
What in the world is going on?
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Post by Artguy » December 15th, 2011, 10:05 am

It breaks my heart that we, a nation that should and could be a world leader in environmental progress pulled out of the Kyoto protocol. I know I have posted this rant some time ago, but I think it is appropriate now.

thinking about all the music the tv we devour
sows at the trough of profit while war
bargained and waged boxers and the wwf
spewing threats and love to hate with words
running out of round mouths while birds
threatened by this shit and that fly in
swallowed by big round…wait there goes
another new car look at its sex big round firm
silicone and other stuff cured that’s what I am
and saved by some Jewish guy in Palestine
2000 years ago when I can’t even save myself
love to have that one not the small one I want
the big shiny one no not just one I want 2 just
like Pammie Andersons’- use to smoke - damn
cold but not as it use to be you see my big sex
on 4 wheels warmed the sky now the polar
bear’s got a tan…

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one of those jerks
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Re: :(

Post by one of those jerks » December 15th, 2011, 2:09 pm

When I get thirsty I never think about drinking a glass of cool spring water, what I really want is a nice big slurring glass of tar sand oil.

when I try to think past the Buddhist platitudes
I think about G d on a cross

hydrocarbon man
so full of self loathing

sometimes I think about the pharmacist who won't sell plan B birth control pills to a woman because his conscience won't let him. If that don't prove the masculinity of G d I don't know what does.

I suppose that is the downside to being made in Gods image, God must have a conscience too.

I wish I knew
who Jude the obscure was

Yes St Jack was right
Go moan for man
for the sunburned polar bears,

sorry I must be stoned
pardon the ramble and
please pardon the avatar
She is how I visualize G d these days
Everything is GO for me today
No idea what it means
I just woke up feeling like a jerk
She is twice the man I am.

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Re: :(

Post by mtmynd » December 15th, 2011, 2:40 pm

It is said "If you can visual God, it ain't God..."
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Re: :(

Post by one of those jerks » December 15th, 2011, 2:51 pm

I can't even spell it.
But I am not running for elected office so it don't matter
God who leads us into polluted waters that supreme being who chooses who will do his will, who will be the next leader of the free world.
God is the godfather and if you want to be the president you don't have to kiss his ring, just his ass.

I guess I will probably get struck by lightning and burn in hell now for blasphemy and ruining artguy's thread, well that is no more than I deserve for what I have done to this .planet.

Sorry God please forgive me
Oh I am such a wimp.
God always gets the last laugh.
She is twice the man I am.

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Re: :(

Post by mtmynd » December 15th, 2011, 3:22 pm

Sorry God please forgive me
Oh I am such a wimp.
God always gets the last laugh.

You are god's forgiven wimp... you make god laugh. ;)
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Re: :(

Post by Artguy » December 15th, 2011, 3:39 pm

Part of our national anthem is..."the true north strong and free..."
It's only strength is the destruction of the north for profit. It is no longer free to the Inuit who have lived there for upwards of 9,000 years. Now they are slaves of the south, made to adopt our ways in the name of progress and they are chained with addiction and poverty. There have always been good hunting years and bad. Now hunting takes place in the grocery store, with the exception of a few elders. Instead of throat singing now there is texting. Now instead pf perma frost there is soft soil to be mined....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAk!!!!

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Re: :(

Post by mtmynd » December 15th, 2011, 10:54 pm

it's unfortunate that so many native peoples across the globe are losing ground to the Corporate interests that's swallowing up the world's resources to keep the rest of us fat and sassy.

The world is fucked when all we do anymore is try our damnedest to make money to merely survive... and for what? :roll:
Last edited by mtmynd on December 22nd, 2011, 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: :(

Post by stilltrucking » December 17th, 2011, 8:36 am

Kyoto does not bother me as much as the tar sands. I find it hard to believe that Canada could be doing such a thing to our precious water supply. But then I realize it is not really Canada doing it. Right? It is not our fault anymore, it is the corpracracy fault. ?My Bible tells me there is nothing new under the sun. But I do believe corporations are a relatively new form of life that has just evolved within the last hundred years. In the meantime scientists are trying to create life in a lab somewhere. But the lawyers have beat them to it.

But then I think about something you wrote about obscurity, and I can free my mind, free my consciousness, just for a minute my digital on/off brain ceases to flip flop and it just kind of hummmmmmmmms and I have vague notion of what you and Cecil speak of about Zen. But of course the best things can not be said, or so I have heard.

Dualities, yeah like G d on a cross, like a zen-judist loan for me. :?

please pardon typos(one edit so far)
What you bring me over the years cecil are crumbs of zen over the years, bits and pieces like shinny pebbles on my path. I feed your meditations too Kurt, gracias.

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