hamass' endgame

What in the world is going on?
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Post by one of those jerks » January 10th, 2009, 11:06 pm

i believe in israel's war, fuck it.
You crack me up jim.

I imagine you sitting at a table with a big map with toy soldiers.

Must be a PTSD thinkg maybe.

You go into military mind think.

Jesus H Christz
I think chess is ore fun.

I don't know what the answer to the problem is. I just don't know. I don't what is wrong with me. I can nt decide who is righ and who is wrong.

Seems like the Palestinians are suffering more.

For all Israel's embrace of our waco religous right they don't seem too interested in loving their enemies?

What you think?
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Post by mtmynd » January 11th, 2009, 2:59 pm

A profound reply, truck. You raise many good questions that rightfully should be addressed in a humane and respectful manner. And that is quite possibly the main problem with all the destruction and killing in the region - a loss of respect and humane behavior on both sides. Quite likely due to the deadly, (but childish), behavior of Hamas and their retaliators... the governments at war at the cost of the people. That's what never changes... two governments disputing something that neither wants to resolve without deadly battle, the people be damned. Nothing humane about a government when 'it' adopts that attitude.
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Post by one of those jerks » January 11th, 2009, 7:09 pm

Cecil I don't know if I was respectful or not.
jimbo a lot saner than me I think
He is no wack job.

I am a quaker quack
a pacifist jew
I am an idiot

jimbo wrote
yes an why did God let the radio leftie call me a "wack" when i suggested an alternative to all-out war or satyagraha, that israel could occupy the unguarded areas of Gaza and establish "hamas free zones" with medical and nutritional aide. Guess cause Gad loved whackos too. the only other option I can come up with is tit for tat, which is not what jesus preached. an israeli airstrike for every hamas missile. no more, no less.
pissed me off
jimbo no wack drive
he is a national treasure.

I don't what to say when he gets all rational
about how to solve the problem.

This is all about Gods chosen people
living on Biblical land
how rational is that?

I only think of j caught in the middle of all the madness

She has more faith in military solutions than I do.

I can only hope she is right and I am wrong.

All I can do is listen to rock and roll while Jerry Garcia's guitar gently weeps

"I don't trust in nothing
but I know it come out right"

I just want be playing in that number when the band of saints goes marching in.
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Post by hester_prynne » January 12th, 2009, 12:39 am

Okay so my heritage is a bunch of drunks and a few who actually died from passion inflicted gunshots. We the offspring sprang from the temporary joy of the drink infused merrimaking that never thought too far ahead, or about results of action. Many in my heritage have gone on as before, and a few have lived the tortuous lives of inherited karma and of sorting out the nebulous woundings manifest in sensitivity, trying to do something different having "won?" some insight.

As far as the middle east, from what I can tell, given the unworthy sources of information we have to go on, the only thing that makes sense to me is that when the elections in Israel are over, the war (which has never really ended and where it started, who knows really,) will go back to being as it was before, never ended, just less visible.
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Post by one of those jerks » January 12th, 2009, 8:42 am

How many people of your heritage, your family fell victim to genocide in your lifetime? How many of them just ceased to exist. Never to be heard from again?

Sorry to bring that up but a lot of the people in Israel are survivors or the children of holocaust survivors. From what I read last week the Israeli's support this war by a wide margin.
That is why I also think the election is related to the violence. Also the macho patriarchal mind set.

Israel must be seen as tough. Any attempt to negotiate or talk to their enemies is seen as weakness.

Yes talk softly and carry a F-16. Latest scuttlebutt is the use of incendiary weapons.

What do I know
I am thousands of miles away
. Only .02 percent of the world population are Jews. Seems like we have been such a problem beyond our numbers. I wonder if it is because of Christ.

Was Nietzsche an anti-Semite? He called the Jews a priestly people full of resentment. And we have inflicted a slave morality on the world through Christianity.

Everything coming up roses for Tehran.
Let's not forget where Hamas gets its marching orders from.

I have heard that George W Bush might visit Tehran after he leaves office. They want to award him a heckuva job medal for his efforts on their behalf.

Jimbo do you remember Cindy Shehan?
And her rap against Israel?

