She seems to have a pretty good take on Obama

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She seems to have a pretty good take on Obama

Post by stilltrucking » December 10th, 2011, 8:45 pm

Published: December 10, 2011
IT’S probably not wise for a man who had a weepy boy crush on the last Democratic president to threaten to stalk the current one around the country.

But more than anything in his Icarus flight toward the White House, Newt Gingrich seems infatuated with the idea of recreating the seven three-hour Lincoln-Douglas debates with President Obama.

“I will concede in advance that he can use a teleprompter,” Gingrich said at a Republican Jewish Coalition forum here on Wednesday.

The president idolizes Lincoln, but now Newt wants to ape Abe.

Wherever Stephen Douglas went, Gingrich said, “Lincoln would show up one day later. And presently, Douglas began to figure out, the news coverage was always Lincoln’s rebuttal.”

Just so, Gingrich says, if he gets the nomination, he’ll let the White House be his “scheduler.”

“Wherever the president goes, I will show up four hours later,” he vowed. In a rare moment of self-deprecation, Gingrich asked: How does the Harvard Law Review star “look in the mirror and say he’s afraid to debate some guy who taught at West Georgia College?”

A match between Gingrich and Obama would be fascinating: two men who grew up without their hot-tempered, hard-drinking fathers, vying to be the nation’s patriarch.

The Drama Queen versus No Drama Obama. The apocalyptic prophet versus the ambiguous president.

One hot, one cold. One struggles to stop setting fires as the other struggles to get fiery. One who’s always veering out of control, one who’s too tightly controlled. One reining it in, one letting it rip. One tamping down his pugilistic side, the other ramping it up. One channeling Ronald Reagan to seem more genial; the other channeling Harry Truman to have more spine.

One pretending to be a populist when he can’t drag himself out of Tiffany’s; the other pretending to be a populist when he’d like to be at Davos with Jamie Dimon.

Obama is a foul-weather populist and Gingrich is a fair-weather normal guy. Neither is a convincing populist for the 99 percent who crave one, but it would be fun to watch the Hand Grenade take on Cool Hand Luke.

Whereas Obama usually faded away on stage during his primary debates in 2008, Gingrich revived a fading campaign this fall with his confident debate performances against pitiful foes.

Where Gingrich is vesuvian, Obama is spartan. Gingrich spewed a lot of ideas but often lacked the discipline to see them through. Obama has plenty of discipline, but some plans come a cropper because he gives away too much too early to the other side and delegates too much to Congress.

Like Obama, Gingrich loves to give seminars. But Gingrich, unlike Obama, has a talent for the visceral. Often, however, his rhetoric goes off a cliff.

In an interview with The Jewish Channel, Gingrich shrugged off Palestinian statehood with this incendiary blast: “I think that we’ve had an invented Palestinian people, who are in fact Arabs, and were historically part of the Arab community. And they had a chance to go many places.” The Palestinian Authority, he averred, has “an enormous desire to destroy Israel.”

Nutty Newt is dancing a fandango on Mitt Romney’s head even though not a single hair has gone askew. As Michael Steele, the former Republican National Committee chief, so eloquently summed up the Romney free fall on MSNBC, “I don’t care how you cut it, the brother just can’t bake the cake.”

Republicans still seem a bit dazed by Newt’s dizzying rise from the ashes.

Peggy Noonan calls him “a trouble magnet” and “a human hand grenade who walks around with his hand on the pin, saying, ‘Watch this!’ ”

Joe Scarborough, one of the House plotters against Speaker Gingrich back in 1997, quipped, “Let me just say, if Newt Gingrich is the smartest guy in the room, leave that room.”

Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, who was in the House when Gingrich was speaker, told Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday” that he would have a hard time supporting Newt because his leadership was “lacking oftentimes.”

Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina, who worked with Newt in the House, noted, “He’s a guy of 1,000 ideas and the attention span of a 1-year-old.”

Congressman Peter King of New York told CNN’s Erin Burnett that Newt’s “inflammatory” statements, his “erratic” and “self-centered” behavior, and his “Armageddon language” wear people out.

The Gingrich grandiosity was on display, King asserted, when the new frontrunner “compared his wife to Jacqueline Kennedy and Laura Bush and Nancy Reagan.”

King said that because Newt “puts himself at the center of everything,” and because he can’t “stick with a game plan,” Bill Clinton was constantly able to outmaneuver him.

