Carter, the humanitarian

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Carter, the humanitarian

Post by mnaz » August 17th, 2015, 3:57 pm

Just posted this to LK:
I know this will seem like the snickers bar in the punch bowl (or pool), but ... re: Carter:

---"In Cambodia, Jimmy Carter and his national security aide, Zbigniew Brzezinski made an untiring effort to find peaceful solutions by initiating a joint U.S.-Thai operation in 1979 known as Task Force 80 which, for ten years, propped up the notorious Khmer Rouge under the all-purpose banner of anti-Communism. Small wonder present U.S.-originating stories about the Khmer Rouge end abruptly in 1979, says journalist Alexander Cockburn."

(from an article by Mickey Z.)

Now obviously, Carter deserves much praise for his efforts on behalf of humanity, post-White House, but when the record is examined, it would appear that simply being "the leader of the free world" taints everyone who takes the controls. Maybe this will eventually correct itself; maybe it's all been due to one hell of an unusually, absurdly violent and toxic century. Maybe. We'll see.

Steve Plonk
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Re: Carter, the humanitarian

Post by Steve Plonk » August 19th, 2015, 10:13 am

Carter isn't perfect. However, Mickey Z. is "a shill for Reagan". That Thai operation, to tell
the rest of the story, worked with the Vietnamese to eventually get rid of Pol Pot in Cambodia. :)

Public policy at the time officially veered away from Southeast Asia.
They also weren't ready to resume relations with Cuba. It was still the Cold War.

Another thing, If Carter's rescue operation of the Iran hostages had been successful, Carter would have been re-elected instead of Reagan being president. 8)

I greatly admire Jimmy Carter & voted for him twice. 8) :D

For more on Carter see my upcoming column on him in "Life in the Horse Lane".

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Re: Carter, the humanitarian

Post by mnaz » August 19th, 2015, 1:08 pm

I can assure you that Mickey Z is most definitely not a "shill for Reagan." Or for any president or official at the federal level.

Yeah, it was still "the Cold War." And when that burned out, it became "the Global War on Terror." What other global smokescreens/propaganda vehicles will be utilized in the future to justify the endless expansionist, corporate-driven militarism that has been pursued for so long by both major federal parties?

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Re: Carter, the humanitarian

Post by mnaz » August 26th, 2015, 6:42 pm

He didn't publish the comment. Somehow I had a feeling he wouldn't.

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