"Get Israel out of Palestine"

that always got big cheers at her rallies.

Yes lefties, got to love them.

I am nothing if not rational.

Not to worry
God is on our side,
fuck it
God is on every bodies side.

I have heard somewhere that God used to have a wife, but he would come home drunk and beat the shit out of her so she left him. Poor god he ain't had no pussy since he laid that teen age Jewish virgin. Could it be sexual frustration on God's part.

My god is a mighty smitey god
a real man's man
tough as nails
Don't tread oh his cape

Took a Friend at a Quaker meeting to make me realize what the Jews were chosen for.

My people have been road kill on the road to Damascus.

I am very sick
I probably should delete this post
IS there anyone I have not offended with it.
I should be more respectful.

If it is any consolation to my christian friends I will probably burn in hell for it. Unless god has a sense of humor. Then I might get a gig in heaven yet. Maybe even see lenny bruce there.

I am going to delete this.

stilltrucking et al.
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Post by jimboloco » January 12th, 2009, 11:28 am

[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by one of those jerks » January 12th, 2009, 2:17 pm

I wish I was a tough like Charles Krauthammer. This guy makes Rambo look like a wimp. I wish I had his moral clarity

End Game In Gaza
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Post by hester_prynne » January 12th, 2009, 11:06 pm

"Sorry to bring that up but a lot of the people in Israel are survivors or the children of holocaust survivors. From what I read last week the Israeli's support this war by a wide margin.
That is why I also think the election is related to the violence. Also the macho patriarchal mind set.
Israel must be seen as tough. Any attempt to negotiate or talk to their enemies is seen as weakness..."

Just because I'm not a big fan of this war does not mean that i've taken sides or something. I don't really see things as sides, as right sides, wrong sides, whatever. I DO NOT LIKE WAR and it scares the hell out of me and it makes it very clear to me, what is going on in the middle east right now, it makes it totally 20/20 with me that the ones who suffer in wars are the innocent...those babies dying, being wounded, civilians, shot like nothings, that's us my friend, you and me, but for the grace of God there go you and me, and so I don't like it, the war, wars are but omens of what most of us really are, pawns in a misguided craziness game.
The people who think they have some right to do this are wrong, war never solves anything, brute force is ridiculous and stupid, it kills the innocents, those who maybe want to move on, and try to grow into something good despite the horrendous realities, some way worse than others yes, even terrible, but wars never solve anything, they just kill innocent people like you and me, most who personally have nothing to do with it really, folks living in the moment, who are here on earth to grow, to be alive, to learn and to love one another. Yeah, call me stupid, but I can see the writing on the wall, when those bombs start coming here it's gonna be you and me, dying and suffering for a small circle of friends like Bush and Cheney who think they are in charge and doing something meaningful. Do you even know how close it's come this past eight years??????????
Do you think you are somehow separate from this reality, that you can pontificate about the past as if it ever gives any war a validity? Don't get me started.....
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Post by one of those jerks » January 13th, 2009, 2:26 am

Do you even know how close it's come this past eight years??????????
How close to what? A terrorist attack?
Well we were kept safe for eight years, if you start counting from September 12 2001. They say Bush done a heckuva good job protecting us. Do you believe that?

Do you ever think about how close death is? Nothing sexy, just plain old mundane day-to-day death? Do you ever think about how many close calls you have everyday?

I am a coward, my mortuary bill is huge, I owe for nine hundred and sixty five deaths so far.

I think about traffic accidents, I try to keep my mind on my driving. I have seen my death many times at a four way stop sign that I sail through with out looking, or a red light I run through carelessness.

I imagine the impact the twisting tearing metal, the searing pain, and the smell of gasoline. I have had nightmares about children running in front of my truck. I don't see them because they are so small; all I can do is wake up before I run over one of them.

I live no more than a football field length from the train tracks. I love to watch those tankers go by. Chlorine and Bromine. Nasty stuff. I think about how easy it would be to put a sticky bomb on them. I think about being in my bed when the greenish yellow fog rolls in.

We got the border 150 miles from here and there is a war going on it.
All those drugs coming across what else is coming in? But I keep hearing Bush kept us safe for eight years. I am very grateful.

