"Merchants of Doubt"

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"Merchants of Doubt"

Post by still.trucking » March 17th, 2015, 12:18 am

{Cut and Paste}
“I’m not a scientist,” he jokes, flashing a huge, telegenic grin, “but I play one on TV.”

We’re routinely being lied to, by people who are darn good at it.

As Kenner sees it, on any issue, there are typically three groups: true believers; nonbelievers; and the vast, confused middle. It’s not the middle’s fault it’s confused: Kenner blames the Marc Moranos of the world, who are paid to sow not just doubt but fear. (“Fear is a big part of it,” he says.) The media share much of the blame. Kenner singles out newspapers — this one in particular — for his harshest criticism of what he calls their tradition of “false balance”: the insistence on always presenting two sides of an issue, even when there aren’t two.

“I think your paper is far less inclined to show deniers on the op-ed page these days,” he says. “That’s a big change, because they were being published continually. The fact is, that confused people, and that was a big part of the problem.”
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