Divide & Conquer

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Divide & Conquer

Post by Doreen Peri » October 31st, 2010, 11:35 pm

I don't know who's in charge. I don't know who the advertising con men are. But the whole situation is about divide and conquer. Someone.... some people... the elite, the wealthy, the controllers of real estate and resources, maybe... sho knows?.... somebody! some group(s) of people... this is their plan. Divide & conquer. It's worked throughout history.

For instance, the Tea Party people are being conned to believe Muslims and Mexicans and anybody who doesn't think like them or look like them, socialists and people of color, gays and lesbians, immigrants, anybody and everybody... they're all their enemies.

The Liberals and Democrats are being conned to believe the Tea Party and right wingnuts want to stop progress and steal our rights to various programs like social security and spy on the American people and take away our rights to have healthcare, and of course, they're being conned to think that they are hated.

Everybody's being conned to think everybody else hates them and we're all being dumbed down and many high school graduates don't even know the history of the United States let alone very much about world history and we're all being fed sound bytes and so-called news which isn't news, it's editorial opinion not based on facts but based on division.

Maybe I'm paranoid, do you think? But I think even the economy going belly-up is part of the con. If people are pre-occupied with losing their homes to foreclosure, losing their jobs, being depressed and worried all the time about where their next dollar is coming from, where their next meal is coming from, then guess what? They can't pay very much attention to the mind control con games going on, right? So, the wall street collapse and the bailout money and the so-called recession which is really a depression.... well, maybe it was deliberately planned... just to distract us, just to get us pissed off and worried and upset because if we lose our jobs, we lose our healthcare and if we don't have jobs, we don't have homes, and we can't pay for education, and if we don't have healthcare and get sick we can die and so all this shit is constantly on our minds, while the dumbing down and the con game of divide and conquer continues right under our noses but we can't see it because everybody is being played like a piano. We're all being rooked, and misled.

The whole thing is a con game. We're all being conned. Everybody's being conned to believe that everybody else is the enemy. What's the difference of the names? Terrorists, communists, socialists, your next door neighbor, the tea party, the republican party, the democratic party, the left wingers, the right wingers, the churches, the radicals, the atheists, the muslims, the terrorists, swine flu, who knows what all, whatever! It's all about fear.... everybody is being played and being told that everyone else is suspect while it's just a big huge con game magic trick. A hoax called Divide & conquer.

Who's running the show that's what I'd like to know?

Who's ready to take over?

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Re: Divide & Conquer

Post by mtmynd » October 31st, 2010, 11:50 pm

in the end the truth shall prevail... it always has and always will.
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Re: Divide & Conquer

Post by Doreen Peri » November 1st, 2010, 12:00 am

Oh OK well then, that explains it.

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Re: Divide & Conquer

Post by mtmynd » November 1st, 2010, 1:21 am

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Re: Divide & Conquer

Post by Doreen Peri » November 1st, 2010, 9:35 am


So do you agree with me that it's some type of deliberate hoax, some people (group, entity) is deliberately trying to divide the country.... divide & conquer?

Or do you think I've gone completely off the deep end and I'm a total paranoid whack?

Just wondering.


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Re: Divide & Conquer

Post by stilltrucking » November 1st, 2010, 10:04 am

Yes the truth always comes out after it does not matter any more.

So now we know the truth about the Lusitania, the war in Vietnam
and the war in Iraq.
Who's running the show that's what I'd like to know?

Have you ever read The Siren's of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut? He explains it. 8)

http://www.amazon.com/Sirens-Titan-S-F- ... 1857988841

Truthfully I don't know Doreen. You ask some good questions, a very nice write.

I wonder if the con men are being conned too.

"Nothing wrong with being paranoid, if you are paranoid" Head Burner? on litkicks a long time ago.

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Re: Divide & Conquer

Post by Lightning Rod » November 1st, 2010, 11:35 am


Since you invited psychoanalysis, my observation is that, yes, you are paranoid, But even a broken clock is right twice a day and what you are expressing is not necessarily your own individual paranoia but the collective paranoia being felt and expressed at large in our country. Everyone is bewildered. Everybody imagines conspiracies between forces beyond their control, unseen hands at work, grand evil designs.

This is the United States of I Can't Stand It Anymore. What we can't stand is the uncertainty that comes with change. The world is shifting under our very feet. Forces are at work that are larger than countries, religions, corporations, political parties and certainly larger than we can comprehend. Is there some evil genius behind it all? I doubt it. Unless you count human greed and insecurity. It's just that the rate of acceleration in our world in terms of technology and communications and transportation leaves us giddy and punch-drunk.

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Re: Divide & Conquer

Post by mtmynd » November 1st, 2010, 12:29 pm

When we feel as if we have no control over our lives we are tapping into an area that is the result of "forces beyond (our) control, unseen hands at work, grand (evil) designs," as eLRod so well put it.