Not sure I see your point Hester.
But that is okay.

I am not much of a writer. I know that. I am just compulsive about it. I have no idea what you think I am saying here. You must see it better than me. I have some sort of aphasia maybe. I just write this stuff you can't expect me to read it too, can you?
I am the bear in the old Pogo comic strip, the one that could write but not read.

But mostly I worry about Obama's death. I never thought he would get elected that is how much faith I have left.

Now I pray for his safety. White folks seem to have a great fascination with JFK murder conspiracy theories, thousands of books written about it, movies millions of words. White folks don't spend much time thinking about who really killed MLK and why. It is all cut and dried for white folks. But I wonder if it had any thing to do with MLK coming out against the Vietnam war. No I have not seen the Oliver Stone movie JFK. I am paranoid on my own; don't need any HO Wood stories to stimulate me.

I think about what Obama is up against and just how much he will be allowed to change.

They say the first four or five years of a child's life shape his personality. I grew up among loving adults and one crazy father. There was a war going on, family members were disappearing into gruesome deaths, I knew none of this, I just picked up on the fear as we sat in our front room and listened to the news in Yiddish and saw the fear in their faces. And every Israeli soldier takes the oath at Masada I have heard.

Well I suppose I have pontificated enough for one morning. I was thinking about becoming a priest. Might as well be one after living that life for 29 years. The Magician of Lublin got nothing on me. I wish I was stoned and "a pilgrim and a prophet" just go round me Hester

I think about the children that are about 13 or 14 years old now. How many times did they see the pictures of the bodies falling from the world trade center when they were little kids? I have no idea what the world looks like to them.

I think about j and her kids, the ones she teaches, how many times have they heard those sirens go off.

I think I think I think
When I should be drinking.

Love peace and taco grease.
I am done with this puppet I think

As far as I am concerned the war is over

it is peace time
and my peace dividend check is in the mail.

I think could use a small vacation, I might go to Gaza lay on the beach and soak up some rays.

I sure hope I have not offended god or anyone else.

just go round me
ignore me
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Post by hester_prynne » January 13th, 2009, 3:03 am

I don't know what I'm talking about either. Hard to really make sense of feelings this big.
I didn't mean to sound insulting or anything when I used the word pontificate, I just get tired of the "reasons" people have for when it comes to warring. There's no reason good enough for war is what I meant, Israel and Hamas included. It just breaks my heart, the fallout of human life.
I hope you aren't mad at me.
That would break my heart too. I guess my dander got up when you said that about the holocaust. I think that the holocaust was beyond horrible. I think this war is too. Sometimes I feel like if I'm not all for what Israel is doing then people think I don't care about the holocaust.
I'm just not for any wars at all. They piss me off and scare me. That's all I was trying to say.
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Post by one of those jerks » January 13th, 2009, 3:35 am

There was not just one holocaust, the world has tried to rid itself of Jews for a long time. But we are the cockroaches of the human race. You just can't get rid of us.

I think about Rwanda as much as I do the holocaust. Nine hundred thousand people in less than a month. And without German Technology. Just old fashioned death with machettes and axes and sticks and stones. I am impressed.

Not sure if acid was a blessing or a curse, it helped me but it also left me naked.

I can understand it hester , I can see it in myself. I got a hell of a beam in my eye.

I am going to listen to you sing.

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Post by one of those jerks » January 13th, 2009, 9:40 am

"If you want to make peace, you don't talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies."
Moshe Dayan
Sorry General you are wrong. Israel can not talk to Hamas because it might appear to be weakness. That is what the Israeli people believe now, how do they know that? Simple, their politicians tell them so.
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Post by jimboloco » January 13th, 2009, 11:27 am

this is hamass' end game
any ham ass should know this
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
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Post by one of those jerks » January 13th, 2009, 11:36 am

Plenty of asses on both sides.
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Post by what me worry? » January 13th, 2009, 12:16 pm

i'd ruther be half-assed
than a complete ass
[color=brown]I'm not a complete idiot! :roll: There's more than one way not to skin a cat :)[/color]

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