Major Minor Madcap Mayhem Word Jam

May 2005
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Post by stilltrucking » May 28th, 2005, 1:51 am

no man, i usually start late
wait did i stumble into da room
before the vroom the revving of engines
pacing at the gate before the starting gun?
dis be da place
is its own reward!
just jumping on in at page one
twenty nine pages behind.
revving of engines a fever to roll
take it as far as you possibly can
I never understood those drivers that never disobeyed. Following the rules could mean drive when you are sleepy, sleep while you are wide awake.

roll on big mama
I got to run, I thought I heard wedding bells

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Post by Doreen Peri » May 28th, 2005, 3:33 am

It's difficult living on the other side of the planet.
How can anyone get timing to coincide when day is
night and night is day depending how you look at it
and the way the world turns upside down on an axis
in rotating wonder and all of the mystery equations
of possibilities are altered by balance and view?
People put on shoes in the morning, true,
take them off at night. People brush their
teeth at various selected hours after eating but how do
you coincide brushing with meals when your breakfast
is my nightdream, your lunch is my awakening, my dinner
is your sleeping, my brunch is your work? Timing is
everything, everything is timed, they say, whoever they
are time and time again but when then becomes now,
when when happens again and again, when questions
of where and why twist storylines with varied scenes,
not one of us comprehending what the other means,
well then, what can you do but go to sleep? What can
you do but keep the ideas another spewed inside of you
like the possibility of a song yet to come? What can you do
when you're not as young as a day yet older than a moment,
insistent upon the connection of hemispheres, stratospheres,
clear decisions? I don't know what to do when voices echo
vacantly from distant seas, from perhaps and naught! I do not
know how to tend to eclipses. I may one day learn. It is what
I ought to do.

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Post by stilltrucking » May 28th, 2005, 5:17 am

space ship earth passes through another day and Jimboloco and Hester another year older. "And old trees just grow stronger, and old rivers just run wilder every day." I sit here at four in the morning taking a break from the phones, eating a left over birthday muffin, and sleep is still two hours a way,

mysterious equations set on the page artisticaly like a poem,

the square root of negative one I am, and you, irrational world swirls around us, while governments wage rational wars for reasons that change day to day, and every one tells me "all christians are not like that" and I say, yes yes, I know. It is only the christians That I KNOW UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL that can hate freedom so much, pull their little security blankies of lies up under there chinny chin chins and sleep the peace of the righteous. Until the conversion of the Jews, they look for signs, just like the good book says, but then a thief comes in the night and their money is worthless, so they buy a new car, cause it means job security and a rebate. Doreen I am a somnombulant typist, I swear I am writthing this with my eyes wide open if a little bleary and worse for wear, my mind is fried, but the rent is due and I run out of the pills that make me so smart, but I got one more avocado and they won't get me down. Thirteen minutes until my next shift. got to go.

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Post by judih » May 28th, 2005, 5:55 am

it's now
all over the world

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Post by stilltrucking » May 28th, 2005, 7:11 am

In between phone calls from desperate insomniacs in the american night where children starve on christmass day, I been typing away in my sleep. Sick people calling for miracles cures, my best call from an old man hes born on april seventh nineteen hundred and twenyt one, he wants to enter his name in the drawing for a free powered wheel chair, I can hear the defeat in his voice he can hardly utter the word wheel chair. I give him a hand, I call it a something else, the model m-20 powered chair, his tone improves, he can't remember his phone number. I cheerfully say "not a problem" lets go without and see what happens. We end the call on a positive note. More hip old old women then men call in, I suppose old women more important to the survival of our species than old old men. All is well, here comes my mindless somnombulant ramble from the last twou hours, storm coming through got to shut down. My huckleberry friend