I know the vast majority 'poo-poo' the idea of astrology but again, I'm reminded of the recent post I had put up regarding that earlier astrological piece where the interpreter stated "it is likely that your life will not be the same by fall 2010!"

Along with several other ideas regarding the alignment (forces beyond our control, unseen hands at work, grand designs), this period of time for all of us is not of the ordinary by any means. This is very apparent within our political system (now clearly divided into (3) choices with the TP'ers making inroads), our financial system (include the mortgage mess, the banking system which may or may not collapse before it is over with), our general unease at the change that we must all endure (so many voters evidently going Republicans in desperation to the current occurrences, for example), whether for or against the inevitable. Whatever that inevitable conclusion is, is anyone's guess at this point. I'm sure there is nobody, and I do mean NO BODY has the answers as to what will happen by years end. It, the times, are that volatile, that unsureness that seems to keep all of us guessing.

I, myself, will cast my vote tomorrow in hopes that at least some of the Democrats will succeed. But whether or not that happens, I will continue being whatever I am, plodding along as I've always done, fortunate that I have a family that loves me and trusts me to do the same for them. If there is anything more I can do, I'm sure time will uncover what those may be.
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Re: Divide & Conquer

Post by mtmynd » November 1st, 2010, 12:33 pm

JT: "Yes the truth always comes out after it does not matter any more.

So now we know the truth about the Lusitania, the war in Vietnam
and the war in Iraq. "

The Truth is there as it's always been. It's only our minds that keep putting spins on everything, so much so that we end up confusing ourselves, no longer able to distinguish between fact and fiction, truth and lies, greed and contentment... we are the problem that comes between every duality.
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Re: Divide & Conquer

Post by Lightning Rod » November 1st, 2010, 12:54 pm

I don't believe in astrology any more than I believe in god, but I understand that both are methods we use in an attempt to comprehend the incomprehensible. God and astrology are ointments we apply to soothe our uncertainty, to reassure ourselves that on some level, order prevails even when only chaos is evident at first glance. Thus they both embody hope.
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Re: Divide & Conquer

Post by stilltrucking » November 1st, 2010, 1:22 pm

Yes it all in my mind.
Yes we are the problem

I believe in G d, in Astrology, in Freud, truth, justice and the american way, it is just my opinions I am having trouble believing in.

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Re: Divide & Conquer

Post by stilltrucking » November 1st, 2010, 1:33 pm

doreen I am sorry for the multiple replies. I know paranoia, I am crazy jack son of crazy mike, I know paranoia all too well. I think you are the least paranoid person I know on line.

Even those that manipulate our economy maybe be manipulated in ways they are not aware of. I wish I could articulate it better. God I love vonnegut. people put him down as a hack science fiction writer, but the Sirens of Titan was more than that. Maybe the best satire since Voltaire.

Meanwhile we get by as best we can.
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Re: Divide & Conquer

Post by mtmynd » November 1st, 2010, 1:35 pm

"I don't believe in astrology any more than I believe in god"

"Anyone can be a millionaire, but to become a billionaire you need an astrologer." ~John Pierpont Morgan

You do believe that "Everybody imagines conspiracies between forces beyond their control, unseen hands at work, grand evil designs." This would include yourself, would it not?

What we can imagine is often rooted in something tangible in our lives Jules Verne imagined a boat that floated under the seas, a submarine. Had he not been aware of a boat or ship the likelihood of him imagining a submarine would quite likely not be possible. This would also apply to his giant squid... a creature he would have known about prior to making it gigantic.

Imagining conspiracies and forces greater than themselves... imagining grand designs... these are all creations of the mind... which was created by our birth...

You are correct, 'god' is merely a word to symbolize that which answers the unanswerable when no other answers are available. Astrology has an ancient history which has been recognized by every culture's priests, shamans or people of wisdom as a legitimate means of making sense out of the senselessness that is pervasive amongst hu'manity. But, eLRod, as Arthur C. Clarke so well put it - "I don't believe in astrology; I'm a Sagittarius and we're skeptical." :)
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Re: Divide & Conquer

Post by mtmynd » November 1st, 2010, 1:38 pm

JT: "... it is just my opinions I am having trouble believing in."

never trust an opinion to have anything more than an opinion, my friend. it is only fact and truth that transcend opinion.
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Re: Divide & Conquer

Post by stilltrucking » November 1st, 2010, 1:43 pm

it is only fact and truth that transcend opinion.
Yes my facts are transcendental. And from the internet :wink:

And my truth comes from trashy science fiction novels.
I am not sure I can handle the truth Cecil. Every once in a while I catch a glimpse of it, and it is so spookyI turn away. I suppose I was born to follow coward that I am.
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