Units of Empire

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Units of Empire

Post by stilltrucking » June 13th, 2011, 10:47 pm

Cutting and Pasting

“The unit of empire in the classic European empires was the colony. The unit for the American empire is not the colony, it’s the military base… Things that can’t go on forever, don’t. That’s where we are today.”...

"According to the Pentagon, there are approximately 865 US military bases abroad—over 1,000 if new bases in Iraq and Afghanistan are included. The cost? $102 billion annually—and that doesn’t include the costs of the Iraq and Afghanistan bases."...

"In a must-read article in the Bulletin of the Atomic Sciences, anthropologist Hugh Gusterson points out that these bases “constitute 95 percent of all the military bases any country in the world maintains on any other country’s territory.” He notes a “bloated and anachronistic” Cold War-tilt toward Europe, including 227 bases in Germany...."

“It makes as much sense for the Pentagon to hold onto 227 military bases in Germany as it would for the post office to maintain a fleet of horses and buggies,” writes Gusterson...

http://www.thenation.com/blog/161378/ar ... t-security

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Re: Units of Empire

Post by gypsyjoker » June 14th, 2011, 9:15 am

Lately I been thinking a fleet of horse and buggies sounds like a good idea to me.
watching bytes and pieces from the repukelican debate last night on morning tv and interview with the big O.

I had to endure a few seconds of face time with Michelle Buchanan. Another woman that fills feels me with loathing and shame.
with desire and loathing
my adulterous heart
and a pretty face
makes me into a contra dick son
my mind hardly single

in the meantime traitorous republicans in congress do all the can to impede Obama's efforts to get us out of the whole got dam hole they dug for us. do anything to harm the welfare of the people of the united states to win power

yes I am ranting and raving
which used to be the name of a hill billy band
Ranting and Raving.

but I ain't lost my sense of humor
thank goodness

and in the meantime the cost of the war in Libya approaches the one billion dollar mark.
nobody mentions that
because we all want to be on the right side of history
Free Rice
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