If Newt doesn’t fly into the sun but instead lands in sunny Tampa, Obama should use the Clinton playbook: Make him get a crush on you. Then crush him.

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Re: She seems to have a pretty good take on Obama

Post by mtmynd » December 11th, 2011, 2:13 am

The way it is moving the Newt will have a great rise in popularity thru the first few months of the new year when he'll exhaust his followers by simply talking too damn much. He cannot keep his mouth shut long enough to listen to any response which will frustrate even his most faithful.

This will leave the field for Obama who must continue realizing his own tremendous potential which currently is behooving him thru the demands of other things in his life. He will rise from his ashes in the end, despite the strongest of wishes by his opponents.
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Re: She seems to have a pretty good take on Obama

Post by stilltrucking » December 11th, 2011, 9:50 am

I like Obama, I liked Jack Kennedy too, even though it turns out that I hardly knew him at all.

I try to imagine a President Gingrich. It would be a great time for stand up comedy I think. If I was David Letterman or Jay Leno I would be doing all I could to help elect him. He could be the best thing that ever happened to Saturday Night Live.

I miss Molly Ivins, Maureen is as close as it gets for me these days. I think she likes Obama too, but is not blind to where he is coming up short.

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Re: She seems to have a pretty good take on Obama

Post by mtmynd » December 11th, 2011, 2:37 pm

Re: "I think she likes Obama too, but is not blind to where he is coming up short."

You mean Obama is not perfect? OMG, all this time wasted... nearly 3 years down the friggin' drain because MY PRESIDENT did not fully encapsulate EVERYTHING I had hoped he'd do for ME! That's why I cast my vote for him, dammit! Quick! I must choose between Mitt and Newt... the country cannot wait another moment for their expertise to save us from disaster..!

(sorry, Jack... how many times have we heard over the 3 years of Obama's Presidency similar comments from those who voted for him..??? Boatloads of comments, many not favorable, as if they thru in their life savings in a hopeful bet on this man to cure the weak and enrich the poor in NOT four years, but 2 years! Americans we are a sick bunch, as I've ranted on here, and probably with just cause - we are in an urgent situation as is the rest of the nations of the world... but we are the 'greatest Nation in the world" and we MUST live up to that at any cost!! Unfortunately, the cost of refueling our national ego is at the expense of what once was a wonderful and fruitful middle class... and keep the wealthiest amongst us fat and happy and living in their abundant land of milk and honey).
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Re: She seems to have a pretty good take on Obama

Post by stilltrucking » December 12th, 2011, 6:45 pm

. I am still chewing over what you wrote on your stream.
I read the post by Levi on litkicks about discouragement that you replied to. I liked electric bill's reply.
by Bill_Ectric on Monday, December 12, 2011 12:30 pm
You know the old saying, "If he can't do it, nobody can." This is the way I look at President Obama. I have confidence in him. People are too quick to say they are disappointed in the person they voted for when things don't improve as fast they they want them to. Ask yourself, would the economy be any better if McCain had been elected? Of course not. How could it be? McCain isn't a magician and neither is Obama. What I look for in a president is someone with a combination of intelligence mixed with common sense, good judgment, determination, and the belief that all human beings can someday coexist peacefully. I think Obama fits this description. He may not solve every problem we have, but if he can't, then nobody running against can do any better. Some could, however, do worse.

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Re: She seems to have a pretty good take on Obama

Post by mtmynd » December 13th, 2011, 5:38 pm

I agree with you, JT... Bill wrote a fair and balanced reply here.
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Re: She seems to have a pretty good take on Obama

Post by zero_hero » December 13th, 2011, 10:42 pm

I don't understand anything, it only makes me believe in God. A psychopathic god of the Aztecs.
Yes I am the cowardly lion, I do, I do, I do believe in spooks and The Enemy of Both Sides
Tezcatlipoca was generally considered the most powerful god, the god of night, sorcery and destiny (the name tezcatlipoca means "smoking mirror", or "obsidian"). The Aztecs believed that Tezcatlipoca created war to provide food and drink to the gods. Tezcatlipoca was known by several epithets including "the Enemy" and "the Enemy of Both Sides", which stress his affinity for discord. Tezcatlipoca had the power to forgive sins and to relieve disease, or to release a man from the fate assigned to him by his date of birth; however, nothing in Tezcatlipoca's nature compelled him to do so. He was capricious and often brought about reversals of fortune. To the Aztecs, he was an all-knowing, all-seeing nearly all-powerful god. One of his names can be translated as "He Whose Slaves We Are".

