called once in tears this week.
desperate for sisters
the last thing I want to do is offend you.
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Post by stilltrucking » January 5th, 2007, 10:36 am

Thinking about my sister when her son was born.
My sister in law said to me, "I am glad Elke had a son."

I been wondering about that remark for a long time.

It cheers me up to know how many sisters you have here. I wish they would say something. I am worried my B*head remark was offensive. I did not take it as an insult. I never had no use for CB rambos, those guys that think they can hide behind their anonymity and create hate and discontent.

I really loved those uncle remus stories, are they racist? am I that unconscious?

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Post by stilltrucking » January 5th, 2007, 10:41 am

Aw shit I found a whole page of google articles on the racism in "uncle"
I was hoping it was not
It was called a gentile racism at best.
too bad, the stories made a lot of sense to me as a child.
I never thought about him except as a wise old man.

Ritterhouse, Jennifer Lynn "Brer Rabbit, Uncle Remus, and the 'Cornfield Journalist': The Tale of Joel Chandler Harris (review)"
Southern Cultures - Volume 8, Number 4, Winter 2002, pp. 94-96
The University of North Carolina Press


In 1975 critic Robert A. Bone surveyed two decades of scholarship to find that charges of racism had put Joel Chandler Harris "in bad odor among the younger generation of literary men." But to most readers and even many scholars today, Harris is not only odorless but invisible—forgotten, ignored. Walter M. Brasch discovered this when he mentioned Harris and his Uncle Remus stories in passing to an upper-level college journalism class. "Who?" asked one brave soul, while the rest simply jotted down the unfamiliar name in their notebooks. Brer Rabbit, Uncle Remus, and the 'Cornfield Journalist' is Brasch's response to this student's question. It is also a comprehensive biography of Harris that presents a wide array of source material and offers the most extensive account of Harris's (and Brer Rabbit's) long-term influence in American popular culture to date. Writing primarily to reintroduce Harris to a new generation of readers, Brasch restores Harris's name in another sense: by ably demonstrating what a "web of contradictions" this late nineteenth-century...

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Post by diesel dyke » January 5th, 2007, 11:32 am

this handle goes back to that other board I used to post too, it offended someone
she could not believe I was so stoopid I did not see what a harmful stereotype it was.

was a sad day for me
she was a friend in need to me
not that I probably did not have it coming
I used to post some silly shit

I finally convinced her that i was that stoopid
the one woman on that other board we used to post too.

she finally seemed to think it might be helpful
I hope she was right

a kind voice to me when I was hurting
who never flammed me
when I was being crucified on the group mind

well anyway
I was thinking about
that book I picked up and thinking how lost I was when you and mousey1 seemed to be having an arguement about "bad hair days"

I picked up a copy of colored girls who have contemplated suicide
Not that that book has anything to do with it.
There is a quote from an anthropology proffessor
"the proper study of mankind is man"
Men are so boring
I will never understand some of the things one woman says to another, maybe it is because women are better at thinking with their enteric brains then me.

lordy i have screwed this edit up
good luck trying to read it
fix it later

From something judih said to me in a PM, i let it go, like something I was never going to get, just a chick thing, nothing wrong with chick things, I could never consider myself a male feminist, not in good conscious. If I try real hard I may be a proto-feminist which is about the best a nowombman can do in this best of all spatio temporal world about us.

I spent so much time talking about feminism when she was in her teens, a long time before I heard the whole story.

I watch how her heart goes out to girls. So haunted for so long by her mother's death, crazy mike she forgave years ago, stood at his grave and said "Rest in peace"

what would have been the effect of all the mourning she had never done for her mother, the forgiveness she searched for for so long on a daughter have been I wonder,

more mindless editing above
"We are made to be immortal, and yet we die. It's horrible, it can't be taken seriously. —ianeskimo"

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