Beat, artists and musicians and poets, and comprehension fails, aphasia settles in, words march across the screen on to nebulous meanings between the lines, being beat is next best thing to oblivion, listening for the sound of words echoing across the horizon around the world across the seas, and arrive on a beach near a desert in the near east, we settle down for the siege, the last days are here the believers believe, so they make their self full filling prophecies more bang for the buck, wonderful weapons western technologies return to the east, what is a military secrete do we ever arm ourselves with out arming our enemies, and love the sinner not the sin, the media the message, meanwhile you all speak of miles, and dizzy and byrd, I wouldn’t know, dead silence with your tunes but I know time, which is a melody, and I can hear it silently ticking, and illusion of life, a kid wanders alley ways littered with dead rats with maggots. The ship sails on, the band plays on, nearer my god to thee. Rapture my ass, doctor my seared lungs, it has come and gone, the meek have iheirited the earth, listen to the music, listen, listen. Silence the tappy tap of fingers on the focus of my field of visual sensation the computer screen in front of me fades in and out, micro bursts of sleep, like a truckers nightmare of falling asleep at the wheel, wake from narcoleptic moment it all becomes real, the sound of the engine the night passes at seventy miles and hour, the truck roars on with no mind in control, pretty much all this is now random firings of a semiconscious typist waiting expectantly for intention, does this mean anything, a trick of the light bouncing photons strike the retina, man I am sure glad I don’t have to read this shit, all I got to do is keep my nose from hitting the keyboard, the night passes any moment the phone will ring and startle me. She had another daughter, I thought I saw her once maybe twenty years ago hitch hiking near Phar Left Texas. Atascadero the kid is cranky, we vie for her mother’s attention whinny kid gets on my nerves, I yell scream at her to shut up, she cries, I die inside. She is an adult now, what does she remember about me. Plenty I bet, did her grandmother go to her grave cursing my name. She dances for her father in her underwear, I am annoyed, what’s the matter, thunder a storm is calling I have head phones, maybe lightning will strike and burn a whole through this brain of mine. She doing a dance of childhood innocence, why did it bother me. Why because that kid could see right through me. I dare you to make sense of that. Let me explain realtime I am waiting for another jphone call in dream time I am thinking of a living room in Wheaton Maryland thirty three years ago. Done all I got to do is post this, the last post I remember was dp and mine, where is the jam now, in anyway does this relate.

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Post by mousey1 » May 28th, 2005, 10:19 am

It all relates

Sleepy-time minds
make sense
don't rhyme just flow
see where it goes
and a ramble is worth
a thousand pictures

sometimes I just want to read and write
close the door on life
and bide my time

thoughts wander in and out
looking for a friend

they come up

I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by judih » May 28th, 2005, 10:31 am

i opened an empty bottle
poured its contents into my mouth
and bubbled with giggles

my friends have arrived
disguised as invisible cheer
well, they're here!

(or am i imagining? and does it matter?)

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Post by whimsicaldeb » May 28th, 2005, 10:54 am

i peeked in because everyone else, but the birds, are still asleep in my home

and it's given me a chance to catch up on my reading

seems congrat are in order to a special two (HEYYEAH!)

... and someone else needs a hug

and another, is bubbling over

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Post by judih » May 28th, 2005, 11:03 am

i'm jammed
words falling out of my elbows
no rhymes (this time)

smashed against a corner
feet pigeon-toed
wings clipped
no flight (too tight)

thought i heard a song
but no --
water dripped without reason
i'm swimming against the tide

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Post by Arcadia » May 28th, 2005, 11:12 am

dawn and midday bubbles here
some wind from the window
the top of the buildings and the trees
tangencial autumn morning light
(the world is still around)
do you only read the inferno & the purgatorio?
(my italian literature professor said last thursday)
and he began to talk
about light, music & smile
he´s right
we can only talk
about Paolo, Francesca, Farinata & Borges.
so what?

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Post by Arcadia » May 28th, 2005, 11:40 am

no more bubbles now
midday rules
until I finish lunch
(I have to choose another cap and go outside)

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Post by mousey1 » May 28th, 2005, 11:45 am

You're imagining
but it doesn't matter

An empty bottle
is waiting to be filled

ah yes

there'll be bubbles

and giggles



when the bottle






oh my!
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by stilltrucking » May 28th, 2005, 12:06 pm

saturday morning going fast,
it was about six when the storm came through
is the world still fresh outside?
a spring break in south texas heat
I sit and listen to the whir of the AC
shower dripping wet,
I read it through now I can't remember much
did I mention Hester's birth day muffin?
just before I shut my weary eyes I listen to ten minutes of light orchestral music. Slept fast, but still eyes bleary,

Morning fading fast, dewy freshness of sudden storm has burned off, sun nearly straight above, And I got not time to explore the middle part of this jam, the light from this screen is blinding, I need green text against a black back ground. I look at all of your names, and think angel headed sisters

Lets have some music shall we.

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Post by Lightning Rod » May 28th, 2005, 12:10 pm

Bubble Memories

I was a preteen in Abilene
my parents brewed beer
they used giant coca-cola bottles
thick as my English professor's glasses
to put it up. A press to put the caps on.

It's hot in Abilene.
I can remember summer nights
sitting watching TV
when suddenly from the kitchen pantry
we would hear BOOM!

The bubbly in the beer
had exploded the thick glass bottle
Those are some serious bubbles
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

The Poet's Eye

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Post by judih » May 28th, 2005, 12:38 pm

kitchen memories

counters filled with farmer's market
bouquets of dill

mason jars
and a hum of making pickles
orders piled up
all who know taste
want this latest batch

kitchen dad
whirling with vinegar style
crunch in our future

bill's dills


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