And Levi wants to find common ground between the tea party and the occupy wall street movement.

He must have a better grip on it then I do.

what do I really know about the Tea Party or the Occupy Wall St movement. Only what I read in the papers. Seems to me the Tea Party Movement is an astro turf grass roots movement funded by billionaires for true believers who they are mostly old, comfortably retired, and scared. The Occupy Wall Streeters are mostly young and poor, unemployed, and burdened with college loans.
I am in a black mood, I got nothing good to say tonight I should not say anything.
Sorry, I deleted a long ramble from your stream, something about having a button in the middle of my forehead that people can push to hear a tape recording of my opinions.
Free Rice

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Re: She seems to have a pretty good take on Obama

Post by zero_hero » December 13th, 2011, 10:59 pm

zero_hero wrote:I don't understand anything, it only makes me believe in God. A psychopathic god of the Aztecs.
Yes I am the cowardly lion, I do, I do, I do believe in spooks and The Enemy of Both Sides
Tezcatlipoca was generally considered the most powerful god, the god of night, sorcery and destiny (the name tezcatlipoca means "smoking mirror", or "obsidian"). The Aztecs believed that Tezcatlipoca created war to provide food and drink to the gods. Tezcatlipoca was known by several epithets including "the Enemy" and "the Enemy of Both Sides", which stress his affinity for discord. Tezcatlipoca had the power to forgive sins and to relieve disease, or to release a man from the fate assigned to him by his date of birth; however, nothing in Tezcatlipoca's nature compelled him to do so. He was capricious and often brought about reversals of fortune. To the Aztecs, he was an all-knowing, all-seeing nearly all-powerful god. One of his names can be translated as "He Whose Slaves We Are".
Levi is fair and balanced.
He wants to find common ground between the tea party and the occupy wall street movement.

He must have a better grip on it then I do.

what do I really know about the Tea Party or the Occupy Wall St movement. Only what I read in the papers. Seems to me the Tea Party Movement is an astro turf grass roots movement funded by billionaires for true believers who they are mostly old, comfortably retired, and scared. The Occupy Wall Streeters are mostly young and poor, unemployed, and burdened with college loans.
I am in a black mood, I got nothing good to say tonight I should not say anything.
Sorry, I deleted a long ramble from your stream, something about having a button in the middle of my forehead that people can push to hear a tape recording of my opinions.
Free Rice

"the lesson is... if you want it? keep a copy of it." Doreen Peri


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Re: She seems to have a pretty good take on Obama

Post by zero_hero » December 13th, 2011, 11:00 pm

I don't understand anything, it only makes me believe in God. A psychopathic god of the Aztecs.
Yes I am the cowardly lion, I do, I do, I do believe in spooks and The Enemy of Both Sides
Tezcatlipoca was generally considered the most powerful god, the god of night, sorcery and destiny (the name tezcatlipoca means "smoking mirror", or "obsidian"). The Aztecs believed that Tezcatlipoca created war to provide food and drink to the gods. Tezcatlipoca was known by several epithets including "the Enemy" and "the Enemy of Both Sides", which stress his affinity for discord. Tezcatlipoca had the power to forgive sins and to relieve disease, or to release a man from the fate assigned to him by his date of birth; however, nothing in Tezcatlipoca's nature compelled him to do so. He was capricious and often brought about reversals of fortune. To the Aztecs, he was an all-knowing, all-seeing nearly all-powerful god. One of his names can be translated as "He Whose Slaves We Are".

Levi is fair and balanced.
He wants to find common ground between the tea party and the occupy wall street movement.

He must have a better grip on it then I do.

what do I really know about the Tea Party or the Occupy Wall St movement. Only what I read in the papers. Seems to me the Tea Party Movement is an astro turf grass roots movement funded by billionaires for true believers who they are mostly old, comfortably retired, and scared. The Occupy Wall Streeters are mostly young and poor, unemployed, and burdened with college loans.
I am in a black mood, I got nothing good to say tonight I should not say anything.
Sorry, I deleted a long ramble from your stream, something about having a button in the middle of my forehead that people can push to hear a tape recording of my opinions.
They can push my button then I can push their button and that's the way it goes.
Free Rice

"the lesson is... if you want it? keep a copy of it." Doreen Peri


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